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Elite: Dangerous

Aug 6, 2008
Ugh - had a crash during a nice big dogfight against another sidewinder. Was kicking his ass - had his shields down and was on his tail working on his hull (which was to ~30%) when I had a crash. I fucking love the combat though - was so fun. He tried to afterburn away, but I knew he probably had all of his power in systems to get his shield back, so I just put some juice in engines and tailed him while shooting the whole way. TSO GOOD!

Also, I have noticed quicker turns with flight assist off, but it's kind of hard to control. One time I did a quick turn and got right on a guys tail, another time I went in all sorts of weird ass directions and ended up with my radar going in jerky circles. Will require some practice.


Jul 24, 2006
Just had a very expensive learning experience with my brand new Lakon 6, after its immense inertia slammed into Chango Dock. Now I'm back at Square 1 and it feels good. :prosper:


Jun 18, 2010
Bradylama -- I lost a cobra that way. I was 5 credits short of making insurance. D:
Second time round is faster though. Just remember never to load more commodities than you can afford to pay insurance and still have a couple of grand in the bank.


Jul 24, 2006
I knew the risks when I took them, but the Lakon 6 has the largest jump range currently available. I was looking forward to being able to go anywhere. Guess I'll just troll for gold in Freeport.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
I'm just getting started in this game but I had some fun practicing maneuvering and landing on an asteroid in a Sidewinder. I was LARPing Han Solo as I turned on my lights and gently lowered myself right into a crater on a particularly big one's surface. Not a scratch.

I should try it on a more rapidly rotating one next.


Jul 24, 2006
Losing that Lakon 6 and all of my money was a blessing just in terms of the change to pace. Don't bother trading if you're in the free Sidewinder, just head to LP 98-132 and look for gold at the Unidentified Signal spawns, or practice piracy at the Nav Beacon. You'll get in quite a bit of combat practice this way while working up to a hauler. Piracy also works properly in this new Beta. NPC ships will actually jettison cargo if you ding them up enough and jump out.


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Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
You people make me want to relocate to the world of Elite ahead of time. I really don't like real life, the Elite world sounds more appealing.


Jun 18, 2010
Gas giants! Really cool video of a smuggler! (With high-speed docking)! PVP Bounty-hunter missions! New, small space stations (outposts) confirmed for beta 2!

Hello Commander,

Welcome to Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #37!
This week's newsletter takes us off the beaten track to see some upcoming Outposts that you'll soon start to find in far-flung places.

We also take in the mesmerising swirl of of gas giant atmospheres, and experience a tense 10 minutes smuggling stolen liquor in Beta 1.

And speaking of Beta 1, we are also receiving reports from 3300 of a Federation scandal that's causing something of a credit-crunch...

Last but by no means least, we kick off a new weekly feature of the Elite: Dangerous novels with Lave Revolution by Allen Stroud.

This mesmerising time-lapse video of our Work-In-Progress gas giant atmosphere simulation shows incredible detail, including a persistent 'red-spot'-like storm.

We'll reveal why (other than the sheer beauty of it) we are going into so much detail in a future edition of the newsletter...
Back to Contents

This is another great example of stealth gameplay in Elite: Dangerous - when a ship doesn't appear on your scanners you'll be surprised how hard it is to see.

Occasionally police forces get overwhelmed by smugglers getting through like this and will put out contracts for people to help them - so in the future that may be you out there hunting for Isinona. This will work through our mission structure - but of course the police pay by results, not time spent...
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“Outposts” are coming to Beta 2 - they are the equivalent of the run-down road-side café, the isolated fuel station, the research outpost, the deep-space shack where Joe the Hermit lives.

Most outposts only have a few landing spots. They’re out in the open, so even on the pad you can see the planet revolving below (or is it above) you. You feel exposed. You are exposed!

Outposts are mostly zero-G too, and ships are held magnetically in place. Outposts are often unsafe. It may have been a cheap refuelling stop last time you visited, but can you be sure it hasn’t been taken over by pirates since?
Not all outposts will be able to accommodate all ships. Some of the smaller outposts will only have small landing pads, so to visit them you will need to have one of the smaller ship types.

Also you may find that the pads are all occupied when you arrive, so you cannot stop until someone vacates the pad. Looking on the bright side, in areas without law enforcement there are several ways to encourage people to move on…

Galnet News
GalNet News Transmission 15th August 3300
All information ©3300 Elite Pilots Federation. Copyright violation is a crime in all jurisdictions.

:: Elite Pilots Federation Alert::
The rumours of a financial scandal currently engulfing the Federation government have knocked confidence in federal debt to the point where many now regard it as toxic. This seems to be triggering a Federation-wide credit-crunch that has affected both the stock levels that merchants are willing to hold, and the levels of industrial and consumer demand.

:: GalNet Credit Crunch Special Feature::
The Federation credit crunch is reducing stocks and demand across systems, dramatically altering the market situation and forcing pilots to look for new routes.

These graphs of stock levels illustrate the effect, and make grim reading:
Personal Weapons at Beagle 2 Landing
Biowaste in Freeport
Even Fish stocks in Chango Dock are starting to sink...
We can see that as merchants are now unwilling to hold much stock, the normal value of trading is wiping out supplies and leaving the markets with only sporadic trades.

But, all is not lost. Look at these examples of the market for Tea. The first graph is from Azeban City, a previously heavily traded market for Tea:
So far, so familiar.

But, in Dezhurov Gateway where Tea was historically lightly traded, we see a different situation with merchants able to meet market demands:
Commanders: the message is clear - the markets are out there, so get in your ships and find them!

GalNet's weekly Trade Aggregation Service Reports contain a regular 'Trade Tips and Hidden Gems' tip feature.
::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::

Ship Sales (by market share)
Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler holds on to it number 1 spot with 26.4% market share. ZP had better give its hungry new marketing team a pay rise to secure their services!
Faulcon deLacy's Cobra Mk III holds second place with an increased market share of 19.4%, the Viper gained even more share to 15.1% and their high-end Anaconda continues it positive momentum increasing to 4.3% market share. That all adds up to an impressive 38.8% combined market share for Faulcon deLacy ships.

Demand for the Core Dynamics Eagle continues to slightly soften this week to 12.7%.

Lakon’s versatile Type 6 trader again put in a dependable 16.1% market share, and the larger Type 9 continued its upward trend to 6.0%.

Most Profit Made From:
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Consumer Technology
Resonating Separators

Most profitable black market goods:
Battle Weapons
Performance Enhancers
Progenitor Cells

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Advanced Catalysers
Consumer Technology
Resonating Separators

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
i Boötis: Chango Dock
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Dahan: Dahan Gateway

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
i Boötis: Chango Dock: Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect: Consumer Technology
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Resonating Separators
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Advanced Catalysers

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis
Tilian: Maunder's Hope
Ross 1057: Wang Estate

Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.

Sports Results, Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip are available via an upgraded subscription.

This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.
Last edited:


Jul 24, 2006
Getting a very Independence War 2 vibe from those outposts. Very nice. They may not come into their own until the "FPS" add-on later down the road. Fighting your way out of a pirate-controlled outpost sounds pretty rad.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Gosh, I think it's time for a super-cool nostalgia trip back to the first few pages of this thread.

That was promised so long ago already.. Kickstarter money making wonders? Also no video, nothing, why arent they putting slighlty more effort into this. I know its david braben and all but still.

"£1,250,000 goal" ... That's two million dollars. ... They don't even have a presentation video.

Well I hope you enjoy your lifetime patron or whatever you get for $100 because I doubt he'll get even half of what he's asking.

Making iOS and kinect games it would seem. Next up: Warren Spector asks for $100 million to buy the rights to Deus Ex! ... Yep, my confidence level in this guy is through the roof!

I'll most probably cancel my pledge before this kickstarter ends. What a joke.

Besides "Braben" and "Elite", there is absolutely no reason to back this up as of now. ... For all we know, it could be a raspberry pi exclusive.


The return of Elite?

Bring it. :thumbsup:

It's perfect. It has one title image and a nice block of explanatory text. Do you really need a 1080p Cinematic Internet Experience™ interspersed with expensive commissioned art? For Elite?

Now, I agree that without some kind of impressive presentation, he may not be able to attract enough casual gamers to meet his goal.

It's time to start placing bets before we know how this Kickstarter will pan out.

I bet a $100 donation to the Codex that he'll at least meet his goal, meaning if he doesn't meet it, I'll donate $100 to the Codex... in addition to an undisclosed amount I already planned on donating at some point whenever I got around to it.

You saw it here folks, right on the first page!


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
What about it? Condemnations or criticisms of Star Citizen are almost exclusively personal opinions, most of those opinions are in some way speculative at this juncture, and more than a few of them are hugely overblown. I haven't been proven wrong in any way except that the game wildly exceeded my funding estimates. Moreover, I've voiced my own concerns about and criticisms of the game; I just don't slam my fists down on my keyboard repeatedly like a baboon, venting impotent rage and shitting myself before pressing the Post Reply button.

When the game leaves alpha, and especially when its revenue model can be observed in the final release, then we'll talk about eating crow. Until then, people butthurt about Star Citizen are of no concern to me other than occasionally being polite enough to answer their jibes.


Jun 15, 2009
Eh, iv'e bet on two horses, one is an obvious scam now , and i still say its still a miracle we get something with the elite name elite 4 was as mythical as playing grimoire .Maybe hes been working on it since decades, quite possible seeing the level of polishing , like ice on screen when your turn off power when smuggling.


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
Seeing some complaints over the interwebs how this game is becoming very samey, nothing to do, etc. Still waiting for final release though.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
They'd probably have a lot more to do if they were doing something other than running trade routes, shooting NPCs (though the AI is shockingly competent in this game), and upgrading their ships.

Even with more content, only meaningful PvP and emergent gameplay will likely encourage anyone to play past a hundred hours or so.


Jun 15, 2009
If they have long term goals like owning stations, mega ships or part of space like eve , they will keep people on for years.For the massive pvp i hope they invest in servers able to handle that, and this will probably not come for free.I would gladly pay a subscription fee for tha,t i doubt that space ships decals and skins will be enough.


Nov 23, 2011
Considering the price point, it's going to need plenty of content on release. Those who burn out quickly, especially if they've taken the plunge spending potatoes on a HOTAS system or such-like, will doubtless be very vocal in their displeasure otherwise.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
50-100 hours IS a lot of content. I can pretty much count the games/series I've gotten 100+ hours out of on two hands.

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