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Decline Do you think CDPR is capable of making a good game again?


  • Yes

  • No

  • They were never good to begin with(kingcomrade)

  • Polish Bioware.

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Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
Never, as long as they think that having an open world in your game is absolutely mandatory. Also, might as well stop pretending that they like to create RPG's, considering how Witcher 3 and especially Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be.
Oct 9, 2015
DFW, Texas
A NFL quarterback has a villa and a Bugatti denoting his social status. Geralt has neither. In fact, he has no social status at all.
Geralt literally stands up to kings. He's walking romance novel fodder.

Most of his flings are one night stands and contrary to popular belief, women would still rather have causal sex with partners that don't look like a toad.
Men generally don't like to sleep with elephants, yet it happens anyways. This isn't even a counterexample.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I think there are plenty of corporation making games with good graphics, but there is almost none recently have a good story/setting/characters. I wonder is it so hard to get a writer with decent skills nowadays? From my perspective a good graphic/programming code should be more difficult to achieve. However the reality says differently.

I think it's because writing is a incestuous club, you see the same failed journos and writers getting hired for positions constantly they shouldn't have. Get fired from one place, suddenly they are lead writers at another AAA studio.

Good writers are not writing for video games.
You've been warned about dangers of storyfaggotry but you didn't listen.

I'm sure there would be good writers if they were given a chance. Check writers for TV-shows, it's the same thing there, and from what I know, it is(or was) at least a pretty prestigious gig. A good stepping stone.
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
Geralt was clearly handsome enough to attract the attention of almost every single female he came across, so the notion that he was some sort of misshapen freak, popular among a certain subset of the fandom, is based on a whole lot of fucking nothing.

No idea know what books you were reading, I can recall the descriptions so it's not "based on a whole lot of fucking nothing" I'm afraid. Abnormally pale skin, evil eyes, grim smile, thin. They don't paint him as a pretty boy, and that's not what women select for when they're out for a bit of rough anyway, especially when it comes with zero consequences.
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Jun 1, 2022
IMHO CDPR picked on The Witcher 3. After that everything they made is mediocre at best. They fucked up GWENT in just one update, month (?) before going out of beta. Thronebreaker is just a glorified visual novel. CP2077 is a mess (I enjoyed shooting tho). It's like they have no clue what they are doing.

It's probably because there is absolutely zero know-how of managing anything in Poland. Witcher games went ok because of slavic power (tireless grinding). Now their management is still in shambles and most talented people are, probably, gone. They will keep milking Witcher and Cyberpunk IPs, making even more boring, unimaginative games.

They are artistically bankrupt.


Jan 1, 2014
Question is not can they make a good game the question is can they make and finish (AAA) a game?
Cyberturd was announced (kind of) in 2013 and developing cycle is getting longer and longer with all these big developers....so...TW4 will come out in ~10y if it ever comes out.
They have delayed updated next gen whatever TW3 already 10 times like...wtf. are those people there doing all day? Why do you pay them?
And games are not progressing, gameplay, graphics, everything is not evolving so why games take so fucking long to make when they are not better looking, no new features actually they regress and are overall shit in every way.
If you made BG from scratch these days I think these incompetent developers would need same insane amount of time like 5,6,7y+


Dec 12, 2020
Cyberturd was announced (kind of) in 2013 and developing cycle is getting longer and longer with all these big developers....so...TW4 will come out in ~10y if it ever comes out.
They have delayed updated next gen whatever TW3 already 10 times like...wtf. are those people there doing all day? Why do you pay them?
Next gen update had been developed by a Russian studio Saber Interactive. CDP only took it in-house in april.
And TW4 will be made on Unreal Engine 5, so no time will be spent on writing their own engine. And most probably it will be their main project (CP was their secondary project, TW3 was main).

Edit: you sense wrong; no copium, just straight cold facts.
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Apr 16, 2007
Geralt is the fantasy equivalent of an NFL quarterback. He could look like a toad and women would still throw themselves at him.

A NFL quarterback has a villa and a Bugatti denoting his social status. Geralt has neither. In fact, he has no social status at all.

Most of his flings are one night stands and contrary to popular belief, women would still rather have causal sex with partners that don't look like a toad.

Its not his looks, its the fact that his status as a witcher marks him as sterile and immune to disease. They know they can get a bang out of a witcher without catching a baby or anything else.


Dec 29, 2010

And TW4 will be made on Unreal Engine 5, so no time will be spent on writing their own engine.

straight cold facts.
You make the assumption UE5 is production-ready and that's :
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Mebrilia the Viera Queen

Cdpr changed so much over the years and bad. They got bold and arrogant with the success of witcher 3 released cyberpunk ignoring all the hope and dreams of the franchise fans and worst of it they released as a broken mess. The game was shallow as a puddle and they insists to say.
It was a 10/10 game! We are very proud of it.
Right now Cdpr rep is so tarnished that they are public mockery target.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
CDPR is woke company. Woke companies specialize in production of shit. Expect state of the art turd from CDPR

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
CCCPD is on fire

- New IP codenamed Hadar
- Project Sirius (Witcher project)
- Project Polaris (Witcher 3 sequel, new trilogy)
- Project Canis Majoris (new story-driven Witcher open-world RPG)
- Project Orion (CP2077 sequel)


They barely can handle SP part! Unless that affects balance and economy in better way but this is some hardcopium there.
inb4 "it's da food for muh investors blah blah blah"
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Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
I dinno.

No, i think. I had moderate amount of fun with Witchers 1 and 2 when they were new; Witcher 3 was alteady a chore and Cuberpunk is just an abysmal failure.

No, they probably cant.

CCCPD is on fire

- New IP codenamed Hadar
- Project Sirius (Witcher project)
- Project Polaris (Witcher 3 sequel, new trilogy)
- Project Canis Majoris (new story-driven Witcher open-world RPG)
- Project Orion (CP2077 sequel)

More FPS’ and TPS’ with boring gameplay and pretentious cinematic(tm) story.

Suomeksi: Paskaa.
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May 26, 2022
CCCPD is on fire

- New IP codenamed Hadar
- Project Sirius (Witcher project)
- Project Polaris (Witcher 3 sequel, new trilogy)
- Project Canis Majoris (new story-driven Witcher open-world RPG)
- Project Orion (CP2077 sequel)


They barely can handle SP part! Unless that affects balance and economy in better way but this is some hardcopium there.
inb4 "it's da food for muh investors blah blah blah"
They should have given one of the Witcher games to Warhorse Studios, let based Dan give us a decent game that's guaranteed to have no trannies, gays, or niggers in it.


Jan 6, 2012
CDPR went to shit as soon as they went public. That's what happens when companies let shareholders dictate their every action.
CDPR would have collapsed otherwise. Going public got them a lot of funding when the failed Witcher: White Wolf console game was destroying their budget at the time they were developing Witcher 2. They used a reverse takeover to get stock investor cash and that's how they unfucked their finances. It wound up fucking them over with CP2077 though, when investor pressure and legal liabilities forced a rushed release.

There's an article that mentions the reverse takeover here: https://www.eurogamer.net/seeing-red-the-story-of-cd-projekt

I don't know why some Codexers of all people cannot make a distinction between CP2077 as a project/development process facts and rumours/marketing promises/technical state on release/etc etc etc etc and an actual end product. I think the end product is pretty damn great aside from some flaws (mainly itemisation and progression system in general). The visuals are fantastic and the writers have done their job very well too. So yeah why not to expect at least something good after this overly-ambitious and impressive game.
Have you played games like Deus Ex (the original), System Shock, Underrail, Blade Runner? If not, you're missing out on a lot of good games that play with cyberpunk themes. Hell, have you played Grand Theft Auto 3 or 4, or Saints Row 2? CP2077 was trying to be GTA sort of game after all.

If you've played these kinds of games, it's very easy to see how underwhelming Cyberpunk 2077 is.
Also, Gwent 1.0 was pretty damn good so who knows, maybe we'll see some unexpected small game like that in the future.
Gwent 1.0 was the Homecoming patch (which wound up being anything but a return to Gwent's roots), the version that replaced beta. That version was fucking horrible compared to the version that existed just before it. Even the Midwinter Patch Gwent that existed directly prior to it was superior to that. I have the sneaking suspicion you either did not play beta Gwent or were fairly bad at it. People who only piloted the same decks they probably copycatted from someone else and did so by playing them almost the exact same way each game were no doubt pleased by the increased randomness, lowered skill ceiling, and other silly interactive abilities of 1.0 Gwent but people who understood how reading your opponent's handstate, mindgames, and making certain plays can make or break your game found the new game desperately lacking in depth and turning into yet another shitty CCG where the name of the game is playing whatever flavor of the month is presently overpowered or whatever deck counters it.


Oct 21, 2019
Have you played games like Deus Ex (the original), System Shock, Underrail, Blade Runner? If not, you're missing out on a lot of good games that play with cyberpunk themes. Hell, have you played Grand Theft Auto 3 or 4, or Saints Row 2? CP2077 was trying to be GTA sort of game after all.

If you've played these kinds of games, it's very easy to see how underwhelming Cyberpunk 2077 is.
I have played those except for System Shock (and GTA, played only apparantely-a-shitty-clone-that-is-watch-dogs which I've enjoyed somewhat still, didn't finish though). And I don't disagree that CP2077 is underwhelming compared to them in terms of lets say maturity of approach narrative/lore wise. Still yet, I consider their (CDPR) many takes on its theme as good like some side quests as the farm with boys or the whole ending business.

Gameplay wise what you basically have is open-wordly Deux Ex - decent variety. Progression wise it does fall apart from a certain point but you could argue the same about Underrail.

Anyway, even if one shits on the game then do it for the right reasons like itemisation but sometimes people get ridiculous with complains and that irritates me because "normies" scream more or less the same while parroting each other (endless bugs, tech difficulties, poor graphics etc).
Gwent 1.0 was the Homecoming patch (which wound up being anything but a return to Gwent's roots), the version that replaced beta. That version was fucking horrible compared to the version that existed just before it. Even the Midwinter Patch Gwent that existed directly prior to it was superior to that. I have the sneaking suspicion you either did not play beta Gwent or were fairly bad at it. People who only piloted the same decks they probably copycatted from someone else and did so by playing them almost the exact same way each game were no doubt pleased by the increased randomness, lowered skill ceiling, and other silly interactive abilities of 1.0 Gwent but people who understood how reading your opponent's handstate, mindgames, and making certain plays can make or break your game found the new game desperately lacking in depth and turning into yet another shitty CCG where the name of the game is playing whatever flavor of the month is presently overpowered or whatever deck counters it.
My mistake - what I meant was before the Homecoming. I played the game for another 2-3 months after what turns out 1.0 and then dropped it for good (then I did check Gwent 2.0 and was utterly confused with the new direction so didn't return). Yes, the mind games in particularly were brilliant, I've never seen anything that close in CCG before and (Iv enjoyed them greatly as an ex-poker player).

The people who created that beta-version are probably left the company though and as I understand the whole project was an utter failure commercially so little hope here of course.

Sorry for muddled post, don't have the time for proper editing rn. My simple point was that CP2077 isn't as shitty as people like to paint it so if we'll get something of the same level in the future, it'll be pretty good.

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