Towerfall Ascension is a great multiplayer game though, Talos Principle is a fine puzzle game, and Pyre was...kinda okay, the games aren't that bad honestly.
Also, no way in hell Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair will be given for free, no fucking way, the game came out this very year to good reviews TWO MONTHS AGO, unless you mean the original more hated game released a few years ago that can be described as Banjo with less personality, humor and a world that is less fun to interact with and explore, in which case, yeah, i could see it being given for free, Impossible Lair though, no way, it's way too recent.
Though i have to admit i haven't played any of the games, just what i heard, and according to people whose taste i trust, Impossible Lair is pretty much the "Donkey Kong Country" spin-off and much like the original Yooka-Laylee, it's a direct copy with a lot less charm and fun to it.