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DOOM 64 official PC rerelease from Nightdive Studios


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
So I just tried it, and...wow! I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it seems. That's my impression from the first 2 levels anyways.

I went in totally blind as I never owned a N64 or tried any of the previous PC ports. Despite being a huge fan of the franchise, I never had any desire to play Doom 64 since it wasn't developed by id Software.

I can see now that I missed out. The atmosphere and level design are excellent. Despite its age, I think I might enjoy this more than Doom Eternal.


Feb 27, 2015
In that case, you should also try the ones released for PlayStation: Doom and Final Doom. The same composer worked on the music for them and they have a few new levels. They're simplified compared to the PC versions, but they're also fairly atmospheric.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
In that case, you should also try the ones released for PlayStation: Doom and Final Doom. The same composer worked on the music for them and they have a few new levels. They're simplified compared to the PC versions, but they're also fairly atmospheric.

You can mod the PC version to be that.


Feb 27, 2015
As for this new port of Doom 64, there's something rather amusing about the way it's been adjusted for current rendering standards. I happen currently to be on an older integrated graphics card because my card broke and the only renderer I can use in the game is DirectX 11. The texture filtering causes the game to run at ten to perhaps forty frames for me, making it barely playable in many places, so that's some intensive shader technique to replicate 1997-era texture filtering. For comparison, this integrated card can run Unreal almost completely smoothly in the Dx9 renderer.


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
In that case, you should also try the ones released for PlayStation: Doom and Final Doom. The same composer worked on the music for them and they have a few new levels. They're simplified compared to the PC versions, but they're also fairly atmospheric.

I played those back in the day. The PS1 port of Doom was the second version of the game I played after the Atari Jaguar port.

Yeah, the BGM was great, although the graphics are pretty bad and it's missing some monsters.


Aug 21, 2019
I did played Doom 64 before and i thought it was shit.Doom 64 is just a dumbed down Doom 2, it didn't bring nothing new to the table, just removed from Doom 2, like the Archviles and the Revenants.

However, if this mod get released i might want to go back and play Doom 64 again:


There's something to admire in all Doom games. This one has the most interesting atmosphere and the most realized aesthetic of the classic games.


Dec 22, 2008
Never played D64 before and it's the same awesome Doom gameplay with some really great level design but I really can't get into the new graphics, enemy design and music. I guess the PC versions are just too iconic for me so it doesn't really feel like a true Doom game.


Feb 27, 2015
The Nintendo version, whether it's captured from the actual console or in an emulator, seems to look better. The lower resolution gives the game a grittier look with the aliasing and the filtering method seems a bit different, not so blurry, though that might also just be a side-effect of the resolution. There might be something different about the colours too. Well, it's probably just that this kind of graphics looks too clean at high resolution on an LCD.

They address the texture filtering later. The new method, though it replicates the one in the console, is indeed smoother.
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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Watched that video when it came out and it definitely made me check Amazon. Doubt I'd ever go through with it though.

144hz monitors with super low response times and FALD HDR are out there, they're just super fucking expensive for now.


Jun 22, 2013
I dabbled with Brutal Doom 64 before but I never finished it. Got this and it's fucking badass. Having a great time.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
Brutal Doom 64 is shit for a few reasons.

1. The intro level.
2. The new enemies.
3. The Brutal stamina meter.
4. These level weren't made for jumping so they are a bit fucked.

Don't get me wrong it is good, but the original should be played.

I could mod all of that out actually. Then you would just have the graphics. I'm sure someone has done that.
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Mar 18, 2009
Brutal Doom 64 is shit for a few reasons.

1. The intro level.
2. The new enemies.
3. The Brutal stamina meter.
4. These level weren't made for jumping so they are a bit fucked.

Don't get me wrong it is good, but the original should be played.

So I haven't played through all of BD64, only few levels so far. The intro level is optional, so whatever, don't care. Out of new enemies I only saw Revenants, weren't bothered by them. But that might be a problem later. No idea what "Brutal stamina meter" is, never even noticed it. But I'm not using default HUD, I'm using alternative one from GZDoom that allows me to see how many secrets are left. What is that stamina meter even for? Because my character never got tired from running. Lastly, I haven't been using jumping in it, so wouldn't know what's fucked about it. What I do prefer about BD, 64 or otherwise is replacement of hitscans with fast projectiles. I know hitscans are suppposed to serve a purpose but I don't care, I hate it.
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Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
There are also the Hell Hounds which look like shit. I think the stamina might be on whatever Brutal Tactical option bullshit he put in. The jumping just messes some of the puzzles and shit up, so it would be better to have a lot of these options and settings removed, along with the crappy new enemies. The style of the sprites is clearly not from the old game so it looks out of place. Anyway it is good for what it is, but the original version played a lot different.


Glory to Ukraine
Feb 19, 2020
anima Bȳzantiī

This was great to watch. The lighting system despite (or perhaps thanks to?) retaining sprite graphics makes for really unique looking enviornments. I almost feel like this is what they were aiming for with Quake and Q2's lighting. Not to mention the music <333 compliments the visual aesthetic perfectly.

I really dig the weird ecosystem of studios that exist/ed around id and its engines. Nightdive in general seem to be on a roll though, bringing new life to an incredible list of games.


Finally beat this game, really great game. I'm sad to have never played it back when it released as this would have been amazing with the lights off and having an easily spooked imagination.

One of the levels does something kind of cool, not something I'd want to see a lot of mind you but it worked in terms of being a one off thing and that was how you needed to hit certain keycards in a particular sequence to gradually unlock the exit doors. The instructions on which to hit are scattered around different points as well so you have to kind of jog your memory on where they were located. There's other things they did like playing a version of "which pillar is hiding the megasphere" to unlock a door and they even had a Dead Simple style map (called Even Simpler).

The big thing here is that Doom 64 feels like how I wish Doom 3 was more like. You have a very tense, very unsettling atmosphere (hugely thanks to the amazing OST) but it still keeps itself as Doom in gameplay. The way the lighting effects are adds to the dread and honestly it has that great kind of creepiness to it. With the enemy redesigns, it can be hit or miss. There's a more serious tone taken here, but I disliked how the Cacodemon looked. Many times over I thought they were Pain Elementals, however speaking of the Pain Elementals they visually look great. Really was digging that Lovecraftian vibe they had with the multiple mouths. I do appreciate how with the lighting engine they made different audible noises between the Hell Knight/Baron of Hell as well as gave them different colored attacks (Barons have a much deeper shout and throw pinkish red fireballs) so you wouldn't get confused in the heat of things.

Levels here held up really well, there were a few I wasn't too keen on but they for the most part were pretty damn good. The last level is a fucking nightmare in the beginning though. Way tougher than both Spider Mastermind and Icon of Sin by miles. Overall a really stellar Doom entry and one I had zero clue was this different and good.

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