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Dota 2 Discussion (~Boston Majors & Road to TI7~)

What modes should we play?

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Apr 3, 2013
srs? seems like a stretch to me, but I'm not into men so what do I know.


Jun 15, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
To be fair they would probably have lost that rax anyways.
Perhaps, but weren't two members of OG teleporting back before Envy cancelled? To be frank, except for that error, Envy has been playing stellar most games.
Aug 10, 2012
I think the bigger mistake by EE was in the previous game, when he got getting picked middle as Slark shortly after buying out his Skadi and not having buyback. That led to mid rax and critical momentum being lost. In a 5 game series the 2nd game is the most important IMO, because winning 3 in a row is really, really hard.

It's hard to like EE because he makes some really fucking dumb decisions and also he's a sperg fuck who can't speak properly. Casters seem to think he has balls of steel but it's mostly his team bailing him out of shitty situations.

Player of the tournament for me was Cr1t. Good to see Moonmeander winning also, because he's a genuinely great player who's also a playmaker (not the same thing). Nice success story for N0Tail and Fly too, after trying for so long, and especially against the team that dumped them. Truly the revenge of the Hontrash.

Cr1t is also no newcomer to the scene, he has been playing competitive Dota 2 for over 3 years. The only player who's new to competitive is Miracle, so whoever said new blood winning is refreshing is really off base.
Apr 3, 2013
Cr1t is also no newcomer to the scene, he has been playing competitive Dota 2 for over 3 years. The only player who's new to competitive is Miracle, so whoever said new blood winning is refreshing is really off base.

By new blood I meant players who never been at the highest level of competition in Dota. Only Fly and Notail had that kind of experience. Never seen Cr1t, Miracle or Moon anywhere near t1 prior to that.
Aug 10, 2012
Well I mean Moon was at the top of competitive Hon for a long time, some skills in that game do transfer over to Dota 2 - even though not always true (see shit like the rest of the Complexity players, especially jokesmelonzz).

I really liked the final series for this tournament, high level play all around.

I still think this is one of the best patches in Dota history, striking a good balance between farming and action; hopefully the next one won't fuck everything up.


May 21, 2011
All skills in HoN transfer, but top in hon meant considerably lower skill level than top in dota. The competition matters most and HoN barely had any. Fnatic were casually walking over everyone when they switched, then it took them years of hard work to get close to tier1 in dota.


Feb 16, 2013
bros I need advice. I am not a very good player normally I played around 3 - 3,2k and was happy with it learning new stuff and trying to get better. I play with 1 or 2 friends. In the last weeks we dropped down about 700 mmr. What I saww was an increase in people not in our mmr range, meaning we get one player at about 3-3,6 and his friend with 1,8 or below.

Since I am not a 4 or 5k player its hard to carry someone in this range. They behave like normal players in my range raging blaming and oll the other fun stuff that gets them muted in the first 5 minutes, but they are so bad that I dont know what to do to get back up in a range where hoepfully the games are a little bit more normal range wise.

I never noticed this discrepancy in mmr before, sure I got people 200 below me or above me but it evened out now I get people almost 1k below me and even their friends who are 2k above them dont manage to carry them.

Any advice what I can try?


Apr 23, 2015
Any advice what I can try?
From what I've read and from my personal experience, by far the easiest way is to completely crush mid with a 1-vs-all mid hero. (WR, Lina, TA, SF, SS, ES, and such.) It's almost impossible to recover against a rampaging mid, because he can gain control of the map before your carry comes online - and then you are just fucked.
If you have any control over your friends' picks, it's probably best to send your friends to the offlane with nasty straightforward offlaner combos like Bara-Lich. The offlane's goal is two-fold - 1) to impede the enemy carry's farm, and 2) to help secure the mid lane by applying pressure on the enemy mid-laner.
My brother and I gained something like 1500 MMR over the summer just spamming Lesh (him) and Bara (me). My brother is a good mid-laner, and had the advantage of playing an OP hero and being able to rely on my frequent and aggressive charges. He'd crush mid in almost every game, then come over to my offlane and crush the enemy carry - and from there on it was straight mop-up. Basically, the enemy can't win if you shut down both their midder and their carry. Against Bara it's hard even to rat.
If you as the best player in the team don't play mid, or if your friends insist on picking safe-lane carries or junglers, or play supports in a poor way, then the whole thing is a crapshoot.

Mr. Pink

Travelling Gourmand, Crab Specialist
Jan 9, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Alliance vs LGD grand finals for the tournament nobody cares about. If [A] can win it, the swedecucks will probably get a direct invite to the shanghai major.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Alliance is back, winning Starladder finals vs TI5 winner EG. People questioned Alliance's direct invite but they went on to storm through all the games, eventually dominating a distraught EG in a 2-0 sweep. No matter who they banned, Alliance would always get some killer pick, be it their signature Io, Lone Druid, Nature's Prophet or even S4's Batrider or Puck. In fact, S4 pretty much schooled young talent Sumail, who excels at crushing lanes, completely dominating him in both games.

The games are great:
Game 1: http://www.twitch.tv/dotastarladder_en/v/35963229?t=01h23m00s
Game 2: http://www.twitch.tv/dotastarladder_en/v/35963229?t=02h17m09s

I wonder if they have a shot at becoming the first TI double champions? Alliance has been playing eh ever since their TI3 win, but now, somehow, they are back on the map, winning their last two tournament outings - and convincingly, even against excellent teams like EG.
Aug 10, 2012
I think those two particular games were more outdrafts than anything else. EG picked very weak carries who can't really deal with pressure at all and got steamrolled by early deathball push.

People need to realize that Bulldog's strongest heroes - Furion and Sylla - got significantly buffed over the last few patches and need to start drafting around them. PPD is usually a smart drafter but he dropped the ball on this one (I mean Luna and Spectre, really?)

As far as the midlane goes, there wasn't much Sumail could have done in those matchups. Puck flat out wins against QoP (70-30 or even worse) and Balanar doesn't give a shit about Zeus spam with an early stick/bottle. You just Void and run at them.

Still, it was a very strong showing by Alliance in the tourney in general, but there's no way of knowing how they'll perform in future events. Too many variables. I think Akke is not playing very well, for instance.


May 21, 2011
People need to realize that Bulldog's strongest heroes - Furion and Sylla - got significantly buffed over the last few patches and need to start drafting around them. PPD is usually a smart drafter but he dropped the ball on this one
Lucky for those pros there's advice like yours.
Maybe you should realize they buffed enough heroes Alliance loves that you can't draft around them. The only game they lost after group stage was due to severe outplay, Alliance had stronger draft in that game too.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
sweden best at dota2

what more is there to say
Aug 10, 2012
People need to realize that Bulldog's strongest heroes - Furion and Sylla - got significantly buffed over the last few patches and need to start drafting around them. PPD is usually a smart drafter but he dropped the ball on this one
Lucky for those pros there's advice like yours.
Maybe you should realize they buffed enough heroes Alliance loves that you can't draft around them. The only game they lost after group stage was due to severe outplay, Alliance had stronger draft in that game too.

What's the point in posting if you're going to be butthurt? I'm not giving anyone advice, I'm sure they realize that it was a mistake to give Bulldog his two strongest heroes in that series. Of course you can draft around them, PPD just didn't respect them enough because other teams don't play them as much or as well.

Outplays happen occasionally but you can't count on them, that's why the drafting is so important. What's your point?


May 21, 2011
The point is, banning bulldog wouldn't have been better. Liquid did that, then lost vs bulldog on weaver with chen + puck first 2 picks.
If banning np + bear vs alliance would have been a solid choice, don't you think everyone would have done it every freaking game?

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