Reduced Number Bloat
All of these mods reduce vitality scaling. Technically, all these mods do is change the scaling of vitality, and the game automatically calculates the appropriate values for armor and damage from that, so relative balance of vanilla should be maintained. This mod is handy for reducing the need to constantly hunt for gear to re-equip after leveling up, since items should last 2+ levels, depending on the version you select.
There are four versions of this mod:
Moderate Scaling: D:OS EE-like numbers, hopefully achieving vitality in the 1000s by end game (12 +16% vitality per level)
Reduced Number Bloat: Massively reduces numbers, down to about 500 base vitality at level 20 (10 + 10% vitality per level)
DND-like Scaling: Even more massive reduction numbers, granting 4 + 4% vitality per level, leading to around 200 vitality by level 20 (I think).
No Scaling: Vitality increases by virtually nothing on level up. It also virtually eliminates the penalty for equipping high level weapons. It definitely makes for a very different experience, where level difference is mostly a non-factor, which is pretty interesting.