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Diablo Immortal - MMO ARPG for mobile platforms - massive butthurt at Blizzcon

Aug 16, 2021
Doesn't every game have a netease version nowadays? I remember eve getting one, people just ignored it. They knew that it was a game for asians by asians
Jan 7, 2012
Watching someone else watch a video and talk over it has to be the worst experience possible. It's like being in the movie theaters with black people.


Jun 25, 2020
I was curious if characters were as bad looking as d2 remaster.

I guess not.

For some strange reason the crusader looks even better different in the eastern region.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Some want to fuck elves..... oh wait that's WoW not this..... yet.

Whales gotta wow too.


Feb 5, 2013
Sad reacts only.


Diablo Immortal player spends $100k on game, now can't find anyone suitable to matchmake with

A Diablo Immortal player has splashed a huge amount of cash on their character in Blizzard's divisive new game.

However, as a result, their matchmaking record is now "so high" they "literally can't get a battleground".

Content creator jtisallbusiness is now debating an attempt to get a refund for their spending - which they claim to be "around $100k" - from Blizzard.

In a video, the streamer even admitted they are considering calling in lawyers to help with their rather unique situation.

"I can't do things that I spent money on this character to do, and I have no time frame of when things are going to actually be fixed, or even know if things are going to be fixed because I am the only player in the entire world with this problem," they said.

Jtisallbusiness stated they previously tried to contact Blizzard directly through forums and Twitter about their predicament. The reply they got from the company said that it was "aware of the issue". However, nothing has changed for jtisallbusiness since then.

Last month, Blizzard boss Mike Ybarra defended the controversial microtransactions found in Diablo Immortal.

At this time, Ybarra stated that the "vast majority" of players were not spending any money within the game.

"The philosophy was always to lead with great gameplay and make sure that hundreds of millions of people can go through the whole campaign without any costs. From that standpoint, I feel really good about it as an introduction to Diablo," he said.

Meanwhile, the game's developers are currently battling an XP bug which it is claimed has cost players "millions" of lost experience points.

Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
Blizzard isn't as smart as I thought. An important part of P2W is to match whales with F2P players. This is to entertain the whales and keep them around. As for the free player peasants, sure, some will ragequit, but the majority will be angered into paying as well. Even if just a little.
Otherwise I really really wish I could reach that 100k whale idiot and tell him the simple fix is to just start a new character all over again and spend only 50k this time.
Surprised Blizz reps didn't tell him that. I keep saying I should try and get hired on as community rep for any of those scam companies, I'm absolutely ready to milk whales even harder than ever before.


Nov 1, 2018
Blizzard isn't as smart as I thought. An important part of P2W is to match whales with F2P players. This is to entertain the whales and keep them around. As for the free player peasants, sure, some will ragequit, but the majority will be angered into paying as well. Even if just a little.
Otherwise I really really wish I could reach that 100k whale idiot and tell him the simple fix is to just start a new character all over again and spend only 50k this time.
Surprised Blizz reps didn't tell him that. I keep saying I should try and get hired on as community rep for any of those scam companies, I'm absolutely ready to milk whales even harder than ever before.

The problem, as has been exhaustively pointed out by innumerable videos and breakdowns, is that the power gap between paying and non-paying is SO RIDICULOUS BIG, that unless its just blind matchmaking, it's impossible to match the whales with anybody but other whales because the non-whales are just straight up useless compared to them.

That would be even worse, because when a whale thinks they're already at the top of the power curve, they stop spending. The only way to get megawhales to keep spending is to match them with other megawhales that are still stronger.

Their problem is that because they got so insanely over-the-top greedy from the get go, the amount of megawhales is simply not enough to reliably match them together.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Even if whales could be matched with other whales in this braindead scheme, they still wouldn't be able to show off in front of the peasants, and that's an important consideration.


Nov 1, 2018
Even if whales could be matched with other whales in this braindead scheme, they still wouldn't be able to show off in front of the peasants, and that's an important consideration.

Normally it's basically a pyramid scheme, where you get matched with people below you that you can easily beat to show you how great it was you spent money and ideally occasionally beat you, encouraging you to spend more money to make up for you lack of skill, while at the same time matching you with those above you that easily beat you, to try to get you to spend more to catch them.

Their problem is that each purchase in itself is insignificant, requiring huge amounts of money for each step, and the small handful of people that were actually willing to pay for the first couple steps are going all the way instead of stopping at each step.

The core idea is to think of it like racing cars. In a normal scheme you'd be able to upgrade your car's top speed by like 0.5 mph for like $100 and then you'd get matched with people with cars +- 10 mph. You spend a few hundred, win races, get higher, but can't beat the guys that spend more than you, so you spend a few hundred more to go up a bit more and the cycle repeats and you don't really think that you're spending that much at a time.

Instead how this insane system is designed its effectively saying that any amount that isn't in the thousands is insignificant. It's either spend $10000 to upgrade your top speed by 20 mph at a time, or spend nothing. And when that happens people don't even START spending money because they can already see that its worthless to do anything other than pour massive amounts of money in the game.

TL:DR - they got so greedy they forgot that they have to actually get people addicted before they can suck them dry, and there's no addiction to a system that is so obviously a cashgrab.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Meh! My dopamine is virtully dead all the time. As soon as I buy a gog game or pdf or anything I'm just BLECK! I can complete a weeks worth of work in the hills and feel like it was a damn waste. I bike for 4 hours and meh.. like a zombie.

The color in life is night colorless, smell is gone, taste is stunted, the spirit and awe ...GONE! Glad i got my d2 refund... I guess.

The good.... I'll never spend a dime on blizzard again

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