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Incline Disco Elysium - The Final Cut - a hardboiled cop show isometric RPG

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
Well, conundrum is a eerily appropriate word for this buffet of ideologies.. because if we were to pick and choose the positive traits from the both wings of orientation, we would achieve true balance. The shaking of the hands. The ideal state. But instead, it's an angsty teen that's picking and choosing. Genius, that's why they're after the children. What a classy chess move to secure the global Divide and interlock the status quo.


Mar 30, 2024
This game is about politics. As well as many other things that characterise humanity.


Nov 26, 2023
This game isn't about politics so you retards can save the sperging out for another topic
it is not, but chuds insist it is because it attacks their safe space
It's about politics but approaches the topic in a uniquely apolitical way, mostly focusing on people and how different ideologies shape who they are and affect their lives.

Seems a bit disingenuous to suggest a game that has communism as one of its main themes has nothing to do with politics.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
This game isn't about politics so you retards can save the sperging out for another topic
True, it isn't. I shifted into it by inquiring about western trends. Got my answers, nothing left to be said about that.

Opusteno, malo se zajebavamo, malo listamo tredove, malo caskamo.. isti kurac ko i svaki drugi dan jbg.


Apr 5, 2017
This game is about the beauty and truth of Rightism overcoming such trivial lefty concepts as authorial intent: When I come across some lefty loser sitting in a swamp trying to tell me his life's story I reply 'I'm a fascist, lol.' and arrest him. When I see some sad working class specimens that were tricked into thinking they're part of a union I tell them they would have been great fascists and they agree, because the real fascists are those we made along the way. When the game presents me with with crude ways to be mean to my favourite vassal, Kim Katsuragi, I can recognize that I am, in fact, an enjoyer of blessed particularism instead of a fan of sad universalism and he can, in fact, be My Binoclard without me being a hypocrite.


Sep 28, 2014
How does hardcore peacock individualist that hasn't worked a day in their spoiled lives end up endorsing Marx&Engels, hahahah WHAT??
The western libs confuse Marxism with Freudo-Marxism, Frankfurt school, Marcuse and other forms of schizophrenia that for some reason count as "philosophies" and who have tried to lean against Marxism for legitimacy, but have nothing to do with it.
It's also an attempt to muddle the real science of Marxism. Sciences are hard to understand for the masses, but if you explain to them that Marxism is the sexual deviancies they indulge in, they jump on board and run around screaming that Marxism rocks. And an average worker Joe looks at this horde of degenerates and thinks "Marxism sucks", and then never wants to hear about it again.
And the US has no labor movement as a result. All capitalist goals achieved.

Disco isn't different from that. When you select "communist" choices, the game says you should "start shooting people" and doing "mass graves". Typical anti-communist propaganda, nothing I didn't expect from a Baltic humanities idiot. The game even manages to blame Tchernobyl on communism, disguising it into other names. Doesn't say anything about Fukushima, this is a democratic technogenic disaster, all is well.
I liked the game, but I had to skip through politics, it was too cringe.
Last edited:


Apr 5, 2017
How does hardcore peacock individualist that hasn't worked a day in their spoiled lives end up endorsing Marx&Engels, hahahah WHAT??
The western libs confuse Marxism with Freudo-Marxism, Frankfurt school, Marcuse and other forms of schizophrenia that for some reason count as "philosophies" and who have tried to lean against Marxism for legitimacy, but have nothing to do with it.
It's also an attempt to muddle the real science of Marxism. Sciences are hard to understand for the masses, but if you explain to them that Marxism is the sexual deviancies they indulge in, they jump on board and run around screaming that Marxism rocks. And an average worker Joe looks at this horde of degenerates and thinks "Marxism sucks", and then never wants to hear about it again.
And the US has no labor movement as a result. All capitalist goals achieved.

Disco isn't different from that. When you select "communist" choices, the game says you should "start shooting people" and doing "mass graves". Typical anti-communist propaganda, nothing I didn't expect from a Baltic humanities idiot. The game even manages to blame Tchernobyl on communism, disguising it into other names. Doesn't say anything about Fukushima, this is a democratic technogenic disaster, all is well.
I liked the game, but I had to skip through politics, it was too cringe.
Nobody died from Fukushima except from the hysteric evacuation of course. Huge difference with Tschernobyl. One thing I really find funny about this website is that it's horseshoe theory manifest. Nobody gets a vatnik tag except communists and fascists. 'Killing literally everybody regardless of political opinion' is one of the times this game transcends authorial intent and reaches something higher.


Mar 30, 2024
The game even manages to blame Tchernobyl on communism, disguising it into other names.
Not really? The pawn shop guy literally says that their aim was to provide cheap energy for people and that they failed because they lacked the tech. I’m failing to see “blame” here.

What’s your take on Tchernobyl though?


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw

Disco isn't different from that. When you select "communist" choices, the game says you should "start shooting people" and doing "mass graves". Typical anti-communist propaganda, nothing I didn't expect from a Baltic humanities idiot. The game even manages to blame Tchernobyl on communism, disguising it into other names. Doesn't say anything about Fukushima, this is a democratic technogenic disaster, all is well.
Oh, remind me, what natural disaster was responsible for Chernobyl disaster? Was it an earthquake? A tsunami? A solar flare? A storm of epic proportions perhaps?

No. The only disaster that caused Chernobyl was the Soviet rule. Soviets ordered the construction of a faulty powerplant and ignored all criticism, then gave another order, to push its design to the limits, which in reality proved to be way above those limits.


May 11, 2015
where east is west

Disco isn't different from that. When you select "communist" choices, the game says you should "start shooting people" and doing "mass graves". Typical anti-communist propaganda, nothing I didn't expect from a Baltic humanities idiot. The game even manages to blame Tchernobyl on communism, disguising it into other names. Doesn't say anything about Fukushima, this is a democratic technogenic disaster, all is well.
Oh, remind me, what natural disaster was responsible for Chernobyl disaster? Was it an earthquake? A tsunami? A solar flare? A storm of epic proportions perhaps?

No. The only disaster that caused Chernobyl was the Soviet rule. Soviets ordered the construction of a faulty powerplant and ignored all criticism, then gave another order, to push its design to the limits, which in reality proved to be way above those limits.

But, but, but, that's exactly like designing a NPP to withstand the most powerful known tsunami's to hit the region only for nature to hit it with one bigger than anyone thought was possible!



Jan 13, 2013
I would argue that the authors' communism shows up mostly in the need to pull punches. The game has nothing to say about centrism/moralism beyond sneering. The game can have brutally honest exploration of fascist bitterness and take potshots at broke hobocop Harry trying to be an ultra-liberal sigma male hustlegrinder. But for communism, it still has to end at the romantic idea of communism. Yeah, the communist book club may have exiled their economist because he didn't agree that turnips will grow better under communism. But their impossible tower of communism defied gravity for a second, so communism is still worth pursuing goddammit!


Mar 30, 2024
I would argue that the authors' communism shows up mostly in the need to pull punches. The game has nothing to say about centrism/moralism beyond sneering. The game can have brutally honest exploration of fascist bitterness and take potshots at broke hobocop Harry trying to be an ultra-liberal sigma male hustlegrinder. But for communism, it still has to end at the romantic idea of communism. Yeah, the communist book club may have exiled their economist because he didn't agree that turnips will grow better under communism. But their impossible tower of communism defied gravity for a second, so communism is still worth pursuing goddammit!
I would argue that the only thing this game deems worth pursuing is becoming a decent human being capable of empathy. It promotes the idea that after all the ideologies have failed (and there’s no better one in sight) it is the simple folk that is capable of fixing things. The “good” playthrough is to basically try to make things work together as they are without going into extremes, or relying on ideologies.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
Soviets ordered the construction of a faulty powerplant and ignored all criticism
Yeah, I also learn history from HBO.
Rome was tits.
I guess Yuri Andropov, chief of KGB and later General Secretary of the communist party was an HBO consultant.


Contemporary Soviet journalist Liubov Kovalevska too:


Jul 28, 2018
Soviets ordered the construction of a faulty powerplant and ignored all criticism
Yeah, I also learn history from HBO.
Rome was tits.
I guess Yuri Andropov, chief of KGB and later General Secretary of the communist party was an HBO consultant.


Contemporary Soviet journalist Liubov Kovalevska too:
You're too far gone bro.
>Washington Post
lol, lmao

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
I would argue that the authors' communism shows up mostly in the need to pull punches. The game has nothing to say about centrism/moralism beyond sneering. The game can have brutally honest exploration of fascist bitterness and take potshots at broke hobocop Harry trying to be an ultra-liberal sigma male hustlegrinder. But for communism, it still has to end at the romantic idea of communism. Yeah, the communist book club may have exiled their economist because he didn't agree that turnips will grow better under communism. But their impossible tower of communism defied gravity for a second, so communism is still worth pursuing goddammit!
I would argue that the only thing this game deems worth pursuing is becoming a decent human being capable of empathy. It promotes the idea that after all the ideologies have failed (and there’s no better one in sight) it is the simple folk that is capable of fixing things. The “good” playthrough is to basically try to make things work together as they are without going into extremes, or relying on ideologies.
..which is hilarious, cause that's what centrism should be. Yet, like how we treat agnostics, it's labeled as being a pussy that has no balls to make a firm stance. People are bullheaded extremists that can't figure out it's precisely why we're so easily kept in the constant state of Divide. The balance of the natural polarity should be the obvious endgame and it's only actively preached by eastern philosophy. Smh


Sep 28, 2014
But their impossible tower of communism defied gravity for a second
Haven't seen this content, but sounds like an obvious metaphor for USSR, which lasted a "second" in the grand scheme of history.
And they brand it as "impossible", these so called "commie authors", uh huh.

the communist book club may have exiled their economist because he didn't agree that turnips will grow better under communism
Typical anti-soviet propaganda point about Lysenko.


Dec 13, 2019
The game has nothing to say about centrism/moralism beyond sneering.
That's funny. Because I consider myself a centrist and I think their portrayal of centrism is interesting. Sure, it is done in a parody-like way, but it is really well written. To the point where it manages to land at least some of its punches.

But for communism, it still has to end at the romantic idea of communism.
Is your romantic idea of communism "firing squads", "animal wagons", "eating the rich" and "impaling all people who have more than 25 real in their pocket"? Because that's how the game wants you to build communism.


Jan 13, 2013
The game has nothing to say about centrism/moralism beyond sneering.
That's funny. Because I consider myself a centrist and I think their portrayal of centrism is interesting. Sure, it is done in a parody-like way, but it is really well written. To the point where it manages to land at least some of its punches.

But for communism, it still has to end at the romantic idea of communism.
Is your romantic idea of communism "firing squads", "animal wagons", "eating the rich" and "impaling all people who have more than 25 real in their pocket"? Because that's how the game wants you to build communism.
Was the text too challenging? You got tired and couldn't read the last two sentences of my message?


Dec 13, 2019
Was the text too challenging? You got tired and couldn't read the last two sentences of my message?
We get so many retards thinking Disco Elysium promotes communism than you looked like yet another one. The game doesn't really "pull the punches" on communism. In fact, it's pretty straightforward about it from get-go.


Jun 23, 2020
what is the economic system where everyone lives in the forest and shuts the fuck up? i support that one


Jul 28, 2018
You're too far gone bro.
>Washington Post
lol, lmao
Yes, we know that while criticizing Chernobyl we can only use Soviet sources provided by the Soviet authorities themselves.

Because obviously Soviets were known for transparency, openness and publically owning their own mistakes.

>Posts the western equivalent of Soviet propaganda mouthpieces
>Views them as legitimate sources
>Calls someone else retarded
You're not as smart as you think you are potato bro.

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