I'm nobody - but the other guy is too. I just wanted to be clear on this: if you think DB is obligated to issue an apology based on that other guy's rant, you're wrong, because the game isn't that bad. Why should you believe me instead of him? You shouldn't, necessarily; the only real proof you can have is to taste the pudding yourself (which apparently you have, and even you disagree with the guy).You assume too much, then, because I have since the first release, and the bugs weren't major for my personal tastes. But who are you to tell me, exactly? Your word's worth should be more to me than some guy's, whose review was upvoted around a couple of thousand times at a storefront? Okay, sure, I believe you, stranger. Would you like the number of my credit card?
As for the fact that his review has lots of upvotes, those aren't "I agree with you" upvotes; they are "this review was helpful" upvotes. That doesn't make him right, or trustworthy, or give his voice any credibility really at all. He's an articulate guy, but ... he's wrong. He's wrong when he says that an apology is in order or that the game is broken. You know this yourself, since you've played it.
OK, I see where you're coming from. You think they should apologize as a damage control measure, not because an apology is actually merited. I don't disagree on that. I'm not a PR person or a marketing person. My only point is that the guy is wrong, the game plays fine, and what he is calling for is stupid and unfair. If the guy has an army of (wrong) people who believe him, pacifying them with lies may be a good idea. Personally, I would be disappointed if it came to that because I have this thing about living in truth.I actually want DB to get out of this situation and be able to make a new game with all the things they learned from this, but for that, they actually need to break the downward spiral first, and it's gone down far enough that they can't actually ignore the (possibly intentionally trollbaited) opener.
Does this make sense? I fucking hope it does, because wowie, there's people between "Its gud, shut up"/"Lol u babby squeeler" and "Its shit omfg refunds"/"Behead all liar devs" and DB should be making money out of those. Currently they aren't, because their course is in need of some serious fucking correction rather than displays of emotion on social media. And yeah, this is an event that causes direct losses, unlike the previously discussed piracy.

But in essence I think we agree. Carry on.

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