Well be it too much sex-flirt-deviation oriented, or other wrong (from my point of view- which i state here few times - just hate LGBT offensive propaganda -not people) design moves but i must say that im very happy that we will have another crpg.
Why? Becouse i love this genre and playing almost all titles (aside these from Japan - too exotic for me) till early 90's. I know that here or on other sites, or just among other fans of crpg there will be always a lot of hard criticism, or just
pure, worship for some titles. We are all part of that. Bioware this day is just shadow of its former glory in terms of innovation and presenting story, but still it deserves some respect. Why im writing this?
Well, i think a lot of joy and fun from today's crpgs among older players (including me) is lost becouse we just easy forget how to give some break and take often naive crpg story as it should be. We focus on mechanics, details, marketing, hopes, and loosing true value of having another one at least decent crpg game.
And i mean a Tale, decent Story in at least memorable world, be it fantasy setting or post-apo /sci-fi /present/alternative settings . Im playing old titles often, Betrayal at Krondor, Bg, Falls, Ishar, Ultimas, M&M, Realms of A , etc. not to mention crpgs that are only few years old , i often found them very simple, both in terms of story, mechanics & setting and easy to criticize or even laugh at. But then i stop and think, hey that is giving me pleasure, and fun similar to years that are long gone. Why? Becouse i do not demand from every crpg game to be intelectual wonder or milestone for the gaming industry, nor cure for all world troubles.
Im not saying that we should take all what any devs produce, but to look at our favourite gaming genre from greater distance and in more calm way. Just like in times of our youth. It really helps a lot, even with crpgs like Inqusition or ME .
Look at upcoming titles, in 2014 or 2015 . I can't stop playing D:OS yet and we have Pillars, Torment, Wasteland, Witcher 3, DA:I , Ultima: Ascension, Underrail, Age of Decadence and some roguelikes on the way. Maybe it is time for more optimism ? And some less emotions, reading about 6 posts in the row about FUCK that SHIT is really boring.
Sorry for my english, but im just some freak, living in a cave at the world's end.
So Fuck details, we should look at the final outcome, and if we remember story, characters, music, overall experience after we end the game then we had good game. That makes good crpg or rpg, that feeling which teleport us into another reality for some time.