needs vicky 2 converter
my hand hurts otherwise and so does my focus
my hand hurts otherwise and so does my focus
Welcome to another development diary about Europa Universalis IV. Today we’ll go into details about mechanics for some religions, that will become available with the next expansion.
Each protestant church will have their own name in the interface, like Church of England and so on. You can then customise the benefits of your church, and also change it over time whenever you need. To change the aspect of your church, you have to spend Church Power.
Church Power is accumulated each month, depending on your current religious unity, and your monarchs abilities.
Adding an aspect to your church costs 100 church power, but you can remove an aspect at any time, but that will lower your stability by 1.
A Church can have up to 3 different aspects, and there are 12 different ones to pick from. Some of these include.
- Holy Sacraments: +2.5% Discipline
- Individual Creeds: -5% Idea Costs
- Adult Baptism: +1% Missionary Strength.
The Buddhist Faith gained the concept of Karma. Karma needs to be balanced, because if it goes too positive or negative, you end up with penalties. If you go too positive you end up with penalties to your diplomatic abilities, and if you go too negative, you end up with penalties to your military abilities.
However, If you keep a balanced karma, you gain bonuses to both diplomatic and military abilities.
Some examples on how you gain Karma include: Starting wars decrease Karma, while honoring defensive alliances increase Karma.
While adding the Karma mechanic and its related events it also became clear that the game setup could benefit from splitting the existing religion into Vajrayana, Mahayana and Theravada. These three religions will all use the same Karma mechanic but don't all share the same events related to it and can in some cases have different event options in the events they do share. Events related to Lamas are for instance reserved for the Vajrayana faith while only Theravada countries can turn to Ceylon for spiritual inspiration. The three religions also differ in what bonuses they provide.
Next week we will talk about about subjects and how to interact with them...
Protestant base -10% idea cost will be replaced with +1 tolerance own
Catholicism is also usually better for diplomatic purposes, since most countries tend to stay Catholic on your average playthrough.
Sanctioning Commercial Monopoly
Welcome to another development diary about Europa Universalis. Now we are very close to the announcement of the new expansion that we aim to release in June... If Frö smiles upon us....
We have switched around what we will talk about in the development diaries for now, so today we’ll instead talk about Peace!
But first of all, lets talk about a feature that is something that some have requested..
Return Province!
Sometimes you have taken a province that is the core of a rival, or someone who do not want to buy the province, or even talk to you as you are so evil.. Not that we would ever be warmongering-alliance-breaking-world-conquerers..
Now you can just return the province to any state that has it as a core. You will lose some Agressive Expansion and prestige, but it will definitely reduce the chance of them attacking you in the short-term.
Peace Overhaul
This is obviously something that is in the accomanying patch.
First of all, we removed the treaty called annex.
Well, instead we are now able to target every province an enemy own, so taking all provinces is an annexation.
You will also always be able to demand the capital in a peace treaty, and you also do not need to occupy territory to demand it in peace, however unoccupied territory is more expensive to claim.
Revoking cores will no longer cost diplomatic power.
Diplomatic Power Cost, War Score Costs and Prestige gain for each province now scale with the province’s development, instead of being fixed costs.
Overextension and Agressive Expansion also looks at development instead of base tax.
And finally, you’ll be able to demand gold even while “annexing”.
FOR FUCK'S SAKE AT LAST!and you also do not need to occupy territory to demand it in peace
And to think you could do that since the release of Victoria 2...FOR FUCK'S SAKE AT LAST!and you also do not need to occupy territory to demand it in peace
New Options For Subject States: Once just tiny money faucets, recent expansions have made vassals and colonial nations more useful. Common Sense gives you new tools to exploit them or keep them in line