I don't like games with zombie theme, its so boring and generic, gaming is overloaded with this shit .
As for me i already bought and waiting for another tpp arcade "rpglike wannabe"
https://www.gamerevolution.com/revi...-odyssey-pc-ps4-xbox-one-brutal-survival-game , today is release aout 9 AM EST [ 15:000 in Europe ], game is interesting and refreshing not another cliche.
To be honest it's good that arcade games like Assassin Creed [Odyssey , Origins] or even Dying Light, or Witcher 3 like and similar try to get inspiration from rpg genre but calling that kind of games crpgs is way too much maybe, ever Red Dead Redemption 2 could be treated as crpg becouse of it's enormous feeling of being part of the world [i played it o on my XoX and as for me it was best game of 2019 but it was not a classic crpg.
As for crpg definition for me it will always be games like Pathfinder, NwN, Ultima, M&M,Gothics, Baldurs, Fallouts or Elder Scrolls, where close to story itself and other activities we can find vast mechanics and many ways to at least create character.
Games like Dying Light , Odyssey , RDR2, Witcher 3, Mass Effects , Dark Souls and more of similar are more action oriented, story films rpg like not a core crpgs. They are more film like. It's hard to clearly say what is and what is not crpg today but we can approach in 2 ways :
1) classic mechanics, gameplay full of quests, npcs and story rich plus background universe [even action packed Elder Scrolls feels more right here due to vast replay value than Witcher 3
2)modern crpg hybrids like Witcher 3, RDR 2, incoming Cyberpunk , Odyssey, Mass Effects , we can call it all crpg as they make us play role in very immersive and easy to handle way , thus transferring us into created world .
That's the definition of good crpg, game which throw you in deep and vast universe with many ways to handle story.
As for my older age im more conservative in what to call pure crpg and what i think of as arcade game with crpg elements.
And to be clear there is nothing bad in being great rpg inspired arcade , like Witcher 3 for example [ great game , very rpg like but too simple in way it handles stats, class and mechanics to be called hard rpg , i don't care what majority calls it, for me Witcher 3 is not a classic rpg but new age , crpg hybdrid with action game ] .
Maybe it's just how gaming evloves and it may be good to clear borders of strict genre definitions. I had great fun and love Witcher series, i love Mass EFFECTs and Red Dead 2 , Odyssey and Origins were fun as hell too, i spent over 700 hours in each Bethesda crap since Morrowind thanks to enormous and great community of modders and vast fine lore of ES , but i need games like Pathfinder, Tyranny, Shadowrun, Amberland, and more classic rpg like.
Their slower pace and more space left for imagination way of creating gameplay and universe are fine too.
It's great time for any rpg player anyway as our genre really shine now.