So, apparently the possibility to develop provinces will come only with the DLC while the province development and new building rules will come with the patch. They changed a fundamental mechanic and put the ability to interact with it behind a paywall.
I wonder how that would work in MP where your opponent has the DLC and you don't and he improves his provinces while you're denied the possibility to do so...
So, apparently the possibility to develop provinces will come only with the DLC while the province development and new building rules will come with the patch. They changed a fundamental mechanic and put the ability to interact with it behind a paywall.
I wonder how that would work in MP where your opponent has the DLC and you don't and he improves his provinces while you're denied the possibility to do so...
If I'm not mistaken, it's sufficient one player with the dlc (maybe the host) for the content to be unlocked for all.
It's not like previous DLCs weren't paying for (fairly substantial) advantages. DLC that makes the game harder wouldn't sell.Haha pay to win DLC.. What's next a EU mmo?
Don't you understand? Mana is how they force you to make decisions because they are too fucking stupid to do that without mana limitations. If you take out mana it will barely be a game anymore. Mana is one of the many limitations they use to deal with the fact that they have no anti blobbing mechanics.It's not like previous DLCs weren't paying for (fairly substantial) advantages. DLC that makes the game harder wouldn't sell.Haha pay to win DLC.. What's next a EU mmo?
The whole province development seems rather daft with just spending mana to make provinces stronger. Game needs less reliance on mana, not more.
If only I were capable of finally getting to work on my own 4x project, now would be a great time to hoover up pissed off paradox people. Too bad I'm a useless bum who will never complete or achieve anything in his life... Sad times...Naturally I understand that, what I don't understand is why people seem to think that the new system will improve things or massively alter the game. It's odd to see people thinking "wow, paradox is totally listening us and fixing EU, now there will be something to do in peacetime". Uh, yeah. If pushing a button to spend mana for base tax is what you consider to be riveting peacetime gameplay. Paradox is basically playing musical chairs with the mana system.
Hello everyone and welcome to another development diary about Europa Universalis. This time we have a feature for Common Sens, that is so large that it is spread over two weeks of development diaries. It is how we interact with your subject states.
In the subjects overview screen, there is now an additional button where you can open up an interaction menu with all your subjects.
Today we’ll talk about the tools you have regarding vassals, marches and lesser union partners.
Placate Local Rulers
This can be done on both vassals and marches, and lets you pay prestige (if you have positive prestige), to reduce the liberty desire of that subject by 10%.
Embargo Rivals
This is a toggle you can put on any subject. If it is on they will embargo all your rivals as quickly as their diplomats can travel. However, this increases their liberty desire by 5% while active.
Place Relative on Throne
This can only be done on vassals, and only when they have a regency. You can replace the regency with a ruler from your own dynasty.
Enforce Religion
This can only be done on vassals, unions and marches. This is possible if the subject is in your religious group, have less than 50% of Liberty Desire, and you have positive relations. Of course, this increases Liberty Desire by 50%, so its something you have to evaluate when it is desirable to do.
This is a toggle that can be set to on or off on a vassal. When it is on, they will not be called into wars, unless declared war upon. However, they will provide 50% more of its income to you.
Subsidize Armies
This is a toggle in marches, where if on, you will send up to 10% of your manpower to them each month, to fill up their manpower pool.
Fortify March
This allows you to build or upgrade a fort in a march, where you as overlord fronts the build costs.
Enforce Culture
This is the option if you got some diplomatic power to burn. You can swap the primary culture of a lesser union partner to your culture for a power cost, but this is only doable if they are below 50% liberty desire and it will increase it by 50% as well.
Siphon Income
Unions usually do not provide money to their overlord, but history is full of rulers who took from one part of their realm to provide for another. This action lets you take 50% of a lesser union partners yearly income if you have positive relations. It will increase liberty desire by 10% but also reduce relations rather dramatically.
Support Loyalists
Unions don’t have any local ruler that needs to be placated, so instead you have a toggle where you spend 10% of their monthly income each month, while reducing liberty desire by 20% as long as its active.
Next week we’ll talk about protectorates, trade companies and colonial nations, and their unique actions.
Incidentally, what examples do we have from the 15th to early 19th century time frame of diploannexations? Maybe my brain is just too mushy at the moment, but I can't think of any. Besides France and the ones it starts with BTW.
Incidentally, what examples do we have from the 15th to early 19th century time frame of diploannexations? Maybe my brain is just too mushy at the moment, but I can't think of any. Besides France and the ones it starts with BTW.
Just from my memory and just one country: Principality of Yaroslavl, Principality of Rostov, Principality of Ryazan, Republic of Pskov, Quasim Khanate, Kalmyk Khanate, Cossack Hetmanate, Duchy of Courland, Georgia. Maybe I forgot something. And it also not counts various siberian tribes, as EU doesn't emulate most of them and this is related more to colonialism than diplomacy anyway.
Or example diploannexations of Duchy of Livonia by PLC. But I'm not sure if Dazing case is suit there.
So it wasn't that uncommon.
So any new bugs/problems to look out for?