I've always wanted to play Doom 64, but I'm not sure how well it's aged.
I've always wanted to play Doom 64, but I'm not sure how well it's aged.
Get DOOM 64 for free when you pre-order DOOM Eternal.
Returning after 22 years, the cult classic DOOM 64 is coming to modern platforms. Available 03.20.2020 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.
Pre-order DOOM Eternal for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC before March 20, 2020 and you’ll also receive DOOM 64 as a free digital download when DOOM Eternal launches! DOOM 64 will also be included free with preorders of DOOM Eternal for Nintendo Switch, which will be released at a later date.
Fight through demonic hordes, hunt down the Mother of Demons, and stop Hell's invasion as you battle through more than 30 action-packed levels. Be on the lookout for classic weapons and secrets to help you put an end to the demonic threat.
Why are the models so blurry when you get close to them? It looks like they used some kind of poor anti-aliasing effect.
Wow, that does look great. I always had this thought that Doom 64 would be some pussified version because it was on a Nintendo system.
On the original hardware, Doom 64 was notoriously dark and didn't have the intense neon look present in that stream.
The game had some crazy traps and levels. It's Doom on crack.Doom 64 is a horrendous game made for console peasants. It features none of the hallmarks of level design that made the PC Doom games great, incomparably uglier sprites for the enemies and colored lights in literally every sector.
I urge anyone who disagrees to watch the linked stream above and count the elevation changes in both floors and ceilings as well as the light / shadow contrast spots in the entire footage.
Showcase of PC version:
This release is definitely aimed at console gamers.
This release is definitely aimed at console gamers.
That made no sense