I bought it some time ago, but haven't really played since the last updatedue to lack of time. I also wanted to avoid the wave of demo keys because their servers are apparently made of sticks, mud and potatoes.
Two biggest concerns at the moment is the netcode and loloptimization (probably a result of shit engine, they're dependant on the Unity guys to fix the rendering so that there's no fps drop when zooming in with a sight which re-renders all the foliage).
Even accounting for a beta, the official specs shown on their website are pretty much a joke. Honestly, the way it is now I'm not seeing how the freeroam mode where all the maps are connected is going to happen.
Add to the fact that the ruskies are bending over backwards not to give refunds, it's a big case of Buyer Beware!
Though I have to admit, there's been noticeable progress since I bought it so it's not that it feels like an utterly lost case.
So what does it do right? The hardcore experience is actually there, with all the intricacies of the damage system and various methods of treatment it lends itself to some cool war stories.
Like that time when I was hobbling around on a busted leg, away from a firefight gone bad, I managed to stumble on a corpse stuffed with splints and an AKSU. Not a great haul, but I dragged my ass to extraction seconds before I would drop from bloodloss.
While not a 100% STALKER replacement, it does the job for me, especially when playing solo. The weapons are well modeled, you get to sift through crap to find valuable stuff, there are scavengers shouting obscenities in russians, it all comes together.
The trick is the game is apparently intended primarily for squad play, so lone wolves have to play it slow and smart, sometimes just picking up the pieces after a fully decked team but generally accepting to do a fair share of dying.
And it's not very carebeary. If a squad decides to camp a chokepoint, you're in for a rough time. If you approach an exit tunnel, it's probably prudent to lob a grenade inside. Like I said, you die a lot, and if it's not due to server desync or other bullshit, it makes you learn from your mistakes.
And then there's the guns with various builds and attachments and a shitton of ammo types (had to look up what all the 13 variants of 9x18 actually do, because in-game descriptions are not existant atm). Good enough to satisfy any gun porn enthusiast, but I gotta confess
they kinda lost me with the 5 different gas pipes for the AKMs.