Good to see a release date, even if it is quite the wait. Has there been any word on the undead playable race?
Good to see a release date, even if it is quite the wait. Has there been any word on the undead playable race?
Of all youtubers, you picked that asshole.
Comment from Steam:
Of all youtubers, you picked that asshole.
Divinity 2
Divinity 2
People find it confusing so much that they had to stick this banner on the Divinity 2's Steam page:
They should really come up with a new name, they've been using the same name for all their games for 30 years.
You don't play divinity games for the writingTo those with the beta, how is the writing? D:OS had horrendous writing and a ludicrous tone, which was a shame because the gameplay was great.
Is it any better this time around, and a proper plot?
They should really come up with a new name, they've been using the same name for all their games for 30 years.
They didn't even like it from what I recall. Think the publisher forced it upon them.
It's more of a tautology than an alliteration.
CDV said they wanted an alliterative title because they believed that's what helped Sudden Strike sell.
Important - we need your delivery details!
Hello Backers!
As we’re getting closer to release, we’re getting ready to deliver all that cool swag you may have signed up for during our Kickstarter campaign. But to get all that good stuff to you, we need you to fill in your delivery details and we need you to do so by July 2nd 2017.
If you picked the “Portrait of a Fan” reward, we need that image right away in order to put your likeness into the game. Also, if you were hoping to receive a Missive from the Wizard, you’ll need to fill out what subject you want the Wizard to write about! We also need everyone to fill out their delivery address for any physical rewards, such as the Collector’s Edition or the Hoodie.
Some of you have entered your information, but not your complete information. Please login to the Larian Vault and check that you have filled in your full address, portrait, missive subject, etc. In fact, even if you are sure you have done it consider going back and checking one final time!
Again, we need your information (including your portrait) by July 2nd otherwise we will not be able to deliver your backer reward to you.
How do you give us your info? Simply follow these steps:
1. Create an account at/log in to
2. Once logged in, click on the D:OS2 Kickstarter link in the top menu. If you haven’t linked Larian Vault to your Kickstarter account, you’ll be prompted to do so.
3. Once your accounts are linked, click on the menu item "Your Choices & Input". In the list of rewards, complete all boxes and choices that are available and required.
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To check if you already have an account on Larian Vault, please search your email inbox for an email sent by
Alternatively, if you forgot your password for the Larian Vault, or you don't know what email address you have used to register on the Larian Vault before, please go to this URL and fill in your email address:
That’s it. Thank you for taking the time to do this and once again, thank you for backing!
FFS we already have hentai with waifus fucking octopuses (a Kurt Eichenwald favorite) and other weird shit. Please stop.
Or they have just fun, you know?
No one said it's wrong for retards to have fun. We're saying it's wrong to encourage retards in a supposedly monocled game. Not the same thing.