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Eador Genesis

Oct 4, 2010
I'll donate one of these days for sure. Eador is :salute:

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'm gonna try New Horizons with the new release. Looks like a lot of work was put into it. Is there a wiki for the new stuff or something?
Those skill bars for new units look a little overcrowded though.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
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Jul 8, 2013
Looks great! Two ideas: 1. I think that the Mod could become a lot more popular if there were some videos on Youtube (the only ones which I find refer to the vanilla version). Let's play videos often work well. 2. I don't know if it's possible, but the absence of fighting animations might turn quite a few people off from the game. I think even very primitive animations would help in that regard.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I don't know if it's possible, but the absence of fighting animations might turn quite a few people off from the game. I think even very primitive animations would help in that regard.
Hardly possible, and in every tactical game (especially if it's a long one) players eventually turn those off, because when you play chess, you don't want a cinematic takedown of a rook by a knight, you want to execute the damn plan. In the very next thread people complain that new XCOM manages to be slower than it's 20 years old predecessor while allowing to command 6 soldiers with a pair of actions instead of 14+ with loads of TUs.

I remember how I never got to see the gorgeous animations in Disciples 2 because I turned the speed up to max in the first hour.

Looks like a lot of effort to put into something that the core audience tends to ignore.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
Link is not working for me.

Tool: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cq4hyfhq3ocjfav/eadoropedia_creator_1.0.1.zip?dl=0

Instructions translated with Google Translate

Generator Eadoropedii
Eadoropedii Generator - is a program through which you can generate the type Eadoropedii Eadoropediyu for fashion "New Horizons."


If you have not installed Java, then you need to first install it. Download Java: http://www.java.com

If the folder has a subfolder Eador "eadoropedia", it is necessary to rename / move.

Download and unzip the program folder Eador

After unpacking, you'll see two new directories - eadoropedia and eadoropedia-creator. To generate Eadoropediyu, run one of the .bat-files in the folder eadoropedia-creator:

generate-all.bat - generates a completely Eadoropediyu (pages and images)
generate-html.bat - generates only web-page (all but the pictures)
generate-images.bat - generates only Images

Creating web-pages usually lasts 10-15 seconds, while drawing pictures of dat-files can take 10-15 minutes (maybe in the future, this process will be optimized).

To open Eadoropediyu, point your browser to the index.html page from the catalog eadoropedia

Important! Folder Eador and its "parent" folder must not contain Cyrillic and other "special" characters! Otherwise, the export picture is not working.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
I think that the Mod could become a lot more popular if there were some videos on Youtube (the only ones which I find refer to the vanilla version). Let's play videos often work well.
There are quite a few already on you tube ... but AFAIK only in Russian. Are you looking for a Let's play video that highlights a specific aspect of the game? If yes, your best bet may be to post on the main eador forum (make a new thread in http://eador.com/B2/viewforum.php?f=33) and ask. Most likely someone will be able to recommend a specific Let's play video and give you a link.

General examples
New Horizons playlist v. 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkyRwuG9RRs&list=PLp25WI8NeU5iQrh2wqapLxZhrfGAtIzmn
New Horizons playlist v. 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjkc1x8DWyHfCLm5SSE6yUn4u1ZCcs9TT

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015

New music from the universe of Eador available for free - "Return to Eador" composed by Evgeny Gulyugin.

More info: http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=262666&highlight=#262666
How to download: http://static02.gog.com/upload/forum/2016/01/eac9a08027c75785920d85e85263991d95eab7cf.jpg
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May 21, 2007
So is the new horizons mod a standalone version of eador? I bought eador on steam during the winter sale.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
So is the new horizons mod a standalone version of eador? I bought eador on steam during the winter sale.
You are supporting a highly talented dev, Alexey Bokulev (AB), by your monetary steam transfer. IIIC, Eador Genesis has been released as freeware http://www.eador.com/eador1/downloads.html . The modding community has simply responded with releasing NH as standalone, too.

Some copy & paste from discussion on this issue from the MotBW thread http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/masters-of-the-broken-world-eador-2.70206/page-35

Based on reading GOG forums, devs seem to make legal agreements with predefined expiration dates with Steam/GOG as a distribution platform. Speculation in the eador community is that after the regular expiration date of these agreements are reached there may be an official freeware announcement. I have never seen the legal fine print of these agreements. In case they contain financial sanctions for "undermining" behaviour you may cause trouble for AB, the creator of Eador Genesis by contacting Steam/GOG directly.

If you are interested in the issue it may be smarter to contact AB directly via pm http://eador.com/B2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2&sid=218276023ec42420e0d21eae47bda613.
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Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
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Nov 26, 2008
Next release of New Horizons incoming.

Eh, really ? Last time i checked the game was literally unplayable on newer hardware, author didnt care to fix it, and slowdown software helped only a little bit but still left the experience severely lacking. Are all of you people playing it on your mothballed Pentium 4s ?
Oct 4, 2010
Next release of New Horizons incoming.

Eh, really ? Last time i checked the game was literally unplayable on newer hardware, author didnt care to fix it, and slowdown software helped only a little bit but still left the experience severely lacking. Are all of you people playing it on your mothballed Pentium 4s ?

You just have to set your Power options to 50% max processor power, then it runs perfectly.

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015

Gnoll Lore

Since ancient times, Wizards of Eador have known about the magic energy which is released when the blood of sentients is shed. That energy is harnessed by Necromancers to summon Vampires, and by Demonologists to open the gates of the Underworld. Demons know the secret as well. However, sacrificing a single sentient does not yield as much energy as neophytes would believe. Yet, slaughtering myriads by hand for the sake of a few crumbs is boring and tedious work, even for someone with infinite patience. But shortly before the Cataclysm, one of the Lords of the Underworld had an idea: Have someone else kill mortals and collect their energy, then claim it later at a single stroke. Demons are unsuitable for this task: By their very nature, they are untrustworthy, and sending them outside the realm of Chaos requires considerable energy, which is rarely recouped. Human demonologists are also unsuitable for the task: Humans, even those devoted to Chaos, cannot collect much. No! A proper servant should be industrious, indigenous, and strong. Since such creatures did not exist within Eador, despite its diversity, they had to be created. So in addition to reasonable race created by the gods, there was one generated by demons - Gnolls, brutish creatures about two meters tall, whose bodies are covered with short tawny or spotted fur. How the original Gnoll was created is unknown, but above all they resemble humanoid hyenas.

At first, the secret plan of the current Gnoll "master" seemed perfect. By slaughtering mortals, the beasts accumulated considerable energy, which they could not spend, as opposed to Vampires, for example. The collected energy was channeled back to the Underworld by the Gnoll pack leaders in a ritual carried out in special structures called ziggurats. However, early on, that was still not enough. And then the Cataclysm struck...

Nowadays this bellicose, savage, tribal race has thrived among the other races of Eador. The mysterious ziggurats still loom high, the sacred rituals are still carried out, but the "Master" (respectfully called the Unspeakable by the Gnolls) no longer runs the pack. Some believe that, shortly after the Cataclysm, he was killed by other Lords of the Underworld, who feared he would grow too powerful. However, this is of little concern to Gnolls themselves. These beasts live as they have for centuries - preying on the weak, and perpertually at war with the world at large, rarely forming alliances with anyone whatsoever. They are fierce, much stronger physically than Humans, in fact strength is the only thing they respect. And woe to those who stand in the way of a huge pack of Gnolls, flowing relentlessly through the lands of the various nations, making no distinction between men, dwarves and elves, plundering and killing. These creatures show no mercy and it is useless for a defeated enemy to beg for it. In battle, they disregard strategic placement by weapon type, a Gnoll only takes orders from a stronger warrior. Everyone is armed to the teeth, from clubs to elven-made swords, captured as trophies. Not surprisingly, the strategy and tactics of their military doctrine - as the vast majority of Tyrants realize - is to increase the number of soldiers and their fighting skills. For the same reason, Gnolls rarely follow any kind of battle plan, like Humans and Orcs do, they just charge into battle haphazardly.


Release should be available within the next 24 hours ...

bavarian kid

Oct 12, 2015
Please feel free to support the future development of New Horizons by a small donation http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=160872#160872.

Feedback is always welcome, so let us know if you encounter any issues or bugs http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3794

2.60 download http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=265939#265939


1. Troops
Added "Blood Frenzy" ability, gives a unit an extra action for killing an enemy in melee.
Added "Pike Wall" ability, adds the enemy's charging attack bonus to your counterattack
Added "Persistence" ability, speeds health recovery outside of combat.

2. Magic
After building the Sages Guild, Secret Library, or Tower of Knowledge, you may turn spells in a hero's spellbook back into scrolls (respectively circles 1, 2, 3 spells). To do this, click on the desired spell while holding ALT - the spell will disappear, and the corresponding scroll will appear in your hero's inventory. Keep in mind that turning a spell back into a scroll costs as much as buying the scroll from a store!

3. Locations
When exploring locations, detailed information about guards is provided in the description. If the hero has used Scouting, additional information is also saved.

4. Events
Most units now have "equivalents" for quests that require killing specific creatures (generally plain/improved units, but there may be exceptions). The quest log in the hero screen lists equivalent units.
Added new quest.

5. Misc
Allied troops are now recruited from a separate window. Added button to switch between regular and allied troops. Removed most hiring scrolls and allied strongholds.
Added config option to let a player control his own province guards. When enabled, before each battle, player will be given the option to control his guards.
Add config option to let new players skip the campaign tutorial. When enabled, the first dialog with Danur will offer an option to jump to the Astral Plane.
Add config option to let a player choose a Scout's favorite terrain. When enabled, a new menu will appear when hiring a Scout.
Added three musical themes (main menu, main window, battle) - made by Eador composer Evgeniy Gulyugin.
When comparing the hero's army to a neutral province's defenders, alliances are now taken into account - defenders are more willing to negotiate if the player has forged an alliance with their kind.
Added sound for trampling cavalry.
Added tooltip for creature type and class (hover over the unit pic in the unit stat window). Clicking on a picture opens a window with the description of all types.
Panicked units will now desert when they reach the edge of the battlefield. They stay alive, but lose half of their remaining health. Also, the fight no longer ends immediately when all enemies are panicked - you have to kill them or wait for them to desert. If all enemy units have fled, the battle is won. Deserters remain alive only in case of victory.


May 14, 2012
Am i the only one encountering a file not found error when trying to download the mod?


Jan 18, 2013
Downloading right now, link's working alright. Must be something on your part.

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