[snip] I'll check out the whole video later but I could see wanting to pop some moles in it to at least try it. Maybe the shitty romances, dialogues and shit will be unintrusive?
I dunno, there's already some quite decent choices for that. Diablo 3, maybe the new, upcoming Sacred, Torchlight 2 (still fun!), and surely a few more I can't recall atm. Or, any MMORPG. No, I can't see why I'd want to play DA3 for its alleged-popamole value (also, there are quite high chances of it being a 1-button-masher, whatever the class).
I hate Diablo 3 just from looking at it. I played Torchlight 1 and it was such shit repetetive chore and I hated the art direction, it looked incredibly cheap and gimmicky, like they couldn't afford "real" graphics so they went with that shit and pretended it's a stylistic choice. After Sacred 2 being inexplicably boring, I don't wanna see the new one. MMORPGs suck dicks traditionally.
Sure, I actually believe that once you play DA3, you will find out it's a button mashing shit but I can't tell from watching a few mins of video.
The graphics also look about 300 times better than Skyrim but I'm sure that if I actually launch the game I'll be treated to some amazing pixelated textures, view distance of 3 meters and horrible character models because that's what always happens with these shitty games designed for consoles. Dunno why I always let the promo videos get the better of me and actually almost convince me the game might look good.
Damn I just realized from watching the video - I really miss the times when sorcerers were not cool ninjas with tight cloaks but real old nerds who looked like powerful old professors.