4. Warriors get anime moves like summoning swords from the sky
Man, it looks like warriors really get the short end of the stick here. They removed greatswords, weapon selection is pathetic, and weapon attacks have no weight -- they replaced it all with stupid anime moves, shield throws, magical effects, dancing, prancing, and other retarded gimmicks. Seems to me that you can't even play a proper fighter -- you're basically some kind of faggy twinkle-toes mage by default.
Yet another (really big) reason not to play this joke of a game.
It's the same shit since Demon's Souls.If Elden Ring managed to make a amazing spell and melee combat,4. Warriors get anime moves like summoning swords from the sky
Man, it looks like warriors really get the short end of the stick here. They removed greatswords, weapon selection is pathetic, and weapon attacks have no weight -- they replaced it all with stupid anime moves, shield throws, magical effects, dancing, prancing, and other retarded gimmicks. Seems to me that you can't even play a proper fighter -- you're basically some kind of faggy twinkle-toes mage by default.
Yet another (really big) reason not to play this joke of a game.
Apparently, the most terrible Blight happens in veilguard, the darkest and most desperate and all. It's the mother of all blights, and some of them lasted for centuries!
The catch? Most of the fun stuff happens in the south, Denerim has fallen, Val Royeaux besieged! Ferelden and Orlais are barely holding back the tide
while you attend that critical pronoun lecture
Shill! I dare you to show me a real feminine character in the whole game.They made half the women in this game look like dudes in make-up, with protruding jaws, big noses and brow ridges. Isabela looks like a drag queen now.
Wasting hundreds of millions of other people's money making a AAA RPG where every character is trans must be the ultimate power trip for queerosexual gendermancers.
Eh too long to explain, but you can see it on youtubes. The inquisitor is leading in the south, they bring him/her over for a quick exposition dumpApparently, the most terrible Blight happens in veilguard, the darkest and most desperate and all. It's the mother of all blights, and some of them lasted for centuries!
The catch? Most of the fun stuff happens in the south, Denerim has fallen, Val Royeaux besieged! Ferelden and Orlais are barely holding back the tide
while you attend that critical pronoun lecture
Are you making this shit up?
Blights supposed to happen a couple of centuries apart and there was not enough time since Origins blight.
Or did they retcon it, so it was not a blight lol (but how if Morrigan baby is an old god?)
I would expect it of them to nerf Origins because they hate that game.
It's the same shit since Demon's Souls.
It's really good shit.It's the same shit since Demon's Souls.If Elden Ring managed to make a amazing spell and melee combat,4. Warriors get anime moves like summoning swords from the sky
Man, it looks like warriors really get the short end of the stick here. They removed greatswords, weapon selection is pathetic, and weapon attacks have no weight -- they replaced it all with stupid anime moves, shield throws, magical effects, dancing, prancing, and other retarded gimmicks. Seems to me that you can't even play a proper fighter -- you're basically some kind of faggy twinkle-toes mage by default.
Yet another (really big) reason not to play this joke of a game.
chatGPTinput said:Lets suppose that I'm developing a game X.
A 3rd person action RPG with fully voiced dialog, around 60 hours of content, 300 employees in Canada, working full time for 6 years and part time for 3 years. How much it would cost?
only teh conclusion of chatGPT output said:Total Estimated Cost: $357 million - $470 million
I've thought Inquisition's shit tier costume designs can't be topped (hello, Orlais), but here we are. Dragon Age 2, all things aside, at least looked like Dragon Age a little. Fenris aside.Game is set 20 years after Origins, but some of the clothing is straight up 19th century. Like, daym, we were ghetto slumming in Origins
There's the issue. You should've specified that they hired all their designers from Fiverr.For a project of this scale, developing a high-quality 3rd-person action RPG with...
In case of Andromeda, they've waited, didn't they? It wasn't right away.I think it's telling that they announced that there will be no DLC immediately after launch
Man I don't even remember what I had for breakfast two days ago. The 2017 Bioware DLC announcement schedule is gonna be a little beyond me.In case of Andromeda, they've waited, didn't they? It wasn't right away.I think it's telling that they announced that there will be no DLC immediately after launch