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Dragon Age impressions


Apr 18, 2008
Volourn thinks all post BG2 games developed by Bioware are better than it.


Dec 18, 2006
It's not as terrible as Oblivion or the screenshots people posted from FO3, but it falls short of the atmosphere of TW (writing as well as voice acting) or the story and characters of MOTB. If I had to pick one word to describe DA dialogues it would be simply "boring". Is all I'm sayin'.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
@ FeelTheRads:

Ok, let's try it again. I think the line is good because:

- it's a good and fitting response to the PC line.
- it's a good summary of the Chantry (i.e. not an "it sucks, people are sheep" attack contrary to what was claimed in this thread). He doesn't attack the Chantry as he has no issues with it. He is bitching about the restrictions it imposed on mages, which makes his claim very real and very human. It's not an anti-religion rant which would have been out of place. It's a rant of a man who was inconvenienced and held back without any apparent benefits to him. Very selfish.

I don't think that "small comfort" is used in a "no comfort" way here because the structure of the sentence is different. "Small" comes with "great", not with "comfort". So, the mage acknowledges the benefits, but thinks that the price is too high, which fits his character very well, considering how much he wants the power that the Chantry forbids and how little he personally cares about the benefits it provides.

- it shows the arrogance and bitterness of the character
- it's well written and has a good flow. It says a lot without using too many words. I really like the "swallow a great deal for small comfort" phrase. "Swallow a great deal" and "small comfort" aren't new phrases, but I've never seen them in one sentence before, which is creative enough for me.
- I don't see any obvious flaws in the sentence and can't think of any ways to improve it.


Jan 13, 2007
I lack the wit to put something hilarious here
I'll totally cross-post my post from another thread.

Got bored by Redcliffe. Don't really have any motivation to play the game. They already killed off the only well-done character, Duncan, unless of course you have to do some rescue mission or fight an undead version of him (which you probably do). The dialogue is probably the worst in any Bioware game. Completely superfluous. Morrigan is the worst, I feel like I'm talking to an encyclopedia. Combat feels like a compromise between the enjoyable combat of the Infinity engine and the shitty combat of KOTOR, it's just too redundant to hold my interest. The regen is pretty gay, too. The setting aroused my curiosity, but not enough to make we want to play on.

The game just feels like a giant compromise. It lacks any edges. There's some slight passion underneath all the banal shit boringness, but I have to wade through too much crap to feel it. Maybe I'll play it through some day or gradually over months, but only to pass the time.

Edit: Also, is Loghain supposed to be a villain? He pales in comparison to Irenicus. I want another goddamn Irenicus.

A change I'd make:

The dialogue isn't the worst, it's pretty standard Bioware dialogue. BG2 had better dialogue.

Baldur's Gate 2 is on another level than DA. DA is just plain mediocre. BG2 was good.


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
The witcher's writing was supposed to be good? The english translation? Fuck me I guess I'll never understand "good writing"

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
Kingston said:
They already killed off the only well-done character, Duncan, unless of course you have to do some rescue mission or fight an undead version of him (which you probably do).
Nope. He's dead for real and isn't alive and waiting to be rescued/becomes undead. He got his head sliced off at Ostagar, and he isn't getting back up after that.


Jun 15, 2009
Hamster said:
Kingston said:
Volourn said:


Bg2 is still an excellent game, a classic , but dragon age is superior in every aspects.
Medicore dialogues? come on,...
Ive yet to see a better dialogue in BG2 or any other rpgs, even planescape isnt better, and planescape was unmatchable.I think the companions are very well done, i love morrigan and the party banters while you travel is often very fun.
Show evidence codexers , saying its "shit" or the combat is "gay" dont convince anyone.

The only negative things i can find about dragon age is the stupid marketing campaign, and the fact "love scenes" have underwears.. you either removethem, or you completely black out the scene, else its ridiculous.


Oct 18, 2005
Codex 2012 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014
Mortmal said:
Show evidence codexers , saying its "shit" or the combat is "gay" dont convince anyone.
And some random troll proclaiming dialogues in DA being better than in PST is supposed to convince anybody?

Bg2 is still an excellent game, a classic , but dragon age is superior in every aspects.
Yeah, in every aspect except story, setting, location design, side quests, encounter design, party system, music and visual design.


Aug 2, 2009
Mortmal said:
Hamster said:
Kingston said:
Volourn said:


Bg2 is still an excellent game, a classic , but dragon age is superior in every aspects.
Medicore dialogues? come on,...
Ive yet to see a better dialogue in BG2 or any other rpgs, even planescape isnt better, and planescape was unmatchable.I think the companions are very well done, i love morrigan and the party banters while you travel is often very fun.
Show evidence codexers , saying its "shit" or the combat is "gay" dont convince anyone.

The only negative things i can find about dragon age is the stupid marketing campaign, and the fact "love scenes" have underwears.. you either removethem, or you completely black out the scene, else its ridiculous.
:x :hahano: :hahano: :hahano: :hahano: DA has nothing on the overall atmosphere of those games. Environments are bland and boring. Different types of enemies are bland. Everything fantastical is possessed by a warp daemon or starts from such. Big old tree is fade possessed. Werewolves curse started with a fade spirit. No multiple sources means bland and boring compared to many other games. Dialogue is good yet bland compared to many other games. BG 2/Arc/PT/VtMB/MOTB/etc are no where near as bland and boring overall. Boss fights are a bit JRPG/MMO influenced. While I still play through many games I have played through DA once and am trying to play through again though I usually get bored after a couple of hours and stop for a couple of days. Fighting bandits at low level in one game then fighting them at a higher level in another game and seeing them decked out in top gear while being a challenge for high level party is dumb. I could understand another adventuring/special forces group after my own that was talented and well outfitted. Not a dozen plus guards. Reminded me of Oblivion and I stopped playing for a couple of days. So no DA is not better overall than any of those games.


Jun 15, 2009
Hamster said:
Mortmal said:
Show evidence codexers , saying its "shit" or the combat is "gay" dont convince anyone.
And some random troll proclaiming dialogues in DA being better than in PST is supposed to convince anybody?

Bg2 is still an excellent game, a classic , but dragon age is superior in every aspects.
Yeah, in every aspect except story, setting, location design, side quests, encounter design, party system, music and visual design.

Wish i could get the dialogue of planescape companions post them here and compare them with dragon age ones.Shale or morte? they both crack me up, really wish i could post them.
So my opinions is as valid as anyone else here coming to boost his virtual ego.

Visuals and music better in BG2 ? matter of taste i can concede you cant judge any of them superior then.
Siide quests better ? i dont remember something as good as the fade quests in BG2, , dragon age is quite less linear in the way to solve them.
Story is classic forgotten realms fantasy vs an original dark fantasy more realistic setting .
Encounter design allow the exact same mechanism, without the tedious parts, , it still requires strategy ,you still can crowd control , no you can do it even better, theres many more spells to do it and not even limited by a vancian system.Have you seen the dragon chewing your party member? now try to find something that surprising in BG2, only time i saw something like this was in Temple of elemental evil where some monsters had swallow ability.
Tthe autoregen after encounter replaces the massive soctking of potions , scroll and wands. Also you have much less gold in dragon age, so you must use your ressources in fights more carefully, i remember that in BG2 i had absurd amounts of gold and weapons only Ao should wield.


I thought the way they used spirits and demons as forces that motivate or create undead and other forms of beings was very well done.

One of the better things in game.

Level scaling, even though localized, occasionally really craps up. Not too many times though. Discovering new areas is done through advancement of the story so new enemies with different level of skills and different gear are somewhat expected based on that fact.


Aug 2, 2009
hiver said:
I thought the way they used spirits and demons as forces that motivate or create undead and other forms of beings was very well done.

One of the better things in game.

Level scaling, even though localized, occasionally really craps up. Not too many times though. Discovering new areas is done through advancement of the story so new enemies with different level of skills and different gear are somewhat expected based on that fact.
Warhammer/40K. DA did a bland and boring copy of the warp though.


Aug 2, 2009
Mortmal said:
an original dark fantasy.
Moorecock/H.P. Lovecraft/etc. Warhammer/40K are setting wise well known and older. I imagine something even older that I am unaware of exists.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Volourn thinks all post BG2 games developed by Bioware are better than it."

Why do people lie? I know why. They're liars. R00fles!

btw, People who bash DA are morons. Why? It's not ebcause they hate DA. It's why they hate DA, and how they show it.

I cna write a post about DA, and things I disliked/wished were improved, and I like the game. These people do nothing but post bullshit. Bullshit that is REPEATEDLY rebunked because either a) they ahven't played the game and ar emaking shit up, or b) they played the game but decided to exaggerate things to make it worse than it is, or c) are seriously fucked up too think that BG2 is a better RPG than DA and anyone who believes that is plainly retarded.

DA > BG2



Mar 12, 2007
I don't know, loot is so much better handled in BG games.

Oh and I just realized that you cannot stealth around enemies to complete objectives.

The game is fun, especially when Wyne joined, but now I am in the fade and it is simply too long. With my rogue there is barely any change in tactics and the loss of character interaction to mix things up. The fade itself is not very interesting, the codex entries about it are much better.


Jun 15, 2009
Hamster said:
Mortmal said:
an original dark fantasy.

Even a russian brain ravaged by vodka , could do better than a simple smiley answer, that if you are truly one, usually russian are more educated than that and appreciate good games.
Bah decline of the codex, i lurk here since 2004 and it was much more informative by then, take oblivion review, that was an honest review..Serious forums IP bans people who just answer with smileys , roflcopters and the various forums warriors LOL pics.

Feelthe rads, i said planescape WAS unmatchable , i know my english isnt the best , but i think its past.
Also dragon age is dark fantasy(gore/sex/dark magic/check), maybe softer than elric, but still its not tolkien or shannara fantasy and definitively not hasbro version of fantasy.

Original setting yes , they build it from the ground, they took ideas there and there but thats the case for many games or best selling books like orcs or marcus heitz dwarf .They take idea sfrom warhammer, from ironthrone, but thats still an original IP.


Jun 15, 2009
Hamster said:
Mortmal said:
Serious forums IP bans people who just answer with smileys , roflcopters and the various forums warriors LOL pics.

Also dragon age is dark fantasy(gore/sex

no tubgirl or that owl pic orly? you disapoint me .Ah well back to work now..

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