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Decline 10: New Blood for the Feast

Which era should we play in?

  • Early Age

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Middle Age

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Late Age

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters

Zephyr Arsland

Sep 19, 2015
Way down South
The Civil War that engulfed all of Ulm ended two years ago. The Nobles' Council, led by Lord Austein, fought valiantly against a rabble of madmen and murderers, feverish servants of Zartanna, the Wicked. At first it seemed easy for the nobles: there were few crowds of unarmed peasantry, clearly no match for the training and equipment the armies possesed. But the situation deteriorated quickly: it wasn't long before the first of the noble captains switched allegiance to the Covenant of Blood. And then it was a noble house, the Tornqvists, and with them half of the capital fell under their spell. Arch-Bishop Shaft used the best of his cunning and manipulative talents to garner support for the cause of his superior, and through a combination of suggestion and promises of unlimited, amoral power, established himself as the de-facto ruler of the Covenant. In the final battle for the capital, Lord Austein and his troops fell to the swarming tides of filthy vermin and possessed peasants. His standards were trampled upon, his estates razed, his family murdered, and the same happened to all the noble houses that hadn't sealed the Blood Pact with Shaft or, in rare cases, with Zartanna herself. A collective madness engulfed the kingdom, and for three months, it was as one long, nightmarish night.

When it was finally over, the Covenant had taken control of every important province in the kingdom, and Ulm and itself were one. It was time to rule, and Zartanna rewarded those who had been loyal from the beginning with high positions, from where they could further her agenda. But blood begets Blood, and when the populace woke up from their stupor they found that Ulm was now a place of terrors made real: strange creatures roamed the night, assaulting homes and devouring entire families; young girls were routinely kidnapped and led away from their parents, never to be seen again; there were more soldiers and troops that ever before, but these were different from before: the men hardly spoke, and a curious emptiness filled their days. They felt as if they were waiting for something, that their lives were devoid of something. They soon discovered what they were missing: it was the Blood, spilled in battle or otherwise. It made them whole, gave them purpose. For their Lady demanded Blood, and it was their Holy Duty to provide it to Her.


In the very church where Zartanna had awoken, now the Headquarters of the Covenant of Blood...

My Lady. The reports from the border patrols have arrived.


*her voice is that of a small child, but there's some sort of reverberation that's always fluctuating, and never pleasant, like nails on a chalkboard or a cat being skinned alive, some sort of unending wail* I see. You are feeling uneasy, Shaft… what is it? Your anxiety calls to me.

Yes, Lady… well… the C'tissians have amassed on the border. They seem to be waiting for something. There are hundreds of them…

The C'tissians… *her voice lowers* Always the fools… prying into Death's secrets, trying to defeat the Great Cycle. We do not share their view: For Blood must flow, and must be spilled, and consecrated for it to being anew. Destruction begets Creation… *raising her tone again* Yes, Shaft. I have seen them. For the time being, they are keeping still. Tell our ambassadors to gauge their needs. We do not need to fight them now. I would prefer their blood to be saved for later.

*nods* As you command, my Lady. But… are you not… worried? I mean, their numbers are really large…

*giggles softly. The effect is unnerving* You are still subject to your mortal limitations, Shaft… you might be my most trusted servant, the one I have elevated beyond all the others… but you are still afraid to die, deep down. That will change, given time. The lizards will not attack. Not now, at least. And if they do, we will be waiting. We have not been idle.

*bows* Of… of course, My Lady. And… about Man…

They are at war with the foul lurkers of the deep. They are suffering great losses. I have seen it… just now.

Hmm… What should we do about that?

We should wait, Shaft. No one has contacted Ulm or the Covenant yet, asking for help, advice or support. We owe allegiance to no-one. We will bide our time. *she rears her head, as if listening to something far away* Ah, here comes our friend now. Please, Shaft, leave us and return when he's gone.

As you desire, my Lady.

The Arch-Bishop turns around to leave. He finds someone staring at him from across the great room: a tall man, impeccably dressed, with long white hair and red eyes. He seems to have a bat perched on his left arm. His smirk betrays his unrespecful nature, and he doesn't even greet Shaft as they pass by each other.


I have come, Zartanna… I must thank you for bringing me back so early.

We are bound to meet again in each cycle, Matthias. And there is much to do before this one ends.

Right as always. So… *smiles* You can start by putting me up to date with the latest developments...


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
Might be an OOC post, but who cares.

Lizzurd violates trade agreements. I won't lie - it's actually the first time I see him doing this. I lent him two pairs of Winged Shoes with no charge, and by his own request, so that he'd use them on stealthy undead, and flies to Mictlan capital with Bane Venom Charms equipped. Then he was supposed to send them back to me. After he received the boots, he refused to complete his part of the bargain, and right now he demands ME to pay him 6 gems in order to get them back. The situation is plain stupid and childish, and I have no words.

Lizzurd, you can keep the boots. No more trading with Marignon. Actually, I don't think I'll ever trade with you again in any other pbem - violating trades in Dominions is something I cannot simply forget.

sqeecoo, I suggest you start patrolling your cap, just in case.



Jan 11, 2015
Might be an OOC post, but who cares.

Lizzurd violates trade agreements. I won't lie - it's actually the first time I see him doing this. I lent him two pairs of Winged Shoes with no charge, and by his own request, so that he'd use them on stealthy undead, and flies to Mictlan capital with Bane Venom Charms equipped. Then he was supposed to send them back to me. After he received the boots, he refused to complete his part of the bargain, and right now he demands ME to pay him 6 gems in order to get them back. The situation is plain stupid and childish, and I have no words.

Lizzurd, you can keep the boots. No more trading with Marignon. Actually, I don't think I'll ever trade with you again in any other pbem - violating trades in Dominions is something I cannot simply forget.

sqeecoo, I suggest you start patrolling your cap, just in case.

I wish to remind you about that agreement. We were discussing how to hurt sqeecoo, and you noticed that his capital has no patrols and so that it is easy to attack him. I told you about bane venom charms, and you replied that you can give my two pairs of flying boots to perform this sneak attack. The only conditions were to actually perform this attack and pay 10 air gems per each pair of boots I lose. I agreed and soon this boots appeared in my inventory, with some other supplies to defend against Mictlan.
However, 10-20 minutes ago you suddenly wrote to me in chat and, acknowledging that attack will take in total 4 turns and not 2 as you were expecting, demanded your boots back, breaking your previous agreement. I refused to this, and asked for 6 gems of any type to cover my losses (I have crafted too much bane venom charms, and recruited 2 units I wouldn't otherwise use). This made you extremely angry and now I see this post.

I don't see there my fault.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
You were supposed to sneak into Mictlan cap this turn, but then you refused under completely retarded excuses. I cancelled the arrangement and demanded the boots back. You replied with ridiculous demands for my own stuff. Now quit your blabbering and consider yourself dead - I will wipe you out of this game personally.

sqeecoo, almost forgot. Lemuria has three Black Hearts - I sold them. Appoint bodyguards to the mages in your sieging forces, because he'll start assassination attempts soon. I made it all for profits and to keep you in a somewhat weakened state, so that I could focus on other frontiers without worrying to much about you stabbing my back.

But now it's all over, of course. Lemuria will suffer a most humiliating, shameful death. And Lizzurd will not see another trade from me in any game, ever.


May 8, 2013
The threshold line
Shit guys, I just had one of the worst working day ever, I came back, checked the codex to see if something came out of the Decline 12 thread and I find this.

Dom blood feuds are best feuds :lol:


Oct 4, 2015

Also, paging Muty ... I'm extending by an hour for my own selfish purposes, please do your turn as well.


Oct 4, 2015
Sorry, quite sick atm, I couldn't get my turn in time.

No worries... I tried to check back in and see if you made it, but my internet chose that time to go all retarded on me. Hope it didn't mess you up too bad. I feel your pain too, been sick all damn week.


Dec 13, 2006
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo I was about to storm Lemuria's capitol and die!

Please, all my guys are diseased and crippled and can't take any more. Let it end!

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Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
What he said:

Will do. Also, sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to postpone the current turn also.

What I wanted to hear:

Noisenerd's Journal. January 22nd, 2016. Tungalik carcass under the fort walls this morning, crossbow bolt in burst stomach. Atlantis is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The moat is extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the trenches finally scab over, all the frogs will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the Angakoks and Consorts will look up and shout "Postopone please!"... and I'll whisper "no."


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
In the Joyous Land of Ice and Bones.....



Tell me. Would you believe I never played SS1 till the end? I was always sidetracked by spome stuff. C'mon, the music is catchy as fuck. That said, how's the report from the frontlines?

The skills we developed from countless defeat in the Leningrad scenario served us well. Man is getting a bit swarmed at the moment, and one of their fortresses will be stormed next turn.


Bogarus is maybe still on the chopping block, but we are always open to peaceful solutions. Maybe. If they stop making insane attacks with Ethereal undead against Atlantian infantry. Like shooting Italian infantry with Matilda tanks.


Something else? C'tis is casting some unholy global? Lemuria is going fuck-all mode? I've heard that Grimmie and Lizzurd had some kind of quarrel 'bout items...

Probably a ruse of something. They are worse than an old married couple. Sqeecoo has joined the Great List of "Playing Dominions Drunk and Doing Diplo with Us Drunk", though. Sometimes I feel we are the only ones playing this thing sober. Ahh, and Grimmie is again making some weird statement that can be interpreted in half a dozen ways. 'cause we all love clarity.

What he said:

Will do. Also, sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to postpone the current turn also.

What I wanted to hear:

Noisenerd's Journal. January 22nd, 2016. Tungalik carcass under the fort walls this morning, crossbow bolt in burst stomach. Atlantis is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The moat is extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the trenches finally scab over, all the frogs will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the Angakoks and Consorts will look up and shout "Postopone please!"... and I'll whisper "no."

What the heck does this even means? He wants to see us dead? We have not started this war, even if I wish we had.

It's a Watchmen quote, dumbass. What about Ulm? At least he's still writing amusing stuff... wait a sec...

Sexy. When we defeat her can we play dress-up? I always wanted someone to cosplay Jeanette Voerman! AND WE CAN HAVE A PROPER VAMPIRE QUEEN TO DO IT!

Sick fuck. You are nothing but a sick fuck.


Apr 28, 2012

Another cold winter surrounds the lands of Bogarus, in year four of the Ascension wars. The people had steeled themselves for war, but not for games of cat and mouse: poking at shadows in the increasing darkness.


Dmitri! Dmitri! We must alter course. There is no winning strategy here. True, we have not lost any real men, but to summon these....devils, you realize we sacrifice our own in the end?


Poor old Pyotr, have patience. Why, I composed a symphony while besieged in Leningrad! This.....this is nothing. Foolish games at best.


(The color returns to Pyotr's face as his anger rises).

Cat and Mouse! Cat and Mouse??! This is what I am saying Dmitri, we are wasting our time doing less than nothing! Bogarus will not survive another winter unless we take more land. Rich, fertile, warm land.


Hmm, let me think....let me think. Yes, it is true, the coffers run dry. Some provinces they say are on the verge of starvation. We can barely keep the army on their feet....


Lii- *cough* Listen....to me. *cough* I will not survive another winter. Already....afflictions sap my strength, steal my mind. But you, Dmitri....you must march. Take the people, march far and wide, and give them peace.


Nikolai, my good man.....I did not know you were so ill. I must confess this sounds foolish, though you are always right, in the end. We will go then, I will compose a march.


No, Dmitri, you are needed elsewhere. I have a man....a good man, a friend. Came over from Ulm, he did. He will write our "march". He will be perfect.


(Enter Franz Schubert)
Every night when I go to bed, I hope that I may never wake again, and every morning renews my grief.

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May 8, 2013
The threshold line
Sorry guise, work is a bitch this week end. I'm unable to take my turn atm and I will be supervising a dozen second grader while they shot each other tomorrow, could I have an extension untill monday?

Edit: Thx, oh kind administrator, whoever you are :salute:
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Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle


Your Holin...

Just. Report.

The Grand Inquisitor was not in the mood for talking today. He spent the whole week locked in his private chambers. No explanations and no visitors, except for a large amount of young women that were invited on the very first day of de Prado's isolation. Rumor was, the Grand Inquisitor wanted a heir, or maybe just a stress relief. But a few days ago he finally came out of the chambers, weak and exhausted. The women never did.

A-ahem. Our holy crusaders have invaded Lemuria this month. The following provinces were taken...

The young Inquisitor had a large parchment in his hands. Obviously, there was a lot to report.

Make it short.

The Royal Army besieged the citadel of Strongbay. There was no resistance.


Our men are ready to die for General Tomaso del Monferrada. The average morale of the soldiers is higher than it ever was.



We have plenty. Thanks to our allies and trading partners, we managed to finish all preparations just in time. Strangely enough, the province itself wasn't affected by Lemurian dominion yet, so the Royal Army receives additional supplies from the peasants too. However, there is a problem...


Bane Venom Charms.

Yes, quite unfortunate. Some of our soldiers were affected by the plague.

Are they able to fight?

Well, yes, your Holiness. If they survive all battles, the plague will take its toll after a year from now, maybe a bit sooner.

I don't care what happens to them after the Crusade. Send Tomaso an order to ingore the Bane Venom threat and place the affected soldiers on the front lines. If they are about to die, I want them to die fighting. Now, what of the other provinces?

"Unbending", the Flagship of our Royal Fleet, has arrived to Lemurian coastlines. Admiral Don Diego de Medrana took over the province, no resistance was met.


The Admiral was rather creative at composing the forces. He sought the best alchemists to produce a weapon against the hordes of spectral undead - the Gelatinous Cubes, made of pure vitriol. He also managed to convince a famous Goetic Captian, Don Hugo de Moncada, to join the Royal Fleet. Don Hugo is one of the few captains able to sail the seas with demons on board.

Where is the rest of the Royal Fleet?

Following closely. The Admiral had to make a delay to gather enough supplies - the coastlines of Lemuria are basically barren wastes. As Don Diego puts it, "the situation is under control".

I will leave it to his judgement. Is it all?

No, uhh, actually there was another strange... thing. A devil attacked the province of Arcatus, and took it over using a warband of lesser imps.


After the battle was over, that devil proclaimed that Arcatus belongs to Marignon from now on.


Wh.. Your Holiness, if I may, don't you wonder how a thing such as this could possibly happen? I inquired the Goetic Order about this - they have no records of anybody performing a ritual of such power this month. Summoning a warband of demons upon a distant province would require a massive amount of blood, but more importantly, a true master of Blood Magic. We don't have such a powerful blood mage in Marignon.

If somebody binded the devil to serve Marignon, I am inclined to let it be so. As for this... "powerful blood mage" matter, I will take it under my personal supervision - you need not to think about it any more. Is that all, Inquisitor?

Concerning the Crusade - yes. However, our Kingdom is growing restless.

Unrest is rising?

On the contrary, Your Holiness - there is no unrest at all. Giant hawks, black as night, swarm the skies above all our major provinces. They can smell discontent. If somebody goes as far as thinking about expressing it out loud, the black hawks strike down from the skies, killing our servants with deadly talons! Besides, the Goetic order takes away more and more daughters from their families with each month. I know these women are formally paying for crimes of their fathers; or sins o their mothers, but... Your Holiness, our people are terrified of their own rulers.

Unrest. Is it rising?

Wh... No, Your Holiness.

That is all I need to know. Now go.

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