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KickStarter Darkest Dungeon Pre-Release Thread


Oct 20, 2015
What specifically ARE roguelike elements?

In this case:

You can lose a given playthrough; nothing is carried over between playthroughs*
Randomized elements significantly change the nature of the gameplay each playthrough

DD has confused having some "hard on the player" elements like permadeath for individual units (like an X-com or Fire Emblem, not roguelikes) and no free save/load with Roguelikeishness.

*this generally gets violated in minor ways, like ghosts in Nethack or Crawl

Edit - I'd also add that there's a lot of roguelike cargo-culting going on. Like they randomly give you only a subset of class skills on each character - except they make it trivial to unlock the rest. They give you random advantages/disadvantages, except you can trivially remove disadvantages. There are randomly generated dungeons... except the structure and randomization is so trivial it's just a fig leaf over a SNES JRPG pop-up random encounter system.
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Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Only game on Steam I wish I could refund (far past the calendar and play time milestones, though).


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
OK, I don't give a flying fuck about DD. I started reading this thread because
drama is always fun to read.


Am I the only one who actually bothered to verify Celerity's claims? He IS right, you know? About the review thing, at least. And it's not just him:


So what...? Indie devs are the dindu nuffins of RPG Codex? These maneuvers that Red Hook pulled ARE shady as hell. No two ways about it. If it was Bioware or Bethesda all of you would be :mob: right now.

Celerity: The comparison ppl made between Underrail and Fallout 2 was about core gameplay mechanics. Yes, I know Fallout 2 had a shiton of bugs, the unofficial patch (made by modders, sure) fixes almost a thousand of them. But that's not the point at all.

Underrail is a great game and I've yet to encounter any bugs after playing it for 100 hours. Nobody is asking you to fix anything, man. Linking you to Underrail's website is simply a way of saying "Hey! If RPGs are your thing, you might like this game, dude". Nothing more, nothing less.

About Derpest: That specific thread actually was moved and not locked. That was because they use Feedback and Suggestions as a Trash Bin, where critical threads are not immediately in view of the public. There are plenty of others that WERE deleted or locked or censored around that timeframe, which is why people are so sensitive about it.

Edit: Many of the people responding were even people critical of the game calling the OP out on being wrong. I even did so myself. Rekt Hook didn't censor. THAT time. There was also resident veteran shill Pothocket who always appears and starts shitposting in threads right before they are locked or users are censored.



And those are just the ones we could catch. During that timeframe posts would vanish in the time between seeing them and hitting respond. At all hours of the day and night contentious posts were just gone in under half an hour. This was the work of Cadogan, also known as community manager Ryan Rathegeber, a Rekt Hook employee. At one point I theorized the developers finally got a clue he was hurting their image and fired him, on the grounds that posts quit being soft or hard censored and then a few days later they hired community manager John Lindvay, who formerly conducted an interview with Chris Bourassa a few months before his hiring. I figured they wouldn't need a new community manager if the old one were still there. That was actually false and he censored me very shortly after for mentioning Jim Sterling again, this time permanently. They then carried on for a few days like PTSD victims. That might explain why they think they're living this scene now.


About Underail: All I was saying, even at first was that it was being presented and introduced in exactly the wrong way. Instead of people saying they didn't mean it like that and correcting themselves people started flipping tables. I still don't really know what Fallout 2's core game mechanics are, so that's still a meaningless correlation even if it is not a negative one. I can't exactly investigate now because I think it's obvious where my detective work is going. It's doing work - Reddit is full of people calling out that lying shill now who furiously backpedalled, and even the people who dismissed me think even less of this game's supporters and made the correct decision anyways.

Nah, I've read some of his claim about the dev and that they seemed true enough. His claim about mechanics are mostly valid too. In capacity of making me not buying this game (played free version before, like about June), he succeed and I am somewhat thankful for that.

Thing is, as people said before, either kindly or shitpostingly, I don't think he will be making much of a dent in the bigger picture and he will be a much happier person if he just forget about it.

I'm not so convinced about that. If I weren't hurting them they wouldn't care and certainly wouldn't spend so much time and energy on it. If I weren't right no one else would care because they would just check my claims and laugh them off. Instead their entire motivation for the Reddit review bombing campaign is fighting imaginary demons of my creation. Their entire motivation for their swarming and shit posting was because I bad touched them months ago (also why I start trolling quickly when anyone else does the same thing, it's the most pathetically weak thing you can do). I honestly could forget about it and just let them kill themselves. Even the developers would rather be salty about me than actually fix their game in open interviews with the public. I smell blood. I will strike the killing blow on corruption and I will stand triumphant over its corpse that will not block my path.


And then when I'm done with all that I will celebrate with Pizza, Pepsi, and Pornography. And then I will play games that don't suck and everything will become normal again.

There is more in this thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/262060/discussions/0/458604254449378917/

If this is somewhat true, a direct complaint to Steam would be in order.

I have already reported the store page, contacted Jim Sterling (who is aware of my concerns), and contacted at least one anti consumer report group (who has not responded yet). Nothing has happened yet. Chances are many people would need report this before Valve gave any fucks, as barring massive differences in scale (such as Jim Sterling coming down on Brutal Force, which was this tiny game with very obvious censorship and asset theft) Valve will not come down on a company or game.

There are rumors Valve is already aware of this game and grants refunds outside of the normal rules. That means it's worth a try, and it also means if people keep reporting it we can execute this with impunity.
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Oct 20, 2015
Are you some kind of reverse shill that tries to undermine criticism of this game


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yesh you should see the pain of kickstarting this at $100....
A friend of mine played this recently and really couldnt find anything wrong with it, perhaps the problem is that Ibwas among the ones who played the game when it was actually fun (without the corpses, heart attacks, and the nerfing of the Hellion) so new players dont see that many issues but for those of us who played that EA it is like night and day.
Jim Sterling is right; EA and roookie deveopers trying to please everybody killed this game; and naybe Celerity isnt wrong (but he is still an asshole) about the less than stellar tactics of the devs to manipulate the reviews and threads on the game
Still a shane though, the graphics, narration and mood are great
Maybe after the game is released mods will fix it... But perhaps nobody will give a fuck anymore and have moved on

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
I kind of understand where Celerity is coming from. My obsession was The Hunter where I developed a deep dislike for the developer and their high five brigade. It's still wrong and my advice to him would be to let go.

Don't think revenge is a path to happiness. There is this anecdote that Heydrich told the other Nazi here, it was very wise



Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
Yesh you should see the pain of kickstarting this at $100....
A friend of mine played this recently and really couldnt find anything wrong with it, perhaps the problem is that Ibwas among the ones who played the game when it was actually fun (without the corpses, heart attacks, and the nerfing of the Hellion) so new players dont see that many issues but for those of us who played that EA it is like night and day.
Jim Sterling is right; EA and roookie deveopers trying to please everybody killed this game; and naybe Celerity isnt wrong (but he is still an asshole) about the less than stellar tactics of the devs to manipulate the reviews and threads on the game
Still a shane though, the graphics, narration and mood are great
Maybe after the game is released mods will fix it... But perhaps nobody will give a fuck anymore and have moved on

It's a question of critical thinking. If you have no critical thinking ability you will think the game is great, which is why it has the self selected community it does. If you do you won't know how it was, but you'll know how it is now isn't right. PS: Hellions are still god tier, the nerf is 100% meaningless.

If the devs had stuck with their vision of a hardcore game and fixed the balance instead of lying so that they could retain their casual audience the game would be solid and noncontentious, but less profitable. Money at any price is what these people want. It's why there are shills so insociable that only the developers have any interest in associating with them whereas even I still get friend requests from those boards.


I'm not a shill or employee, I'm just FOREVER ALONE.

As for mods fixing it... I've already tried that. It failed. The other guy made a grind/tedium mod and got hired because that's what the dev's "vision" is.


As far as I'm concerned this game is getting review bombed on release by returning Feburary sorts, and the only way it won't is if Apathy Simulator works its magic and makes no one care anymore.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
So what were the design decisions that were bad?

All of them honestly, but non facetiously they design everything in a vacuum while ignoring what anyone thinks or provides feedback on. This effect became pronounced on July 15th, which is also the point the game exploded. So they do this random shit, it comes from nowhere and is based on nothing. The developers don't understand their own game and are really bad at it so not only are they blind, they are poor judges of difficulty. If you want examples find any feature added July 15th or later and let them explain their reasoning behind it. It will be incoherent bullshit and will also be false. Often they won't explain their reasoning behind it because they know their logic is weak.

Corpses are both the most blatant example and their strawman that they hide all the other problems. They claim it counters meat grinding and makes more abilities useful and makes the game harder. Of course enemies with no attacks can't make the game harder, any feature that slows the game down is countered by speed which means damage spam so that is LESS abilities useful (especially since the same patch nerfed all non direct damage), and meat grinding was always shit because every formation is a front row that does nothing and a back row that does something so why would anyone attack the enemies who do nothing first (aside from streamers not watching their screen)? They are far from the only example though. The result is a tedious grind fest mismarketed as a difficult game in which you can watch idiots prattle about how hardcore they are then make them run right the fuck away from any actual hardcore feature.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
I'm not sure what's going on anymore but it seems good. I think.

Their vision has turned RED?

Shame I don't have any pre shilling screenshots of the nice red review page. I'm also not sure if I even understand the question.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
They have tons of positive reviews and hype so they're never going to admit the flaws in the game.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
Well of course they'll maintain their delusional beliefs. That's why this is a problem in the frist place, instead of these sorts of otherwise normal Early Access problems being corrected in March at the latest. They'll even think they did no wrong if Valve removes their store page. Which won't happen, there's not enough of a scale difference for that.


Apr 18, 2008
Why isn't this retard with his kappa shit back to twitch already?

Do you have anything to mod here?

P.S. Sorry if I reminded you about modding needs.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
I think modding your intelligence is well beyond anyone's ability. Though if someone does manage it they should consider the position of God, because that's a fucking divine miracle.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
He IS annoying, bit he makes good points and anyway it doesnt chanhe the fact that the game IS worse than before EA
It turned from a nice premise to a grindly pos


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
Indeed. So next on the Derpest Drama:


These are the people he considers "civil" and "respectful".


Most of them, if not developers themselves are the worst elements of the community even among its supporters. Go check hoboking and pothocket's posts, if that's civility I'm mother fucking MISS MANNERS SON.

Meanwhile a thread that mentions some of the shit you find when you use Google and poke around is "toxic", and I can virtually guarentee you they will start their censorship bullshit again.

But it's all clear.

"We here at Red Hook are focused on one thing; making our game the best it can be. Any attempt to cast us under the shadow of some mass conspiracy is just an attempt to discredit us and for that individual to try and wreak havoc on our community, an attempt to divide our community on false pretense. "

For fuck's sake, as much as this board has a fetish for trolling me (going as far as altering the entire site with a damn meme, while ironically whining about memes) there's your fucking troll bait right there. Why is this evil not burned out already?


Mar 22, 2008
This island earth
Why is this evil not burned out already?

Because no one cares as much as you do (unless they can somehow monetize it #Jim Sterling, #beautyatanysize.)

Because ultimately Red Hook's greatest sins are those of mediocrity and incompetence.

Where all the fanboy shilling, cheap paid promotion, and review manipulation is , howsoever obvious in this case, just 21st century marketing 101. *dipshit, hubristic devs that trash their own games are nothing new

Because many of us have already bled your kind of blood away in the last decade or more of decline

And because one day, Darkest Dungeon will be just another released game, possibly later abandoned once the sales dry up.

And what will you do then?

What will you do, Celerity?
Will you take a metaphorical seat and ride the metaphor train with the rest of us?

Maybe find a real use for your madness passions?

Or will you keep pressing that metaphorical button? That allegorically doesn't work? Until a symbolic black man throws your phone away?

Come over here. http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...awakens-released.105387/page-108#post-4307502
There's a free seat
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