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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


Nov 21, 2012
Hmm, interesting.
The damage threshhold is apparently pretty low on normal difficulty. Maybe nightmare difficulty doesn't have it all.
I wouldn't count on that. His answers were rather vague. I'm expecting more like: 80% at Casual, 60% at Normal, 40% at Hard and 20% at Nightmare.


Oct 11, 2012
and why do you fuckers even care about casual difficulty features? you retarded or what?
Because in contrast with Sawyer,who balances the game for hard and then scales down, Bioware balances the game for normal, and then just inflates the HP and slaps random resistances the higher you go. That's why nightmare is more tedious than difficult.
Feb 13, 2011
thats pretty much true with da2 , in origins nightmare was the only difficulty you should be playing. the rest was piss easy

well lets wait for sawyer game and play it a bit before we make it a fucking holy grail of crpg;)


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
and why do you fuckers even care about casual difficulty features? you retarded or what?
Because in contrast with Sawyer,who balances the game for hard and then scales down, Bioware balances the game for normal, and then just inflates the HP and slaps random resistances the higher you go. That's why nightmare is more tedious than difficult.

TBH, friendly fire and such non-linear difficulty increases are pretty sophisticated compared to most games...


Oct 11, 2012
well lets wait for sawyer game and play it a bit before we make it a fucking holy grail of crpg;)
You confused me with Roguey. While i like this aspect of PE(balanced for hard), i don't like all Sawyer's design desisions, and i don't expect PE to be the holy grail of RPGs.
But i seriously don't expect DA:I to have chalenging tactical combat. I will have to see it to believe it


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Now with added bonus of regenerated HP even while in combat.


There is no source. My entire post was speculative, as indicated by the word "probably" at the start, you fucktard.
yes make up more bullshit on your own you fucking moron and than claim its only speculation.

Gods, you ARE retarded. Cannot into reading, or something? Run along to Bioware Social now. Adults are DISCUSS!ing grown up things here.

Guys, has anyone ELSE had ANY doubts that my post regarding revival was entirelly speculative?
Feb 13, 2011
no you fucktard
>he asked about reviving
>you answered that it will be probably like in da: o
>than in next sentence you wrote out of your ass that there will be regenerating health while in combat which was not present in da: o /da2 and your "speculation" contradicts what we heard so far from bioware.

thats why you moron i asked for source on regenerating health in combat. and asking for support in bioware hate thread is kind of gay you fucking faggot. at least try to trash biowhore on your own:lol:


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
>than in next sentence you wrote out of your ass that there will be regenerating health while in combat which was not present in da: o /da2 and your "speculation" contradicts what we heard so far from bioware.

It doesn't contradict their marketpseak at all, you dumbfuck. When they say:

BioWEAr herp derp said:
There will be a threshold that you will heal back to after combat. This threshold will change at different difficulties. #DAI
likely a very small one so that revived characters aren't literally at 1hp

The deduction that upon revival characters will have regenerated to this threshold isn't really a contradiction.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
DA:O and 2 actually had health regenerate during combat, but it was slow enough to be almost unnoticeable. There were multiple ways of boosting it a bit, at least in Origins.

thats pretty much true with da2 , in origins nightmare was the only difficulty you should be playing. the rest was piss easy
True 'nough

The only unfair advantage enemies get on Nightmare is a very slight resistance bonus, meaning it might take you one more hit to kill them. The "damage threshold" thing is the amount of damage an enemy has to do to you before the game downscales it, so that just makes it more fair. Meanwhile in II you get the standard lazy "more health, more damage, more accuracy, more enemy health regeneration." The only good difficulty increases are the ones that reduce enemy cooldowns and the durations they're effected by your spells.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
...not sure but i do now what means while in combat:smug:

Yes, because Bio's marketspeak basically means: when characters are revived, they will regenerate some hp, so as not to be stuck at 1hp. If there will be revival spells usable in combat, it is only logical to assume that the aforementioned instantenaous threshold regeneration will be also happening in combat.

Feb 13, 2011
...not sure but i do now what means while in combat:smug:

Yes, because Bio's marketspeak basically means: when characters are revived, they will regenerate some hp, so as not to be stuck at 1hp. If there will be revival spells usable in combat, it is only logical to assume that the aforementioned instantenaous threshold regeneration will be also happening in combat.

and with that treshhold you are still stuck at 10/20% of you life during and after the combat. you want full hp? use spells/limited potions. now compare it to da: origins where you life regenerated to 100% in seconds after the fight or witcher 2 where you have to wait 10 minutes standing like a retard in the middle of a fucking forest...


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
...not sure but i do now what means while in combat:smug:

Yes, because Bio's marketspeak basically means: when characters are revived, they will regenerate some hp, so as not to be stuck at 1hp. If there will be revival spells usable in combat, it is only logical to assume that the aforementioned instantenaous threshold regeneration will be also happening in combat.

and with that treshhold you are still stuck at 10/20% of you life during and after the combat. you want full hp? use spells/limited potions. now compare it to da: origins where you life regenerated to 100% in seconds after the fight or witcher 2 where you have to wait 10 minutes standing like a retard in the middle of a fucking forest...

Never claimed otherwise... :M


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"isn't BG2 was the last bioware game where your characters could actually die in combat?"


"the rest was piss easy"

I bet your deifnition of 'piss easy' is unfactuall. I bet you died multiple times.
Feb 13, 2011
"the rest was piss easy"

I bet your deifnition of 'piss easy' is unfactuall. I bet you died multiple times.

i died a lot on my first blind playthrough on nightmare before i new i could abuse cone of cold or mana clash and still finished the game in 4 or 5 days. i never died on casual/normal/hard but i played that only first couple hours before i switched to nightmare.
on 2nd and third run on nightmare i died couple times and probably only to broodmother from awakening and harvester from dlc, at least those fights i remember.(and sir cautrien but i fought her like a man without hidding and kitting+M)

casual/normal are piss easy for anyone who played at least baldurs gate. hard was ok until you learned mechanic of game better. on last run playing as a shield+sword warrior with guardian/spirit warrior/templar specs i could finish game playing blindfolded with custom tactics preset.:patriot:


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
I wish I had Alzheimers. that way i could forget all the retarted shit I've seen on the internet. Not your comment b/c thatw as actually chuckles worthy.

But, yes, I found BG easier.Outside of the misfortune of 1 hit kills at level that are near impossible outside of luck, BG is tons easier than the DA games. Now if you micromanage all of your aprty in DA series then it becomes easier and elss likely to die. But, in BG series, you don't even have to micro manage your party outside of 'boss'/ 'top tier' encounters to walk through. My top strategy for shit vioes is BG to en mass rush attack them with my whole aprty including the mage w/o fear of dying. Can't do that in DA series. You have to use your abilities. If you go in with a strategy in DA you will do well. if you rush in for shits and goggles you will be in troubkle.


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