So I had an itch to play EU4 again - I pick East Frisia with the usual expectations and results - become a trading powerhouse and unite Netherlands. It's 1580/90 or so, I've won a war against Austria, England and France each, so I'm like, ok, let's focus on the mission tree for a bit for the sake of roleplaying aspect. Naturally, this meant going for southern Asia and forming Dutch India. Ok sure, I load up a fleet of 10 heavy, 10 light and 15 transport ships, assign my mission-granted explorer with ridiculously high stats, I put some troops on with equally worthwhile land general and I'm confident it'll be enough, considering my prior instance of colonizing and warring against distant non-European states goes back to pre development/pre institutions period of EU4.
I make a pit stop at Madagascar (Owned by my Spanish allies), and I'm ready to get my chunk of pooland. Luckily, it wasn't united yet so I go for the weakest of the three nations - the one holding Shri Lanka. I disembark, get absolutely rekt by a stack of like 20, favorable terrain, rolls and all, get my fleet wrecked as well so I'm like "what gives"? That's when it hits me - despite me being 100% ahead in tech to my neighbors, during the very first years of global trade institution kicking in, the fucking shitstain of a state in pooland managed to reach JUST ONE tech level behind me.
I immediately quit and uninstall. My immersion was ruined and my disappointment immeasurable. Only now do I recall that some people kept shitting on Paradox some time back about institutions elevating non-Europe far too much. Worst of all - knowing Paradox, there was a political agenda behind it. Because God forbid that POC are discriminated against by being presented as inferior to the European man.