yup. people saying trailers are edgy tryhard, i mean that's doom overall.On one side you have the Codex with a raging hateboner for anything NuDoom, and on the other side you have basically the rest of the internet gushing over it like it's the second coming of FPS Christ.
In actuality, it's probably going to be a pretty fun game: Nothing groundbreaking like all the reviewers and (((influencers))) are claiming, but not some horrible affront to the very identity of the genre either. This is the internet however, and it only deals in extremities.
the general formula is the same, except the nu doom trade tight mazes over more open, arena like level. they're both fun. dumb fun, but still damn well made game.
that of course overhyped by competent marketing team and fairly strong brand name.
i played DOOM 2016, and it was one of the most polished, optimized game in this game. run like butter on my old shit PC, and experienced no bugs at all if i recall correctly. the gameplay is smooth, and while the new format might not be your liking, don't pretend it's the worst game ever. it's good, if it's not for you then it's fine.