"Oh, this car has a shift on the steering wheel, we know that, but we will correct as soon as possible".

"Oh, this car has a shift on the steering wheel, we know that, but we will correct as soon as possible".
It's probably because she joined the SJW hivemind, trading her sense of humor for entitlement and self-imporance. SJW: not even once.Goddamn. Remember how articulate, funny, and rational Annie use to be? What the fuck? I'm past the point of even laughing anymore. This shit is just sad. It doesn't even seem like the same person!
The "threats" she keeps mentioning was someone threatening to keep bumping a forum thread criticizing the game until the dev's apologised for the shit state of the release version. Don't threaten to bump threads motherfucker!
They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.The "threats" she keeps mentioning was someone threatening to keep bumping a forum thread criticizing the game until the dev's apologised for the shit state of the release version. Don't threaten to bump threads motherfucker!
While I wouldn't call it harassment, it doesn't surprise me that the thread was locked due to such childish behaviour. "YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGISE PUBLICALLY, OR I'LL SCREAM AND SCREAM UNTIL I'M SICK!!! WHAT, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO APOLOGISE? *SQUUUUEEEEEALLLL*"
When? It already happened.While I wouldn't call it harassment, it doesn't surprise me that the thread was locked due to such childish behaviour. "YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGISE PUBLICALLY, OR I'LL SCREAM AND SCREAM UNTIL I'M SICK!!! WHAT, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO APOLOGISE? *SQUUUUEEEEEALLLL*"
All I can think of with these critics jumping on the bandwagon to trash another small indie RPG developer is "Pearls before swine". When RPGs go the way of the adventure game, and all the 'old-school' gamers are lamenting it, I'll just be lolling. Suck it up, whiners!
They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
And if they don't want to do it willingly, they should be forced to do it.
All I can think of with these critics jumping on the bandwagon to trash another small indie RPG developer
'sup AnnieWhile I wouldn't call it harassment, it doesn't surprise me that the thread was locked due to such childish behaviour. "YOU'RE GOING TO APOLOGISE PUBLICALLY, OR I'LL SCREAM AND SCREAM UNTIL I'M SICK!!! WHAT, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO APOLOGISE? *SQUUUUEEEEEALLLL*"
All I can think of with these critics jumping on the bandwagon to trash another small indie RPG developer is "Pearls before swine". When RPGs go the way of the adventure game, and all the 'old-school' gamers are lamenting it, I'll just be lolling. Suck it up, whiners!
You vile subhuman. I'm going to add you to my ignore list because you lack moral clarity. You deserve to have your hands cut off, though.They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
And if they don't want to do it willingly, they should be forced to do it.
Nah, this isn't 1995 where your waiting for a magazine review to tell you if a game is good or not. Do some research on what your buying or STFU.
Could this mean the end of the Mitsoda's video game career? Though Obsidian could probably use someone with a heavy Midwestern accent to narrate the ending slides of PoE right about now.
Could this mean the end of the Mitsoda's video game career? Though Obsidian could probably use someone with a heavy Midwestern accent to narrate the ending slides of PoE right about now.
They really shouldn't. The game has a few bugs but it is fine. Annie has already given as much apology as their known issues list deserves.They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
He got to work on Alpha Protocol!Could this mean the end of the Mitsoda's video game career? Though Obsidian could probably use someone with a heavy Midwestern accent to narrate the ending slides of PoE right about now.
To be fair hasn't it been mostly over since Bloodlines? look at his body of work since then.
They also had demos and shareware in 1995. We have paid betas now.They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
And if they don't want to do it willingly, they should be forced to do it.
Nah, this isn't 1995 where your waiting for a magazine review to tell you if a game is good or not. Do some research on what your buying or STFU.
Oh hey what if some people don't read twitter? A shocking thought, I know, but some people choose to avoid shitty social media when all they wanted was to play a game. Maybe make an instagram pic with a "Sorry for bugs" caption too, I'm sure people will go to it from Steam storefront.They really shouldn't. The game has a few bugs but it is fine. Annie has already given as much apology as their known issues list deserves.They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
Not to mention that I kinda wonder, how many small indie RPG devs has the public mauled to death over nothing this last year?All I can think of with these critics jumping on the bandwagon to trash another small indie RPG developer
What does being a small indie developer have to do with anything? They're the one who released a bugfest. Being small and indie is no excuse.
That's my point. The game has some minor bugs. That's it. There's nothing to apologize for. There are some glitches, they know, they're fixing them, just like every other game that's been released in the last 20 years. If you actually read the known issues list, you'll see that there's nothing gamebreaking on there. Even an offhand apology on Twitter is giving these complaints more dignity than they deserve.Oh hey what if some people don't read twitter? A shocking thought, I know, but some people choose to avoid shitty social media when all they wanted was to play a game.They really shouldn't. The game has a few bugs but it is fine. Annie has already given as much apology as their known issues list deserves.
They really shouldn't. The game has a few bugs but it is fine. Annie has already given as much apology as their known issues list deserves.They should apologise publicly and offer refunds, though. They released an an-finished game with a long list of known bugs without informing customers about it.
I hope they fired whoever it was who flagged that review.
Annie's done far more damage than whoever flagged the review. If she stays then that person deserves a second chance too. Unless of course it was actually Annie who flagged it.
Goddamn. Remember how articulate, funny, and rational Annie use to be? What the fuck? I'm past the point of even laughing anymore. This shit is just sad. It doesn't even seem like the same person!
You assume too much, then, because I have since the first release, and the bugs weren't major for my personal tastes. But who are you to tell me, exactly? Your word's worth should be more to me than some guy's, whose review was upvoted around a couple of thousand times at a storefront? Okay, sure, I believe you, stranger. Would you like the number of my credit card?Have you actually played the game? I have to assume you haven't, so I'm telling you again: it plays fine.Oh hey what if some people don't read twitter? A shocking thought, I know, but some people choose to avoid shitty social media when all they wanted was to play a game.They really shouldn't. The game has a few bugs but it is fine. Annie has already given as much apology as their known issues list deserves.
annie on twitter said:Situation: guy on Steam forums posts something calling our game a "cash grab" and demanding Brian publically apologize to him -
The demand came with a threat to keep bumping the thread to be the first until Brian did so. This was harassment, mods locked the thread.