Hello everyone,
It’s time for an update on Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon’s progress.
We have been adjusting a lot of the features in the game:
– First of all, we adjusted and in some cases simplified the core rules system to make character evolution clearer for players. All parts have been tweaked, such as character evolution, experience gain, damage, etc.
-Priest spell casting has changed: Now priests do not need Mana to cast a spell. Priest get their power from their devotion to Adwij. You can cast any spell if the hero has the right level to do it. Then, a cool down appears before you can cast that spell again.
-We now allow players to look around on the automap, it’s no longer locked in place.
-Health Points are now Body Points, and Mana is now Spirit/Mind Points. While Body Points don’t really change the game, the notion of Spirit Points allows for some new mechanics such as a new kind of attack: the Psionic Attack. Any character with no Spirit Points will lose the ability to perform actions, including physical ones, as their brain is in a paralyzed-like state.
-New spells have been added.
-Better visual feedback when you get hurt, gain new levels etc. We’ve also added the gauges when you’re sleeping.
-The game is now paused when reading a book/scroll.
-You can now switch around the character’s positions. Front characters can now become back characters and vice versa, at any time.
-Added the ability to use items to cast spells, such as scrolls and staffs.
-Some other new features were added, but we’ll let you discover them whilst playing, so as to not spoil too much as it could ruin the surprise!
The next update will contain all the features mentioned above, but we’ll take some more time to test them all.
On the Level design side, we keep adding new levels, and we care about creating a lot of content for all the areas and not simply always reusing the same graphical elements. This is of course time consuming and we want to thank you all for your patience. We don’t want sacrifice any content by rushing to push out levels that we are not satisfied with. This is why we have decided to schedule the full release for after the summer. Holidays are coming quickly, and instead doing the final release when many of our players are away, we’ll wait until after the summer and take that time to polish the game.
Stay tuned for the next game update, we’ll push it on to Steam soon!
Yes we plan to release it on GOG, but only once we leave the early access stateWill it be available on GOG?
Dear Adventurers,
We are delaying our release by a few months, from the end of Summer to mid-December.
Even though we desperately wanted to stick to our original timeline, we’ve determined it best to head to full release with more content and more polish.
Delaying until December gives us plenty of time to achieve what we want.
This was a tough decision, and we apologize to any who are disappointed by it. We will do our best to release a game we will all be proud of in December.
This decision was taken by playing and working on our own game for the last few months, listening to and observing our beta testers, and getting plenty of kind words from supporters asking that we take our time and to not rush things. We always said we prefer to not sacrifice the quality of the game to release the game early. That’s our way of thinking and to respect our fans who expect a lot from our game, we won’t change.
We want the best for our dungeon crawler, and between making high quality artworks, testing balancing, or supporting a lot of languages, there are a lot of huge tasks for our very small team, but we have so much passion that nothing will prevent us from releasing the game we always wanted to put in your hands.
Dev Update:
-We’ve made a few decisions and slighlty modified our workflow, so you guys will enjoy again more regular updates. First of all, we may push updates in English and French only, and we plan to stop the time consuming task of translating all the texts (thanks to all our friends who help us!!!) at each update. We will include the extra languages translations in the final release only. This will save a lot of time. Secondly, we initially planned to release only 4 more levels (4 huge levels, remember our levels are not shaped the same way as most of the classic dungeon crawlers as we are not using stacks of 2D grid levels). However this requires too much time to test and balance the new areas before we can upload any update on Steam… So we have taken the decision to split the huges levels into smaller ones to make it easier to push new content regulary.
-Valve/HTC and Oculus kindly provided to us some Virtual Reality headsets and controllers to port Dungeon Kingdom to VR platforms. Some good progress has been made so far and we will show something soon. As a reminder, this was one of our IGG promises and the players waiting for it will be happy to know that this feature is on track. This VR port has the same levels as classic (not VR) version, but you will play as a single hero and will interact and move with more freedom.
That’s all for this long update. Thanks again to all who support us, either by simply sending some kind words, or by offering their help for testing, translating, correcting texts etc.
May the power of Adwij be with you!
Two new updates from the past months
The biggest news are that they caved in and added an automap (optional, like in Grimrock) and stat points distribution on certain level-ups.
Update 0.9.962 - New and Final Chapter!
You have arrived at The Fortress!
Dear Adventurers,
The last chapter is here! You can now play the game from start to finish with the complete story and all of the levels.
What's next?
- We'll take some time to collect feedback about the last chapter and update as necessary. Feel free to give us your thoughts on the Steam forum or by email.
- Our friend François is updating the end illustrations to reflect the changes we made in this last chapter, and we'll update it as soon as possible.
Afterwards, we'll focus on global balancing and making changes and additions to the whole game that we hope will improve the experience further.
We'd like to thank you all for your continued support. Thank you so much, it is very much appreciated, we love you guys!
I don't mind them taking their time - they haven proven that they are in there for the long haul.
Having crpgs as hobby you need excellent memory and huge life span, between i still have a mail from kanda in 2014 saying he will give me a free key... Never did it . I'll never forget, and never forgive.about fucking time
I remember some neat locations