P. banal
Yeah the armor looked like trash except for the high level plate sets you can get. Then Dragon Age 2 came and the art went from boring to full retard
"It seems unproductive to you. I love all RPGs, but Dragon Age are by far my favorite because of the level of depth in relationships you can have with your companions. I loved Mass Effect, but Dragon Age was even better and I replayed it more because of that. Part of those relationships include romancing them. The sex is really not that great, it's a quick scene where you see nothing and the fanart is always much better if you're looking for straight up porn fantasies. The romances are what make it so unique, because each character falls in love differently and that is interesting and fun to explore.
Gender and sexual orientation representation is a big deal because it's so lacking in other games. It means a lot to me to get to know so many strong, diverse women in one game. Being able to play as my own gender and romance my own gender is a rare experience in games, too.
That's how you get HIV.Some people need to go out and have more "real" relationship....
'sup Liberal.I guess since DA:I is a confirmed sodomite silmulator, discussing the finer details of in-game armor/fashion goes without saying... Has the codex always been a schizophrenic caricature of itself?
'sup Liberal.
But it looks like fucking ass
lmao why do you lie? The graphics are shit, even on the teaser that was meant to woo everyoneactually it doesnt. and until Twichers 3 release it will be best looking crpg on current and last gen. There is no skyrim like game on current gen for all those retards that bought fucking Xbone
I doubt this will be anything less than a modest success. 98% of people don't give a shit one way or the other about SJW and romance bollocks; in fact, I doubt they're following BioWare's current retarded PR bullshit right now to even beware about that stuff. They'll see it described as "Like Skyrim, but with better writing!" during early reviews and previews and buy it.
Lol that video is so fucking bad.
Okay, so when you chain someone up from the ceiling to torture them, make sure you let them keep their greaves and boots on. Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with these people?