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Decline Do you think CDPR is capable of making a good game again?


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  • They were never good to begin with(kingcomrade)

  • Polish Bioware.

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Sep 16, 2021
Edit: Also, if W4 has Ciri as the protagonist, people are gonna be mad. Geralt might be thrown in as Ciri was in W3, but I still think most gamers are straight guys who don't play as girls/women.
I read once that the developers made Lara a woman so the player would feel compelled to "protect her". I'm not sure how effective that was, though.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Given their impressive animation record, they are better off becoming a shitty Japanese pornographic cartoons studio at this point.

CP: Edgerunners was not built in any way, shape, or form by CDPR. They had some creative oversight but it was a Jap studio that did it which is why it turned out exceptional. One of the best animes I've seen in over a decade, real talk. No woke fuckery, ample violence, nudity, sex, and gore, and a very decent story to boot. All that happened because CDPR was kept far away from storyboarding & design. There was a L0LI (fuck you RPGCodex for making me mod this word w/ your woke faggotry word policing) character in the show and they were howling for her removal but the Based Japs stood their ground and the show was far better for it.
Last edited:
Sep 22, 2022
Given their impressive animation record, they are better off becoming a shitty Japanese pornographic cartoons studio at this point.

CP: Edgerunners was not built in any way, shape, or form by CDPR. They had some creative oversight but it was a Jap studio that did it which is why it turned out AAH-MAZING. One of the best animes I've seen in over a decade, real talk. No woke fuckery, ample violence, nudity, sex, and gore, and a very decent story to boot. All that happened because CDPR was kept far away from storyboarding & design. There was a L0LI (fuck you RPGCodex for making me mod this word w/ your woke faggotry word policing) character in the show and they were howling for her removal but the Based Japs stood their ground and the show was far better for it.
Slight correction, apparently they reportedly wanted her removed because it was very late in production when she was proposed rather than out of moral reasons---even the American staff came around to liking her. The result remains blessed, nonetheless..


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Edit: Also, if W4 has Ciri as the protagonist, people are gonna be mad. Geralt might be thrown in as Ciri was in W3, but I still think most gamers are straight guys who don't play as girls/women.
I read once that the developers made Lara a woman so the player would feel compelled to "protect her". I'm not sure how effective that was, though.

Lara Croft had big boobs in the first game, and if you were a pervert like me...other stuff about the game made it intersting to play in how it interacted with her.

But that's the only female character I've ever played. Even though I love the Warhammer games, I'd never play as the sisters of battle for example. But I dunno. Different types of game and all that.

If they went for an interactive movie with Ciri and the story was totally fantastic, it would be worth a play. But Geralt is "The Witcher" at this point and I'm sure they can come up with a way of making him immortal. He's got a vampire buddy and all that. It would be beyond retarded for him to die of old age anyway.


Aug 20, 2022
Ciri is a red herring. The next game will have you play as a sorceress. It will be titled the Witch Her.


Aug 6, 2020
Next Witcher protag is likely going to be optionally female, like CP77's V.

Not all Witcher school were male-exclusive.
School of the ... is a school of ragtag witchers formed after a student mutiny against their former masters. Headquartered in ..., they are apparently one of the few schools training women and non-pureblood humans.


May 14, 2012
A good story fag game?
They never lost that focus and talent.
A good game with good gameplay?
They never made that.


Oct 1, 2022
Based on their recent press releases, I very much doubt it. Even if you disregard their decision to sell their souls in the name of ESG, they're working on far more than they have the ability to reliably develop. They can't handle a single open world RPG, and now they're working on several of them at once. Nothing was learned from 2077
Dec 17, 2013
I don't mind if they make the protag male or female based on player choice as much as I would a female protag, but I feel like it's a bad move also (just of smaller magnitude). My personal opinion based on long years of experience as a gamer is that action RPGs are mostly played by males. So you are giving a female option to people who want to look at female ass during play, but in return you are either hurting the much more serious gamers who want to be immersed in the world/character outright (female protag), or diluting the experience with male/female choice.


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
Next Witcher protag is likely going to be optionally female, like CP77's V.

Not all Witcher school were male-exclusive.
School of the ... is a school of ragtag witchers formed after a student mutiny against their former masters. Headquartered in ..., they are apparently one of the few schools training women and non-pureblood humans.
at least the Witcher concept survived longer than Mass Effect's Spectres or Dragon Age's Grey Wardens
Polakware still winning!!!


Mar 12, 2020
If they went for an interactive movie with Ciri and the story was totally fantastic, it would be worth a play. But Geralt is "The Witcher" at this point and I'm sure they can come up with a way of making him immortal.
This takes me back to when Thief fans were agitating that any fourth installment would absolutely have to bring Garret back as the protagonist, because Garret was "the Thief." The problem with over-recurring protagonists, however, is that the more incredible adventures they're subjected to, the more impossible odds they triumph against, the less relatable they become as characters, slowly transforming into messianic figures or, worse, capeshit superheroes. CDPR's Geralt got plenty of mileage and a hard-earned denouement in Blood & Wine, let him enjoy his vineyard and give us a new Witcher.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Next Witcher protag is likely going to be optionally female, like CP77's V.

Not all Witcher school were male-exclusive.
Yes, if CDPR has any sense, they have long-since begun development of a new Open World Witcher game with a customizable protagonist in the style of the Elder Scrolls games (or even Cyberpunk 2077) rather than another pregenerated character such as Geralt. The Witcher series already has a set of skills divided into three categories of swordsmanship, spell-casting, and alchemy; although Geralt is always primarily a swordsman, it should be possible to expand these options so that the customizable witcher could be more of a spellcaster than a fighter, or even rely chiefly on alchemy (though this would be a bit trickier to implement). Since the character's appearance is customizable, a female PC could be an option even if unusual in the game world; the only increased difficulty relative to Cyberpunk 2077 is the third-person perspective.


Jan 6, 2012
Have you played games like Deus Ex (the original), System Shock, Underrail, Blade Runner? If not, you're missing out on a lot of good games that play with cyberpunk themes. Hell, have you played Grand Theft Auto 3 or 4, or Saints Row 2? CP2077 was trying to be GTA sort of game after all.

If you've played these kinds of games, it's very easy to see how underwhelming Cyberpunk 2077 is.
I have played those except for System Shock (and GTA, played only apparantely-a-shitty-clone-that-is-watch-dogs which I've enjoyed somewhat still, didn't finish though). And I don't disagree that CP2077 is underwhelming compared to them in terms of lets say maturity of approach narrative/lore wise. Still yet, I consider their (CDPR) many takes on its theme as good like some side quests as the farm with boys or the whole ending business.

Gameplay wise what you basically have is open-wordly Deux Ex - decent variety. Progression wise it does fall apart from a certain point but you could argue the same about Underrail.
If you haven't played the 3D GTAs, you may as well check them out, because those are the games Cyberpunk 2077 is actually mimicking the most, except with much, much worse content.

Anyway, even if one shits on the game then do it for the right reasons like itemisation but sometimes people get ridiculous with complains and that irritates me because "normies" scream more or less the same while parroting each other (endless bugs, tech difficulties, poor graphics etc).
I agree that it's important to shit on games for the right reasons but in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 it cannot be denied there are a lot of right reasons. Part of the problem is that they overpromised and underdelivered for sure, but it is also a generally weak entry for the cyberpunk genre or GTA-likes and you have the crappy RPG mechanics and shitty lifepath system where everyone is basically Street Kid background or the obviously gutted parts like the opening chapter with Jackie or the dogshit pedestrian and vehicular traffic or the removal of flying cars because that was too difficult for CDPR (which tells you a lot) even though a modder implemented that easily or the horribly inefficient rendering. Cyberpunk 2077 had a lot of novices working on it and it showed in all the stupid problems the game developed.

Gwent 1.0 was the Homecoming patch (which wound up being anything but a return to Gwent's roots), the version that replaced beta. That version was fucking horrible compared to the version that existed just before it. Even the Midwinter Patch Gwent that existed directly prior to it was superior to that. I have the sneaking suspicion you either did not play beta Gwent or were fairly bad at it. People who only piloted the same decks they probably copycatted from someone else and did so by playing them almost the exact same way each game were no doubt pleased by the increased randomness, lowered skill ceiling, and other silly interactive abilities of 1.0 Gwent but people who understood how reading your opponent's handstate, mindgames, and making certain plays can make or break your game found the new game desperately lacking in depth and turning into yet another shitty CCG where the name of the game is playing whatever flavor of the month is presently overpowered or whatever deck counters it.
My mistake - what I meant was before the Homecoming. I played the game for another 2-3 months after what turns out 1.0 and then dropped it for good (then I did check Gwent 2.0 and was utterly confused with the new direction so didn't return). Yes, the mind games in particularly were brilliant, I've never seen anything that close in CCG before and (Iv enjoyed them greatly as an ex-poker player).

The people who created that beta-version are probably left the company though and as I understand the whole project was an utter failure commercially so little hope here of course.
I believe they did leave the company and that's why this new RNG-heavy vision started dominating Gwent even though beta Gwent originally actively marketed and branded itself as a game where "skill trumps luck" but the financial part made no real sense. Gwent wasn't in a bad spot until the Midwinter update caused the playerbase to make a big drop because they started fucking shit up and lying to the community ("These new RNG-heavy create mechanic cards are for Arena mode, honest!" <- Sure explains the spy leader in Nilfgaard or the alchemy create cards or machine create cards for Henselt and so on.) but Midwinter Gwent was still a ton better than their next patch, which was to take Gwent out of beta and make a release that doubled down on all the fucking shit decisions they promised they weren't going to repeat after Midwinter when they were calling it the Homecoming patch ("Sorry guys, we'll do less RNG, focus on skill-based mechanics, keep community in the feedback loop more, stop merging balance patches and content updates, and try to bring the game back to its roots."). It was fucking cancer but all the idiots who made Homecoming weren't about to roll it back because that's the kind of shit where if it it successfully improves the playerbase and makes better profit you will want to fire the entire team making the Thronebreaker/Homecoming patch garbage since clearly their contributions were negative ones.

Sorry for muddled post, don't have the time for proper editing rn. My simple point was that CP2077 isn't as shitty as people like to paint it so if we'll get something of the same level in the future, it'll be pretty good.
I think there was a lot wrong with it from a lot of perspectives and that CDPR set itself up for failure honestly, both through mismanagement, mismarketing, and incompetent staffing.

CDPR would have collapsed otherwise.
And everything would be better.
Are you sure about that? For all we know this could've ended in CDPR being bought up by EA like Bioware was.


Feb 10, 2013
New York
Edit: Also, if W4 has Ciri as the protagonist, people are gonna be mad. Geralt might be thrown in as Ciri was in W3, but I still think most gamers are straight guys who don't play as girls/women.
A novel idea would be to have a creatable character, or at least a brand-spanking new character so players can, you know, actually play a role.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Edit: Also, if W4 has Ciri as the protagonist, people are gonna be mad. Geralt might be thrown in as Ciri was in W3, but I still think most gamers are straight guys who don't play as girls/women.
A novel idea would be to have a creatable character, or at least a brand-spanking new character so players can, you know, actually play a role.
CDProjekt's portrayal of Geralt is more of a best of both worlds scenario though. There's very little constraints put on the player's choices throughout the series in the lens of "What should Geralt be doing?"
At worst, it causes some dissonance if you've read the books as there's quite a few things that you can do that are entirely out of character for Geralt. There's more of an excuse for this in the first game, but it's something that just sticks around for the others.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Edit: Also, if W4 has Ciri as the protagonist, people are gonna be mad. Geralt might be thrown in as Ciri was in W3, but I still think most gamers are straight guys who don't play as girls/women.
A novel idea would be to have a creatable character, or at least a brand-spanking new character so players can, you know, actually play a role.

Well - what kind of game are they going to make? Story focused, or mechanics focused. Because if there's one thing time has proven, it's that developers don't have the resources for both.

Look at the popularity of the Drizzt character for example - and yet when was the last D&D game we played where you could create a drow and be all edgy to the point that the villagers wanted you hanged?.

That's why I thought W3 could have been expanded on more. They had an established character, and you start off with the bar fights and the powerful taking advantage, and there was a bit of danger for the sorceresses thrown in, but it was more Skyrim than character and party led.


Apr 22, 2020
at least the Witcher concept survived longer than Mass Effect's Spectres or Dragon Age's Grey Wardens
Polakware still winning!!!

That's because Witcher was introduced in a series of successful fantasy stories and novels years before CDProjekt started making games. Those books will always be around and the character will remain popular even if no new games are made. Spectres and Grey Wardens, on the other hand, are inventions of BioWare that nobody outside of their fanbase ever heard about and both franchises are dormant.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
at least the Witcher concept survived longer than Mass Effect's Spectres or Dragon Age's Grey Wardens
Polakware still winning!!!

That's because Witcher was introduced in a series of successful fantasy stories and novels years before CDProjekt started making games. Those books will always be around and the character will remain popular even if no new games are made. Spectres and Grey Wardens, on the other hand, are inventions of BioWare that nobody outside of their fanbase ever heard about and both franchises are dormant.
reminder that witcher books didn't get an english translation before the games were made

nobody outside of pooland cares about the mediocre books


May 26, 2022
Thaler the "cobbler" was only character who had personality in Witcher 3. Snarky, with a British accent, wears a monocle and teaches rock trolls how to cuss. They should honestly make a game with him as the main character.


Oct 21, 2019
I agree that it's important to shit on games for the right reasons but in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 it cannot be denied there are a lot of right reasons. Part of the problem is that they overpromised and underdelivered for sure, but it is also a generally weak entry for the cyberpunk genre or GTA-likes and you have the crappy RPG mechanics and shitty lifepath system where everyone is basically Street Kid background or the obviously gutted parts like the opening chapter with Jackie or the dogshit pedestrian and vehicular traffic or the removal of flying cars because that was too difficult for CDPR (which tells you a lot) even though a modder implemented that easily or the horribly inefficient rendering. Cyberpunk 2077 had a lot of novices working on it and it showed in all the stupid problems the game developed.
I don't think anything that includes in "unfulfulled expectations" or "cut content" qualifies as a valid critique of the end product. And it seems that many people think otherwise. My pet peeve is abandoning of the idea of proper subway, although it's hard to complain about the end size of game-world, perhaps it's even too big. Imagine if people would critique films based on what they've beleived about this or that's been cut.

As for expectation in general, I (kinda, since again, practically didn't play GTA games) get that people who'd thought they'll get the next GTA but in CP setting and bigger/better/etc were dissapointed. But again - this is basically marketing failure. At the output it's still storyfag game first, just in GTA-esque decorations, so to say.

Crappy RPG-mechanics? By local standarts - maybe but CDPR did them way better than in W3 (thanks to the tabletop basis mostly I imagine but nonetheless).

By the way, my main complains aside from abysmal itemisation/crafting is that the game's too easy in general and too junky at times (like when lots of nomads are riding together).
I believe they did leave the company and that's why this new RNG-heavy vision started dominating Gwent even though beta Gwent originally actively marketed and branded itself as a game where "skill trumps luck" but the financial part made no real sense. Gwent wasn't in a bad spot until the Midwinter update caused the playerbase to make a big drop because they started fucking shit up and lying to the community ("These new RNG-heavy create mechanic cards are for Arena mode, honest!" <- Sure explains the spy leader in Nilfgaard or the alchemy create cards or machine create cards for Henselt and so on.) but Midwinter Gwent was still a ton better than their next patch, which was to take Gwent out of beta and make a release that doubled down on all the fucking shit decisions they promised they weren't going to repeat after Midwinter when they were calling it the Homecoming patch ("Sorry guys, we'll do less RNG, focus on skill-based mechanics, keep community in the feedback loop more, stop merging balance patches and content updates, and try to bring the game back to its roots."). It was fucking cancer but all the idiots who made Homecoming weren't about to roll it back because that's the kind of shit where if it it successfully improves the playerbase and makes better profit you will want to fire the entire team making the Thronebreaker/Homecoming patch garbage since clearly their contributions were negative ones.
Yeah they've basically gathered somewhat hardcore audience first and then started to change direction rapidly towards casual crowd which didn't care about Gwent in the slightlest at that point but with their changes hardcore guys got pissed as well. Good fucking job. An utter management failure, I agree.
I think there was a lot wrong with it from a lot of perspectives and that CDPR set itself up for failure honestly, both through mismanagement, mismarketing, and incompetent staffing.
I'm not sure personally. I'd gladly read on if someone did a proper (outside) research but to me, roughly speaking it looks as alright, their stock has fallen dramatically but despite everything CP sold incredbly well and the normies have goldfish memory, so.

People say CDPR lose a lot of talent but aren't they at the very least the biggest Polish game company still? Means there will be more fresh talent around.


Dec 12, 2020
at least the Witcher concept survived longer than Mass Effect's Spectres or Dragon Age's Grey Wardens
Polakware still winning!!!

That's because Witcher was introduced in a series of successful fantasy stories and novels years before CDProjekt started making games. Those books will always be around and the character will remain popular even if no new games are made. Spectres and Grey Wardens, on the other hand, are inventions of BioWare that nobody outside of their fanbase ever heard about and both franchises are dormant.
reminder that witcher books didn't get an english translation before the games were made

nobody outside of pooland cares about the mediocre books
The first english translation was in 2007.
Redminder that you need to check basic facts before you spit out nonsense.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
at least the Witcher concept survived longer than Mass Effect's Spectres or Dragon Age's Grey Wardens
Polakware still winning!!!

That's because Witcher was introduced in a series of successful fantasy stories and novels years before CDProjekt started making games. Those books will always be around and the character will remain popular even if no new games are made. Spectres and Grey Wardens, on the other hand, are inventions of BioWare that nobody outside of their fanbase ever heard about and both franchises are dormant.
reminder that witcher books didn't get an english translation before the games were made

nobody outside of pooland cares about the mediocre books
The first english translation was in 2007.
Redminder that you need to check basic facts before you spit out nonsense.

EU: 26 October 2007[1]
NA: 30 October 2007[1]
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
Two of the novels were released around 2007, it took many more years past the release of Witcher II before the rest started trickling out. It's because of the games, and more so the TV series, that the bandwagon of netflix normies started buying them up. Few would even know about them otherwise.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Two of the novels were released around 2007, it took many more years past the release of Witcher II before the rest started trickling out. It's because of the games, and more so the TV series, that the bandwagon of netflix normies started buying them up. Few would even know about them otherwise.
And? Is being known by normies metric of quality now? Fuck normies, they are cattle (Goyim in Jewish). Always were, always will be. Only purpose of theirs is to serve Elites. If they are lucky, their Elites will care about them the same way you care about your dog. What normies consoom, is shit

Witcher had 3 games, 7 books and one Polish TV series. That's it. Is it perhaps too little, oh nolifer consoomers? Netflix never made a series. Witcher 4 will never be released. CDPR went bankrupt. That's truth, everything else is Woke fanfiction that won't survive fires of nuclear war


Sep 4, 2019
Any company that gets infected with the pozz virus is incurable. Does anybody still expect good games from Bioware or Blizzard today?

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