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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
When the only white party member is a skeleton.


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
Dont forget Sweet Baby


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
It doesn't work properly. I tried it already.
I just played through the first level in the Den of Corruption campaign, works fine for me.

I'm fucking amazed that Vee wasn't killed in an organ harvesting operation by some gyppoids, amazed and disappointed at the same time.

Some of the rooms can't be clicked on in my browser. That makes some levels incompletable.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
It’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
AKA they try to hire a lot of people that aren’t male, straight, and/or white.

The satirical version is much more truthful. DEI stands for the exclusion of the straight, white male, not inclusion of everyone else. This is legalised discrimination masked as something positive, and how is this possible and excusable? Because of vilification, pure demonisation of the straight white men.

Joss Whedon's Buffy and, its consequences, have been a disaster for pop culture.

Buffy - as both the movie and series, is the only good thing he ever wrote.

even resetera disliked it...


I bet none had the guts to post these before some troon mod did and made it okay.

They're like a herd of scared sheep.

*Laughs in Witcher*

No joke seeing newly discovered cut content for an almost 10 years old Twitcher 3 gives me more emotion than anything Bioware has shat out in 10 years

Every single Witcher game is superior in every aspect to what Bioware has produced in the recent years. I still remember the mindblowing tutorial quests of Witcher 2, by the time you reach King Foltest's war party you've already seen some great visuals already (in and outside the tent), and then the sheer mastery of art style, facial animation, voice delivery and music blows you away. It only gets better after the rollercoaster tutorial, when you get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the compact but interesting game world. Witcher 2 isn't remembered for its meh-chanics or even for its great C&C, but instead for its consummate storytelling through dialogue and visuals. It's 'cinematic' done right. This was 13 years ago, and Witcher 2 is the most "Biowarian" game CD Projekt RED have produced.

What excuse does Bioware have for making this tasteless and lurid candy-colored Netflix shit, and letting a bunch of east-europeans humiliate them so? None. They were always hacks compared to CDPR, the embodiment of everything that's wrong with north-american culture and their "arts".


To help this game bomb even harder I'm going to spread rumors online that it was worked on by Sweet Baby Inc
I'm pretty sure if you dig a little it'll turn out to actually be true, no need for rumors.

The big publishers and studios all work with them, they can't afford not to and they have their bloated budgets for it. I can imagine that SBI isn't too forgiving towards parties that refuse their consultations, it's typical of their kind of fanatics to pressure with guilt, and later defame and cancel if things don't go their way.
Last edited:


Feb 1, 2021
It's funny that they blame a "modern audience", when the modern audience made DAO possible in the first place.
DAO was 15 years ago. These morons just think they can guess what the "modern audience" wants. And if they can't, it's the audience's fault.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
Joss Whedon's Buffy and, its consequences, have been a disaster for pop culture.

Buffy - as both the movie and series, is the only good thing he ever wrote.
Firefly > Buffy imho. A real travesty that the series got canceled before it could develop from the more episodic nature of the season we did get, esp. considering how good the main cast synergy was.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
Firefly > Buffy imho. A real travesty that the series got canceled before it could develop from the more episodic nature of the season we did get, esp. considering how good the main cast synergy was.
Firefly is just a shitty Cowboy Bebop/Blake's 7 rip-off.
It was a hodgepodge of various fictional tropes and genres, same as with Cowboy Bebop. Wouldn't call the former as being derivative of the latter tho, even if Whedon might've been directly inspired by it (presumably). In any case though, setting was serviceable and such TV shows live or die depending on how good the main cast is. And in that regard, would've rather had more seasons of Firefly than of something like Farscape (which excluding the great antagonist was much worse than Firefly in that regard).


Aug 18, 2009

even resetera disliked it...

Every single Witcher game is superior in every aspect to what Bioware has produced in the recent years. I still remember the mindblowing tutorial quests of Witcher 2, by the time you reach the King Foltest's war party you've seen some great visuals already (in and outside the tent), and then the sheer mastery of art style, facial animation, voice delivery and music blows you away. Witcher 2 isn't remembered for its mechanics, but instead for its consummate storytelling through dialogue and visuals. It's 'cinematic' done right. This was 13 years ago, and Witcher 2 is the most "Biowarian" game CD Projekt RED have produced.

absolutely. might not be the best game overall (even though i also thought it has one of the best armor designs in such settings), but they just nailed what it is about, when you are focusing on narrative - which might be to your liking or not.


Sep 4, 2016
even resetera disliked it...


If even retardera disliked, there is anyone who likes it?

Shinobi went there and started shilling hard. The situation is calm there now
lol, I remember when there was huge dissent towards DA2 back on BSN way back when it was first revealed, the backlash was in every thread in every subforum and the whole thing went into lockdown and a load of the negative posts were removed with new draconian rules put in place about negative discussion of the game and whatnot. And right when the forum opened up again, shinobi was there with one of the first mod-approved threads shilling the game, guiding discourse along the "correct" path while the new moderation policies effectively curtailed dissenting opinion against the direction of the game. That thread was allowed to carry on its merry way as per usual. Dude's a consummate shill/astroturfer for Bioware and seems nothing's changed.


Dec 9, 2018
Lower Wolffuckery
Firefly > Buffy imho. A real travesty that the series got canceled before it could develop from the more episodic nature of the season we did get, esp. considering how good the main cast synergy was.
Firefly is just a shitty Cowboy Bebop/Blake's 7 rip-off. It was canceled because it was cringe and boring.
Firefly is cringey on rewatch: all characters have same snark remarks that substitute for character, which Marvel made caricature of later.
Buffy is the same, proto-girlboss-ya-slay-queen attitude that is unwatchable.
Both series were first manifestations of rot that will became modern entertainment.

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