"Important artifacts". An obsidian knife doesn't sound like an important artifact. It sounds like an object you would find again in the game. Name one more game that pulls off this "you just found out you're fucked for what you did 50 hours ago" shit. I do this kind of inventory purging in every game, and it NEVER happened to me before.
As others have mentioned there's similar thing in Planescape as well as new Numenera: you can think that Bronze Sphere is useless and drop it or never get it. In original game it affected the ending, in the new game it potentially left you with a smaller party and therefore harder game.
You could also break some older games by dropping items and easily so. IIRC Wizardry 7 allowed you to miss important quest items. I think Fallout 1-2 lets you drop anything so you can leave important quest items in no longer accessible locations. I lost quest items in Arcanum, I think.
The difference is in those games there was also a way to go forward. I haven't played DOS2 yet and I don't know if it is so in your case. Larian says their main quest can be completed even if you behave like an idiot so there it seems they've missed a big thing.