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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
I dont like the new design of Cyclops Veil helmet, in DD1 it looked ancient. Like you would expect it being weared by local equivalent of ancient hoplite or by some isolated barbarian warlord as a keepsake from old times. Now it looks generic, likely found on some average edgy evil paladin wannabe.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
That sounds like a “you” problem, to me.
Sorry, english is not my first language so I fuck up sometimes. What do you mean by this?

edit: I searched on the internet and I think it means something along the line of "Is your problem, I don't care", would be thankful if someone could confirm it. If that is the case, sorry if I said something that could bother you or something rude inadvertently then, perhaps I came off too intense in the last post and I swear it wasn't my intention.
Tuco's just being butthurt, don't worry about it.


Oct 24, 2019
Tuco's just being butthurt, don't worry about it.
Still, I'm sorry he feels that way then. I think he has made so far very good points and I agree some of his DD2 criticism and ER praise, and I think I understand why he dislikes the game as much. Perhaps my posts were too long (is in part due to a poor grasp of english, takes too many words to get my point across) and I got too eager to answer his posts, I could see how I could be kind of annoying


Nov 18, 2015
Can you image if in Ninja Gaiden the player needed to consume magic or an item to perform the Izuna Drop?
Here's the coolest and the most powerful combination attack in the game, you can only use it 3 times before having to find a refill...
Ironically, this would be an improvement to NG's gameplay.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I hate to keep contributing to turning this into one big "fuck Elden Ring" topic but ER isn't even the 2nd best open world jrpg released in the last couple years. Tears of the Kingdom is much more comparable to ER than DD2 in terms of design and even that managed to do it better. I'll give FromSoftware a break because this was their first attempt at a open world Souls game. Ninty and Capcom has more practice.


Oct 24, 2019
I hate to keep contributing to turning this into one big "fuck Elden Ring" topic but ER isn't even the 2nd best open world jrpg released in the last couple years.
I couldn't stand Zelda's open world, which is a shame cause I really wanted to like the game as the emergent gameplay was top notch and I kind of dig the ambience, but I find there was a lack of interesting locations and the map design overall lackluster, plus the lack of enemy variety always end up discouraging me. Despite all my criticism, I think ER probably has one of the best open worlds if only due to some outstanding locales and certain sections of the maps being very well designed. Is just than in general I find most open worlds not to be very good nor fun. DD2 does have a very well designed open world, but is disappointing how little interesting locales there are, so even if I enjoy roaming the map in DD2 much more than ER, I would give ER the edge because things like the Legacy Dungeons and such just win me over. For what is worth, I do think Zelda is also one of the better open world maps, but I'll put it behind ER and I just end up disliking it sadly.

If anything, I would argue it was a remarkable first try from From Software, even if I think it was still a mistake. I do have hope that they may "get it right" with the DLC, as they announced that they wanted to intertwine the legacy dungeons and the open world more, which sounds like instead of a big boring map, it will be a big fun level, or at least closer to it. And I agree, I am also not a fan of turning the DD2 thread into "let shit on other games" thread.
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H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
TotK is basically the same type of game as ER only it's world is more dense, more varied, has actual physics, emergent gameplay like DD2 (but not as interesting imo). ER has none of this. It's just a far bigger & shittier Dark Souls. They needed to add something new to spice up the formula. Instead they just made it bloated and worse.


Jun 15, 2009
I'm afraid I'm head and shoulders above people in /v when it comes to autism and efficiency. I finish games faster, and overall, I get things done more quickly. There's no such thing as bad luck—only rushed development and poor quality control. I'm not the only one who noticed these issues; all it took was one weekend playing it.
This is such a weak flex. You didn't do anything special. You just rushed through the main quest like all the other normie retards.
I didn't rush anything, I explored everything I possibly could. Look, I don't have the snail's pace most people call "taking their time"; and by the way, you miss that quest if you just blaze through the main story.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
Lol I fucked up pretty good and lost a couple hours of progress. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I fucked up a quest BIG TIME and tried thee ol' Soulsborne trick of closing the game before it could autosave. That cheese method seems to not work here and I like it. Said fuck it and loaded at Inn. Is what it is. It's not all bad. It undid some other stupid things I did.


Nov 9, 2023
DD2 open world was great in terms of physical layout design. It just needs hand placed, actually interesting loot in the chests, not random common items. First game had the same issue.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
That sounds like a “you” problem, to me.
Sorry, english is not my first language so I fuck up sometimes. What do you mean by this?

edit: I searched on the internet and I think it means something along the line of "Is your problem, I don't care", would be thankful if someone could confirm it. If that is the case, sorry if I said something that could bother you or something rude inadvertently then, perhaps I came off too intense in the last post and I swear it wasn't my intention.
It just means that I said what I wanted to say and you “disagreeing” is not going to change a single bit how I feel about it.

I don’t even just think the “open world” in DD2 compares poorly to ER (and it DOES). It’s frankly bad even in a vacuum.

There are games out there that I don’t even think do a particularly good job in that area and still sell the illusion of “virtual place” far better than this one.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Those slimes have to be bugged. Sometimes its not possible to hit them and pawns will ignore them while I get stuck in them unable to escape.
Yeah, bugged like in tabletop AD&D. Go fight an animated mucous with your unenchanted sword and see how you make out. Then try and burn or freeze it (depending on type) and see how it goes.

I mean, this is well known enough even to have made it into trad jrpgs.
Speaking of which, I had my first encounters with Dragon's Dogma 2 slimes after making that post, and fire is quite effective against them:


Also cool that they are sometimes absorbing a random goblin or NPC when encountered in the wilderness.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
It just means that I said what I wanted to say and you “disagreeing” is not going to change a single bit how I feel about it.

I don’t even just think the “open world” in DD2 compares poorly to ER (and it DOES). It’s frankly bad even in a vacuum.

There are games out there that I don’t even think do a particularly good job in that area and still sell the illusion of “virtual place” far better than this one.
You're a fuckin retard, you know that? Elden Ring is one of FromSoft's worst games. It only competes with Dark Souls 3. I'm tired of listening to you suck it's cock. Git the fuck outta here.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Also, the world in Eldern Ring DOES remember an actual landscape worth exploring, rather than being the POORLY DISGUISED network of corridors in DD2.
I just cannot agree with this. ER often times falls into the same trap that many open world games; big maps full of nothing. There is a good fucking reason they give you a horse, they are boring to navigate and way to big for they own good. Like, when you see Liurnia of the Lake, do you think the big lake full of random lobster and a few isles is interesting to navigate? Or do you prefer the north part of the map with actual interesting paths with challenges, like the tower with the eye of madness and the rats, the magic assault of the Royal Carian Family Mansion or the soldiers blocking the entrance to the elevator? Do you prefer the Consacrated Snowfield full of fucking nothing or MT. Gelmir with actual challenges to navigate and that requires you to find the right way to the manor? The best part of the open world in ER are those that are designed as actual levels for the player, even if they are less like landscape you want to explore and more like lanes or "corridors". Liurnia of the Lake may look pretty, it sure as hell ain't fun to explore until you reach the north half of the map.
I liked Liurnia of the Lakes. I didn't like the Consecrated Snowlands - but I wouldn't call them empty either.

In general I think ER is a good open world game.
Except too much copy-paste and repetition. Re-use of boss re-skins is just lazy. Would prefer less bosses, but more quality.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
You're a fuckin retard, you know that? Elden Ring is one of FromSoft's worst games. It only competes with Dark Souls 3. I'm tired of listening to you suck it's cock. Git the fuck outta here.
What are you even getting angry at, you bitter mongoloid?

Did you forget your daily medications? Is your crippling mental impairment having the best of you? Did your autism finally drag you in the deep end?
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I liked Liurnia of the Lakes. I didn't like the Consecrated Snowlands - but I wouldn't call them empty either.

In general I think ER is a good open world game.
Except too much copy-paste and repetition. Re-use of boss re-skins is just lazy. Would prefer less bosses, but more quality.
Which is fair, in itself. ER is definitely a game that could have done with less of its repeated content and turn out just better "by omission".
Especially since the amount of unique one is staggering, anyway.

The only problem with this argument is that it becomes a fucking joke if used in an attempt to defend Dragon's Dogma 2 by contrast, because that's a game with even MORE repetition and without a fraction of the unique content.


Jul 14, 2023
This is a good game and I'm enjoying it but I did prefer Elden Ring. The combat in FromSoft games feels elegant and dancelike in a way that appeals very strongly to me whereas this almost feels like a big game hunting simulator with the focus on weak points and physics simulation, and while I see the appeal of that ER and other FromSoft games are a better fit for my preferences.

Also, separately from the ER comparison the emergent gameplay aspect of this game doesn't really add that much for me; it's fun to think you're about to fight some goblins only to be dogpiled by an ogre and a griffin as well, but my favourite kind of emergent gameplay is where your spells and abilities interact with the world in ways that make you feel smart, like using a souped up Jump spell to leap across a continent or casting silence before you murder someone so they can't scream for help. There are some aspects of that in DD2 but it's not as emphasized as it is in other games, and how heavily someone values that sort of thing will be part of what determines whether this is their GOTY or a fun diversion.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Man i miss Bitterblack Isle sheaningans where could find yourself dealing with 3 drakes spamming curses and spells on you and at the same time horde of eliminators was on your ass. It was stupid but also pure chaotic fun, especially when you started to spam bolide and everything went boom.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Those aren't good numbers for a AAA game these days, unfortunately. This may be the last we ever see of Dragon's Dogma. It's all thanks to retarded faggots trying to play the game on outdated hardware and whining about the most trivial micro transactions imaginable. May they all drown in piss.
My very outdated hardware was somehow perfectly fine for Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3.
All of these games look much better then DD2.
There's no logical reason for DD2 to run like shit.

Learn to code and finish your game before you release it, FFS!

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