Magic isnt "easy mode". I tried to start as a mage and got some results but opted for using my shitty club upgrading it and clubbing through the game until I changed the weapon (after I could reskill). How is it easy mode if you have to gallop through half the world to get a bucket list of items which then help against bosses you could easily whack with the sword in half the time. The only spell I really missed was the light because I could use it and not switch away my shield, I stull used the pebble to maybe pull stuff. Magic is spending 10 hours trying to solve a problem because youre too lazy to invest the 3 hours it takes to force it because youre not as good as someone who forces it in 1.
The whole beelining to X place to grab an item vital to your build was a thing since we all went for Astora's straight sword and the drake shield in DS1. In ER the travel time is just...longer. But the time you spend assembling a handful of items (I think I spent like 2 hours grabbing stuff) saves you a TON of time later on. With my new Magic + Stormveil build I've noticed a significant drop in overall difficulty. That and I'm making liberal usage of player summons (gotta get my money's worth).
but when you summon X in the arena, the boss HP doesn't increase. You're neither here, nor there. It's either unfair balls to the wall bullshit if you solo, or complete stompage and full-on easy mode with summons. There is no real balance, no "baseline" standard for difficulty.
Not true, boss HP definitely increases dramatically with summons. It's quite noticeable in the Rennala fight, where you can take down half her HP solo, but can only take a quarter if your coop partner doesn't know WTF he is supposed to do in that fight. I've been having a bit of frustration with coop due to the sheer amount of utterly incompetent hosts. I'm currently preferring AI allies over humans when I need a summon, lel.
Yes, you're too lazy. Hence, "easy mode". Wtf is so hard to understand about that?
how is it easy for lazy people when I have to spend literall hours to get everything together? The one shot build needs 60 int. You nead to reach gelmir which isnt easily possible ( I tried) the fastest way is blocked by a boss you cant pebble away at level 20 or whatever. Every of theese easy strategies usually needs a more or less long setup, so if you do that you could just as well play the game normally.
Just take the Meteorite Staff + Rocksling and you're good to go. Later on add Monveil and you're all set, you can grab the other stuff normally. It's what I did.