Necrofire does good damage though.
And compared to other mages, Pyro just does most damage. They have most straightforward blowemups, and Pyro source powers are friggin bonkers, especially higher source cost ones. You can just annihilate whole encounters with Meteor Shower, suck all their bodies for Source (or replenish at source sugarsoda fountain) and do it again. Summoner's Etheral Storm is also okay, but it's random and works strange.
Due to pyro buffs and using correct staff, Pyro also hits in melee hard or even harder than dedicated fighters. You can just literally beat them with the stick

and I don't even have 2-handed. With that Pyrostaffer could probably remove 1000+ armor/hp per hit from enemy EZ.
Only thing I dislike is that if I leave something alive, unlike fighter who can finish turn with stomp(best control skill in game eh)/bullrush easy, dedicated damage long range mage doesn't have that luxury since pyro just has no controls and others would have to use control spells for damage.