Kind of same thing with BG3. In the first 2 hours you get tadpoles, illithiads, githanki, demons, space ship, a dragon, druids, tieflings, evil cult etc. Modern devs just can not write a good, coherent story and believable characters. It's that simple. I mean even IWD that focused mostly on combat had much better writing and plot then nowadays garbage.
And the sad thing is that you can do that and still have a normal "character building" arc. Just pull a in media res, show all the cool shit and power you
eventually get and the do the "and this is how we got there".
Unfortunately the modern audience wants the instant gratification. Especially RPGs suffer from this, as you can't have a high stakes choices & consequences without first building up the stakes. You need the foreplay. The world needs saving, but why the fuck do I want to save this world in the first place?