dunno lah
zsnes had terrible sound emulation when I tried it. So I immediately switched to snes9x.
1.7.X dropped already and it came with a bunch of fixes to the problems mentioned in the video.
Try latest official (1.4.0?) + these patches:Guys, need help! Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne last git build. Everything is too blury, movement and camera changing fells like in slow-mo. Changed CRC hacks to aggressive still issues remain.
Are Wii U isos supposed to be 20 fucking gigabytes?
I'm only interested in Bayos, for obv. reasons:Anyone else out there running it?
Before you blame pcsx2 for being inaccurate, you should understand that the machine hardware architecture has no good equivalents on pc. It's a small miracle that pcsx2 even works so well as it does considering how complex the multiprocessor GPU design of the console is and how its floating point instructions aren't even IBM-PC compatible (the different FP rounding modes per game on the database, are essentially inaccurate speed hacks).
Therefore, if you expect to switch to a 'better more accurate' emulator, you better have some super science 2030 machine because it would have to be all in software.
It's very similar to the N64 situation (though i personally think it's better). And even if you had a perfect software renderer, probably no one would use it unless forced to because of increased image quality in hardware for multiple reasons (like in N64 emulators).
Anyone got advice on Twilight Princess on Dolphin vs Twilight Princess HD on CEMU?
Gut and brain says that Dolphin is the better choice, but obv there's potential that the HD re-release is better. idk what the breakdown is with upscaled Twilight Princess vs Twilight Princess HD. 1440p monitor 2500k @4.0 ghz
RPCS3. I don't follow it so idk in what state it is. I remember 2 years ago booting some games with heavy glitches.
PS3 emulation will be real pain with about 5 SPU cores being used by some games.
I'll sample HD and see how it floats then. Assuming the CMU has only gotten better over time, maybe 1.7 will have solved the music issues