Seigneur Locklear
- Joined
- Sep 25, 2013
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I've found something interesting that seemingly fixes the prevailing problem of institutions not being eurocentric enough, though I am clueless as to how well the mod performs. Guess I'll go about testing it out in my next playthrough.
EU4 takes place during the Early Modern era, a period that is historically notable for the meteoric rise of Europe to world prominence.
However, this never really plays out in the game thanks to the questionably balanced Institutions system. Native American nations typically form a western-style monarchy less than a decade after contacting Europeans. Institutions spread very quickly, even to non-literate tribes in the heart of the African jungle. Morocco often gets Colonialism before England does.
And by the last 100 years of the game, tech differences are essentially nonexistent. The entire world has caught up to the West, instead of falling behind them. Imported games to Victoria 2 usually end up with every single nation as Civilized. Maybe an interesting fiction, but not very historical.
This mod seeks to fix the Institutions problem, without going back to tech groups. All Institutions spawn in Europe, and changes to their spread make it more likely for Europeans to rise above the rest. Furthermore, the final institutions, Enlightenment and Industrialization, cannot be embraced by any nation that isn't in the Western, Eastern, or Anatolian tech group, meaning Europe will really move ahead near the end as the era of New Imperialism dawns.
All hope is not lost for the rest of the world, however. Institutions can still be reinvented through development, but they will have a hard time spreading and may be very costly to create from nowhere. A clever ruler will also note that conquering provinces with desired institutions is a viable alternative to waiting for them to spread... Just don't bite off more than you can chew!
Institution Changes
General Changes:
Generic neighbor province spread reduced. This means it spreads more slowly to non-European provinces and low-development backwaters.
All institutions except Feudalism will never spread to provinces owned by countries with Tribal or Native governments.
All institutions except Feudalism have reduced spread based on country tech group.
Reduced spread for Steppe Hordes, Siberian Clan Councils, and Native Councils. Passive spread through non-friendly provinces is now negated.
Feudalism now has an 80% tech penalty instead of 50%.
Before 1550, only provinces on the continent of Europe, provinces belonging to countries with a European capital, or provinces in the Near East/Egypt/Persia/East Africa/Maghreb regions may embrace this institution. (to prevent Korea inventing Renaissance in 1500 every game)
Will always spawn in a European province.
Reduced spread in the Maghreb region, Egypt region, and Near East super-region, to rebalance the Berbers against the Iberians and to represent traditional Near East trade routes being circumvented by European explorers.
Printing Press:
Will never spread to Confucian or Shinto provinces owned by Chinese tech group countries. This is meant to represent the unpopularity of movable type in East Asian countries during this period - due to logographic languages with thousands of characters, differences in ink technology, etc., the impact of the Printing Press in East Asia was not the same as in the rest of the world.
There is one exception: In the 1590s, Jesuit missionaries introduced the Gutenberg press to Japan, and used it to print religious texts in a romanized form of Japanese. If you are playing a Shinto country and choose the "A Kirishitan Realm" result of the Spread of Christianity incident, this penalty will be negated and Printing Press will spread in your provinces. The country does not have to actually convert to Christianity, they just have to choose the most Open result of that incident which involves protecting and patronizing missionaries.
Will never spread to Central African, North American, South American, or Andean tech group countries. (Non-literate cultures would have no use for a printing press)
Global Trade:
Will always spawn in a European province, owned by a Western tech group country with at least one province part of a trade company. The province must either be a capital or a center of trade. [If you don't have the necessary DLC, a trade company won't be required, instead it will require you to own a province within a trade company region outside of Europe.]
If conditions for spawning aren't met by 1630, then Trade companies or province within a trade company region won't be required.
Will always spawn in a European province.
Spread slightly reduced to Muslim and East African tech group countries. (Passive spread is no longer enough, the province must have a Manufactory to get the institution)
Spread reduced to Indian tech group countries, and Shinto provinces owned by Chinese tech group countries. (Province must have a Manufactory to get the institution, and it's slower to spread)
Spread greatly reduced to non-Shinto Chinese tech group countries and Nomadic tech group countries. (Province must have a Manufactory AND border a friendly province with Manufactories embraced, and it's extremely slow to spread)
Will never spread to provinces owned by West African, Central African, Mesoamerican, Andean, North American, or South American tech group countries.
Will always spawn in a European province.
Can only spread to provinces owned by Western, Eastern, or Anatolian tech group countries.
Can only embraced by Western, Eastern, or Anatolian tech group countries.
Can only spread to provinces owned by Western, Eastern, or Anatolian tech group countries.
Can only embraced by Western, Eastern, or Anatolian tech group countries.
Other Changes:
"Crisis of the Maghreb" event now gives -5% institution spread and +15% tech cost, and lasts for 50 years instead of 5, to make it an actual crisis, and make it more likely that the Iberians survive.
The "A Kirishitan Realm" event now has a tooltip informing the player that Printing Press may now appear in their provinces.
Reduced Institution gain from manually developing provinces. (40% of what it used to be)
For owners of Rule Britannia: Knowledge Sharing will no longer spread institutions.
This mod should compatible with any mod that doesn't change the institutions.