Grumpy Grognard
Inn Between Worlds
Is a better RPG than PoE.South Park
without dumbing it down and/or compromising it by mixing with other genres.
So far I found ZERO improvements over D:OS and a lot of. The cringe worthy writing is still every bit as cringy, the cancerous MMO-like itemization is still there, the autistic junk collection system is worse than ever and OFC the fucking shields. I don't know who suggested removing the old saving throws and replacing them with the current system, but here is what I suggest should be done with them:
(edit - too much joe pesci)
I've been playing this game in very short bursts simply because of how utterly "meh" it is. "oops, got killed. Time to level scale my items and use the exact same strategy". "Great, shields are down, time to spam the CC" or, better yet "fuck, OUR shields are down. Time to get stunlocked and killed. Might as well reload instead of wasting more time" and the good old "oops, stumbled in a fight with an enemy 2+ levels ahead of me. Can't possibly win because stupid scaling. Such strategy, much wow."
So the recipe for "saving" the cRPG genre is: muh multiplayer + muh cooking simulator + muh junk collection simulator + muh level scaled loot + [insert other decline I forgot about here]. Just let the genre die an honorable death already. This is getting pathetic.
I agree on a few points. Level-scaled anything is a massive decline and should be punishable by death. Mandatory punishment for junk loot should be 5 years of community service sorting through rubbish bins by hand for edible fruit peel and tin scraps. Cooking should be dealt with on a case by case basis - if it's Ultima 7-style, baking bread with interactable rolling pins, dough, water and ovens, matched by a ration/food system, in a simulated world where I can roleplay as a grumpy, murderous baker who robs banks by night - that's OK, but if it's just a fucking cheap-shit potion crafting system with graphics swapped out for chicken dinners, you go straight to jail.
What DOS2 does par excellence is tactical party turn-based combat, with pretty advanced environmental, elemental & 'physics' tactics that vary based on the combat environment * abilities+spells in play. The writing is thematically absurd and 'light' comedy & puns - I don't find it cringeworthy.
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