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Eador Genesis

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Is the campaign modified or balanced for the new stuff at all? I might finally have some time to try NH this weekend.
Oct 4, 2010
Great stuff bavarian kid

I only gave it a quick spin, but it seems i dont have to run Eador with a custom power plan now, yay. Only a couple of minor sound glitches, but that's bearable.

Also new Orc skills and spells, new music etc.

Now to log on to my Paypal account and pay the Boon!

EDIT: Hmm i get an error when i try to transer money to him :(

EDIT2: Might have to make a forum account. It's just that the forum gives me a headache..with the mix of Russian and English.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
Great stuff bavarian kid
Now to log on to my Paypal account and pay the Boon!
EDIT: Hmm i get an error when i try to transer money to him :(
Mod creator is Jazz aka Andrey Prokoshin, Boon does the English translation. To support the mod, simply go to posting http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=160872#160872 and
  1. click paypal icon
  2. select your preferred currency and insert amount, e.g. 10$
  3. Proceed
  4. login to your paypal account and confirm donation
Oct 4, 2010
Yeah, i know how to use Paypal hehe. But i get an error when i try it. Something like "We cannot transfer the money at the moment. If the error continues, contact Paypal."

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So much new stuff in this mod I have to learn to play again. Can't say I like everything, but I can't stop playing either.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Just letting you guys know that manually controlling province defenders is super fun and adds a lot of depth to the game. Where previously the AI could go through multiple provinces like butter, you can now win or force a draw with good play if you have the right people for the right job.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
Hi guys,

Boon is considering to patch then next NH release with a predefined starting skill for each class.

Should heroes have one fixed starting skill for each class e.g. Scouts always start with skill "Marksmenship" - or do you prefer getting a random skill?

Which starting skill do you consider the "best" starting skill for each class?

Edit: BTW, 2.60b is up http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=267632#267632
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2013
I played the last version quite a bit and I have to say that there's a certain problematic tendency which is not uncommon in mods: Some of the new creatures are just far too strong, not as in unbeatably strong, but they break the balance of the game and the AI miscalculates their actual strength (it claims that "the enemy is doomed" when the enemy is actually a lot stronger). Gnolls are the primary example of this and in the last two campaign shards I encountered very weak opponents, probably because something went wrong while expanding. Otherwise, the mod is outstandingly great.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Hi guys,

Boon is considering to patch then next NH release with a predefined starting skill for each class.

Should heroes have one fixed starting skill for each class e.g. Scouts always start with skill "Marksmenship" - or do you prefer getting a random skill?

Edit: BTW, 2.60b is up http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=267632#267632
Would it be possible to give a choice from 3 random skills, like on level-up? I'd rather have that. If not, a predefined starting skill sounds better than getting looting on scouts or necromancy on "good" wizards.

Which starting skill do you consider the "best" starting skill for each class?
I don't know if there are "best" skills, that depends on your build and the map (I want Scouting level 2 on my scouts, but not necessarily as the starting skill), but there are skills all heroes of a class want and skills I always avoid.
I want to write a longer post on NH btw, I just don't get enough time to play or compile my thoughts :negative:

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Major issue of previous releases solved :smug: "Fixed a bug that caused the accelerated growth of AI troops" http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3553
I think there is still something wrong here. On a few maps in the campaign (playing on expert) I've seen:
- generic AI ruler (competent or skilled, I can't remember), day around 50-60, he has a ringleader level 15 or so (high, but not that incredible) + a bunch of very high level t1 units and 3 gargoyles... level around 30. No way.
- large map, one of the rulers is Oum (expert). At around day 100 he has a warrior (master assassin, I think, it wasn't a chieftain) level 30 with two minotaurs level 30 and a bunch of veteran tier 1-2 units + at least 2 other heroes around level 20+ with similar armies. I don't know if that's even possible unless there's something wrong with the xp modifiers.

Speaking of large maps in the campaign, last one I've played, I started in the corner, after taking the standard 1st and 2nd ring provinces all I saw for the entire game was: barbarian tribes with behemoths, gnolls with multiple t3 units, giant nomad armies and undead with ghosts. I eventually broke out (thanks to diplomacy), but there's no way I could have beaten them normally, I had no resources and most sites in my provinces were very hard too. I've had situations kinda like this in the vanilla, but never this bad. Is this intentional? IMO there should be more mid-tier provinces to allow room for growth.

Also: allying with the inquisition and purging the heretics with their units :mrpresident:
I love these small additions.


May 28, 2014
I think I'd prefer random skills. Although if it is possible to choose between 3 randoms skills that might be ideal.


Mar 27, 2016
hey bavarian kid,im playing with the new horizons mod mostly custom games,and i have noticed that in late game (after about 100 turns) the turns take about 1-1.5 min and driving me crazy.
do you know of any fix?

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
hey bavarian kid ...and i have noticed that in late game (after about 100 turns) the turns take about 1-1.5 min and driving me crazy.
do you know of any fix?
Most likely caused by too many enemy heroes on the map.
Best fix: eliminate the enemy lord controlling the (typically 5 or 6) heroes. Turn processing speeds up if less calculating is required. Works like a charm in my experience ;).


Mar 27, 2016
yea,i play on the biggest map available with 4 enemy AIs,so by the 100 turn they have 4x5 20 heroes.
i will reduce the AIs into 2 and will up their difficulty to see if theres gonna be any difference.
thanks man.:salute:
Oct 4, 2010
Just got overrun by a lvl 17(!) Ranger on turn 36 wtf. Was playing on Expert with 4 players on an average sized map. :what:

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yeah, I've seen that too, the AI sometimes gets crazy high level heroes and armies out of nowhere.


May 28, 2014
bavarian kid

So New Horizons and the unofficial patch that was mentioned earlier, they have access to the source code? I'm just wondering if it would be possible to take a look at it at some point. (Not those necessarily but just the base game.) Do you know how they got it?


Jul 16, 2009
bavarian kid

So New Horizons and the unofficial patch that was mentioned earlier, they have access to the source code? I'm just wondering if it would be possible to take a look at it at some point. (Not those necessarily but just the base game.) Do you know how they got it?
Make your own source code. It's not difficult, at most 3 months top even if you'd program GFX from scratch and don't use more libraries than OGL, or standard Graphic2D. That's assuming you know you are doing, he didn't.

(I'm talking about source code to main game, not the fixes.)

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