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KickStarter Darkest Dungeon Pre-Release Thread


May 8, 2013
The threshold line
And yet many here are reacting to you as of you were the retard. The first time someone calls you an ass you punch him, the second time you yell at him. The third time? Buy yourself a yoke.


Sep 20, 2014
Reddit bullshit or no Reddit bullshit, the only reason they're not dead yet is because Jim Sterling is busy. He's aware of at least some of what they're doing.

You overestimate the importance of some fat guy on patreon in regards to purchase decisions.

And why should they be dead? They made a couple of millions of the title. They could / can release the game and call it a day or even sell some DLC or slam dunk "2" version for additional profits.

Your obsession with the game and the developers makes Red Hook look like the good guys in the game. When someone writes and comments about the games as obsessively as you do, the average user will assume it's you not the devs who has a screw loose.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
He has enough of a reputation as the indie police that blasting them for corruption will be a death sentence, especially for a bigger indie that got away with it for a time.

It's only 2k negative reviews away from a mixed vote, Jim has 250k viewers, 1-2% of people review normally and more if inspired by something.

Even failing his involvement, they got away with a scam once but now we know. Their reputation is dead.


In My Safe Space
Feb 16, 2015
BTW, this game is great to play at work. It's relatively small, it doesn't require a dedicated video card, and it's a nice distraction that takes your mind off whatever you're supposed to be doing.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
BTW, this game is great to play at work. It's relatively small, it doesn't require a dedicated video card, and it's a nice distraction that takes your mind off whatever you're supposed to be doing.
Unfortunately that's all it is... they've fucked with systems so much it's not something you can play over the long haul.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
What specifically ARE roguelike elements?
As far as I know, permadeath, randomly-generated maze, turn-based, grid-based and, if I remember well, resource management .
I'd throw in experience gain and equipment as well. That'd basically be all of Rogue's features. Maybe also an ID system/metagame and a food clock. The original Rogue was pretty barebones compared to modern roguelikes. I don't think it even had a light/darkness system and I think the only stats were HP, AC and Strength.

That said, modern roguelikes have pretty much all ditched at least one of those features. I think Nethack might be the exception; it's very close to the original. Probably Angband too come to think of it.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
What specifically ARE roguelike elements?
As far as I know, permadeath, randomly-generated maze, turn-based, grid-based and, if I remember well, resource management .

This, along with high levels of difficulty and complex sets of mechanics (games that have most of these but are shorter and simplified are Roguelites).

Derpest doesn't have permadeath in the real sense of the word. Yes your units can die and they don't come back but it's like losing a generic unit in a strategy game. You replace them with a clone and that's that.

The maze isn't really random or a maze, the map generator is designed in such a way it almost always just produces one long narrow hallway or one long narrow hallway with a few very short branching paths. It takes a very generous definition of random before walking straight east or straight east and then south is considered a random maze.

Turn based... it has this one but so do thousands of games that are not Roguelike.

Grid based, same thing.

Resource management was deliberately removed almost entirely. Your skills have infinite uses in battle only, there's no consumable buff items except for one for a class that sucks anyways, there's a few that cure effects but the effects are so weak it hardly matters. And as for the more mundane resources, life and stress you prevent those by just spamming damage.

High levels of difficutly is definitely a no. You can make massive numbers of mistakes and still win, as long as you're using characters capable at all and of course damage spam is not complex at all...

Anyways you guys think I'm obsessed with the game but it has nothing on all the salty shills that are obsesssed with me. I can make them rage about me without even being there. It's amazing.


Look how many of the aggressive people either have private profiles or developers on their friend's lists.

I could fuck off for a week and play games that don't suck and they'd scare all the buyers away for me in my absence. I only won't do it now because they stalk these boards and I'm only making this post because it enrages them. :D

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
It takes a very generous definition of random before walking straight east or straight east and then south is considered a random maze.
Well, the actual layout tends to be less important than the content. Even if a game offered nothing but linear hallways, if those hallways had a good variation of enemies, traps, loot and other noteworthy objects (like the shrines in Diablo) I'd still consider it to be fulfilling the element. OTOH, if you had complex maps but they always included the same enemies and items on a given floor, it wouldn't really be very random in how you played it.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
It takes a very generous definition of random before walking straight east or straight east and then south is considered a random maze.
Well, the actual layout tends to be less important than the content. Even if a game offered nothing but linear hallways, if those hallways had a good variation of enemies, traps, loot and other noteworthy objects (like the shrines in Diablo) I'd still consider it to be fulfilling the element. OTOH, if you had complex maps but they always included the same enemies and items on a given floor, it wouldn't really be very random in how you played it.

Well it's not really random in how you play it. You walk down the one hall because it's the only path. You fight every enemy in the same way - use the skills that do the most damage. Traps are just a double RNG check. Scouting so you see them at all and disarm so you... disarm. They are also very weak so it doesn't much matter what the outcome is.

The loot is mostly vendor bait, except it's not even that because a lot of the trinkets are worth less than one stack of gold or gems.

And the only "noteworthy objects" are the curios, which are just the Giant Alien Spiders event from FTL for the most part.

1: Is the curio always safe? If yes 4, if no 2.
2: Is the curio always safe with a specific item I have? If yes 4, if no 3.
3: Ignore Giant Alien Spiders, as they are no joke.
4: Use curio, with item if necessary.

At the very least you'd need Fog of War and multiple paths so scouting matters, actually useful information from scouting like enemy composion and which curios (not just that there is one), enemies and curios that are actually distinct, and enough of an array of abilities so that foreknowledge of what you will face actually means something.

Because even in Deepest Dark which actually had some amount of balance, say I had a defensive team and knew there were bandits ahead (which are almost a hard counter for defensive teams). Can I do anything about it? No, my team's already picked, so are their skills. I can't go another way, I can't buff, I gotta go that way and deal with them anyways. The foreknowledge meant nothing, because of lack of dungeon depth. That's not something mods can meaningfully change in case you haven't guessed. You can add more rooms and shit but can't revise the map generator itself.

I only wish I was scared away before I bought it.

I can't save everyone! I'm getting many though and the shills are getting many more.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2015
the only reason they're not dead yet is because Jim Sterling is busy.

Course he's busy, always dinnertime somewhere in world, just one wafer thin mint. Or do you mean the obese twat has turned cannibal now?

Anyway game any good now, been a bit since I last ad a butchers?

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
A shame this turned out so badly. I was never really hyped for it (didn't care much for the artstyle or simplicity of the combat) but it could have been a nice diversion if it did other aspects well enough like balance or good dungeon design. FTL didn't get me super excited either initially but they really nailed the risk/reward aspect and balanced the difficulty quite well with a lot of cool viable builds for a ship depending on what fell into your lap.


Takes 1337 hours to realise it's shit.
Village Idiot Possibly Retarded
Nov 20, 2015
the only reason they're not dead yet is because Jim Sterling is busy.

Course he's busy, always dinnertime somewhere in world, just one wafer thin mint. Or do you mean the obese twat has turned cannibal now?

Anyway game any good now, been a bit since I last ad a butchers?


A shame this turned out so badly. I was never really hyped for it (didn't care much for the artstyle or simplicity of the combat) but it could have been a nice diversion if it did other aspects well enough like balance or good dungeon design. FTL didn't get me super excited either initially but they really nailed the risk/reward aspect and balanced the difficulty quite well with a lot of cool viable builds for a ship depending on what fell into your lap.

They could learn a lot from FTL. All they got was the Giant Alien Spiders event. Without understanding risk/reward is broken there on purpose as a fuck you for people who don't read quest descriptions.

If they also removed the grind and made it like one run of each dungeon, or even just one boss per area and tier (so instead of having 3 different necros and prophets, you have a necro, a prophet, and a third boss) it could even arguably be called a Roguelite.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
OK, I don't give a flying fuck about DD. I started reading this thread because
drama is always fun to read.


Am I the only one who actually bothered to verify Celerity's claims? He IS right, you know? About the review thing, at least. And it's not just him:


So what...? Indie devs are the dindu nuffins of RPG Codex? These maneuvers that Red Hook pulled ARE shady as hell. No two ways about it. If it was Bioware or Bethesda all of you would be :mob: right now.

Celerity: The comparison ppl made between Underrail and Fallout 2 was about core gameplay mechanics. Yes, I know Fallout 2 had a shiton of bugs, the unofficial patch (made by modders, sure) fixes almost a thousand of them. But that's not the point at all.

Underrail is a great game and I've yet to encounter any bugs after playing it for 100 hours. Nobody is asking you to fix anything, man. Linking you to Underrail's website is simply a way of saying "Hey! If RPGs are your thing, you might like this game, dude". Nothing more, nothing less.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Nah, I've read some of his claim about the dev and that they seemed true enough. His claim about mechanics are mostly valid too. In capacity of making me not buying this game (played free version before, like about June), he succeed and I am somewhat thankful for that.

Thing is, as people said before, either kindly or shitpostingly, I don't think he will be making much of a dent in the bigger picture and he will be a much happier person if he just forget about it.

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