Yea, every 25 you got a perk.
Other than multi-summons, the perks had no utility. Speechcraft tree corrected spelling errors, or some banal shit like that. Pick pocket tree let you poison their pants. Watching spacecore pong across the menu was more impacting than choosing perks.
Wtf are you going on about? They had plenty of utility. x6 bonus damage, no weight on armor, power attacks that disarm/stun/knockback, bow zooming, jumping across water like jesus fucking christ, boots not effecting sneaking, etc
Maybe you're thinking of Morrowind that had literally zero perks?
As for Skyrim, most perks are also shit - like 80% of them are +x% damage garbage.
Yeah, only a few have any significant change other than damage. Like being able to summon two things, or slowing time with a bow (which is arguably the only cool one).