So I have FINALLY managed to beat it after more than a month. Fuck, this game is so shitty.
The character system is shit. Skills are divied into two sperate and distinct categories: the ones that are so good you'd be retarded not to put points in, and the ones that are so bad you'd be retarded to even spend a single point in. Oh, yeah, there's the oddball skills just like Diablo 2 where putting one point in them is a must, but putting any more is a a complete waste. I finished the at about level 48 with an excess of 10+ skill points. Terrible.
The combat is shit. Just hold down the attack button and win. Oh sure, sometimes you might meet a boss and might need to pause the game and drink a healing potion, but most of the time it's "hold down ctrl to autolock on the nearest traget and keep the left mouse button pressed to win". Almost as bad as Diablo.
The encounter design is shit. Basically there is none. The areas are populated with a set number of critters. That's it. You either mow through them like a hot knife through butter, or they rape your ass and it means you have to move to another area. And those fucking last to areas man. What a pointless time sink those were. You are given two HUGE maps and what to the developers do with them? Add some nice quests, NPC's, or towns? Nope. Just copy paste groups of creatures everywhere and you're done. Yay! Game design must be so easy! Anyone can do it!
but despite that...
I've had so much fun with this game.
Because despite the fact that the bad parts are BAD, the good parts are also GOOD.
The first map is great, depite it's repetitive encounter design. It has a buttload of quests, a ton of NPC's, lots and lots of secrets and quirks, good writing with a great sense of humour, lots of stuffto see and explore and collect, the ability to interract with the environment, move objects around and to mix potions. This first area of the game reminded me of an isometric Morrowind.
I see myself replaying it after some time has passed, but I don't see myself finishing it due to the shittines of the last portion of the game. I have not finished all the quests and I chose not to use a walkthrough so I can have some new things to do when I play it again. My only regret is that I was never been able to find Otho and his pigs.
I'm really excited about Divinity Original Sin. If they add all of the good things from DD and try and minimize the bad (honestly I'm not that bummed about the fucked up character system, but that idiotic encounter "design" has to go) it could turn out a future Codex classic.
The character system is shit. Skills are divied into two sperate and distinct categories: the ones that are so good you'd be retarded not to put points in, and the ones that are so bad you'd be retarded to even spend a single point in. Oh, yeah, there's the oddball skills just like Diablo 2 where putting one point in them is a must, but putting any more is a a complete waste. I finished the at about level 48 with an excess of 10+ skill points. Terrible.
The combat is shit. Just hold down the attack button and win. Oh sure, sometimes you might meet a boss and might need to pause the game and drink a healing potion, but most of the time it's "hold down ctrl to autolock on the nearest traget and keep the left mouse button pressed to win". Almost as bad as Diablo.
The encounter design is shit. Basically there is none. The areas are populated with a set number of critters. That's it. You either mow through them like a hot knife through butter, or they rape your ass and it means you have to move to another area. And those fucking last to areas man. What a pointless time sink those were. You are given two HUGE maps and what to the developers do with them? Add some nice quests, NPC's, or towns? Nope. Just copy paste groups of creatures everywhere and you're done. Yay! Game design must be so easy! Anyone can do it!
but despite that...
I've had so much fun with this game.
Because despite the fact that the bad parts are BAD, the good parts are also GOOD.
The first map is great, depite it's repetitive encounter design. It has a buttload of quests, a ton of NPC's, lots and lots of secrets and quirks, good writing with a great sense of humour, lots of stuffto see and explore and collect, the ability to interract with the environment, move objects around and to mix potions. This first area of the game reminded me of an isometric Morrowind.
I see myself replaying it after some time has passed, but I don't see myself finishing it due to the shittines of the last portion of the game. I have not finished all the quests and I chose not to use a walkthrough so I can have some new things to do when I play it again. My only regret is that I was never been able to find Otho and his pigs.

I'm really excited about Divinity Original Sin. If they add all of the good things from DD and try and minimize the bad (honestly I'm not that bummed about the fucked up character system, but that idiotic encounter "design" has to go) it could turn out a future Codex classic.