I never posted or even lurked on 4chan /v/ or whatever.
Then your shitposts were just that generic, damn...
The char creator is more complex than before, but at the same time more restrictive.
You can cry me a river, but no one cares about the removal of lolis
The dagger/bow vocations Strider, Assassin, Archer and Magick Archer, which were the most fun
For (you)
And from a design perpective it makes more sense to separate Strider into 2 distinct playstyles
your saying core skills compensate for that must be a joke
yes, more core skills and the fact that weapon skills are more versatile and functional do make up for the reduction of 6 to 4 skill slots
Mage and Sorc were the only Vocations that unfortunately suffered from this change
the roll core skill we had in DDDA was better than the dash we have now.
You're talking out your ass nigga
Formless Feint travels further, faster and literally makes you invencible
If anything, it's too OP
Even many Augments are worse than before.
Such as?
The layered armor system mattered throughout the game, because you could make so many distinct looking outfits, it was crazy.
Why do you keep insisting on this bullshit?
once you got to mid-high level armor, your underlayer would always be covered
Fashion Dogma was limited to low level gear and slutmaxxing
Really if fashion is your main concern, then the armor variants of DD2, while not ideal, at least mantain a consistent quantity of variation throughout the whole game
Now every second support pawn in the Rift wears that ridiculous corset
DD1 player rift pawns are also mainly sluts, lolis and loli sluts
Nothing changed here, except the removal of lolis which is for the best
You're shilling for the removal of one of Dark Arisen's best systems.
I am not shilling for anything
I am simply contradicting your dumb assertion that undercooked elements like the armor system, were the real strength of DD1
No, the core of the game was the combat and feeling of adventure
Elements which DD2 seems to have focused at the cost of sacrificing of everything else
If this kinda of design approach doesn't appeal you, that's fine
But the end result is that those core elements were substancially improved in DD2
And it's not ideal that some elements outside that core had to be streamlined, so the project could be finished
But hey... ideal projects are a rarity in game dev
Nights feel way more relaxed in that sense, and the few Skeletons, Undead and Phantoms you encounter don't really pose a threat.
That's a problem with the mathematical side of hp and damage values, like the Difficult Tweaks mod proves
Not that nights possess less dangers then they did in DD1
To find something more interesting like a Dullahan or a Wight you have to win the lottery
Yeah, that's kinda the point of rare encounters
I still try to play DD2 solo, and it is possible, but more often than not do I think to myself "fuck this"
That's a (you) problem
And yes, the world looks great and exploration is fun ... But
"Yeah the world design is admittedly better than the original and exploration superior. But despite this, let me tell why the original map is actually better."
they had such a great foundation with Dark Arisen ... and 12 years time
They weren't developing this game for 12 years and DD is not a dungeon-crawler