Hello erveyone,
Sorry, i am terribly busy working on the game, and i couldn't spend any time on boards the past few months/weeks.
vonAchdorf : indeed, as you have noticed we are not marketing guys. We have no any single little portion of a marketing skill, and to be honnest, as passionate developers,we are absolutely not interested in the marketing topic. That said, we know this is very important, and we'll make effort to improve that side in the future, even it's not that easy for such a small team like our.
So yes, the game was sent to some of our backers and yes we are late, we need to make everything great before we push the game on steam. Everything is ready on steam side, trailer, store etc. But for us it's important to listen at our testers/backers/players and polish again. I can understand quite well the frustration, but we being very small team doesn't mean we have any rights to sell a bad game, even for an early access.
Yeah as some one mentioned there are many crawlers around the corner, and it give us more pressure in a way. But that said, unlike what
Excidium II supposed above, we are not here just to make another Grimrock clone, we want make a game we have been wanted to create for years. Yes, we could do like some dudes do on steam to create some of the new crawlers coming on steam recently: purchase already made graphics / sounds fx/ visual fx on unity's asset store, putting all together in a few weeks/months and release a crawler clone. Those who thinks that really didn't get what we are trying to create. We are not here to make another quick clone, to quickly earn money (or we would have already published the game in begining of this year). After so many years working on the game, with so many iterations, believe me, we will surely not earn enough money to cover all costs, time and investment we made over the past years. Especially with such a crowd world as the one of indie games.
So yes, there are many crawlers, but we used to think there is still a (perhaps small) public made of true lovers of the genre, and if they enjoy the game, we will have win our bet!