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Expeditions: Conquistador Discussion Thread

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Non-native resolutions look like shit though. I had to revert to 1440p for the tutorial battle because at 1080p the visuals looked like a fuzzy mess. Usually it's not an issue as most games now have options to scale the UI but older games sometime are a bitch.

Anyway, i couldn't play today so i'm still stuck in the starting area. I like the codex entries, too bad there's only a few of them (around 24 total). Kingdom Come: Deliverance had them too. I actually went to google the Alcázar de Colón and some of the other stuff.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Don't forget to recruit

The bald giant chapter 1 villain guy

You need a backer code or file in order to do that if I remember correclt, but just ask and surely some bro here will provide via PM(that is the way I got him when I played). Not only he has the most unique content of any follower, he has a unique model and appearance as well.

I had to google this and apparently i still get the quest, just not the NPC:


Doesn't seem like a big deal.


May 5, 2012
Exclusive content you can never acquire always rubs me the wrong way, you can't buy Esteban in Conquistador anywhere. Reminds me of brick and mortar preorder dlc shenanigans from the 00-10s which deserved to die for that sin alone.

Edit: was able to track down the files on some ruskie website.
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Jun 7, 2015
Don't forget to recruit

The bald giant chapter 1 villain guy

You need a backer code or file in order to do that if I remember correclt, but just ask and surely some bro here will provide via PM(that is the way I got him when I played). Not only he has the most unique content of any follower, he has a unique model and appearance as well.

I had to google this and apparently i still get the quest, just not the NPC:


Doesn't seem like a big deal.

Well it is cool. His model and appearance is cool and he makes sense as top soldier to level to liutenant. I can remember at least one late game quest which had a different resolution if you had him in your party as well.

Anyway, sent you a private message about it and I can sure send it to anyone who wants to replay this(just let me know via pm). You might have to restart the game to make it work, no idea.


Jun 7, 2015
Nevermind, I checked the official links and they are now broken. Sorry to have sent you a message with broken links Lyric Suite . No idea where you can get it these days or if you can get it at all - being that logic artists went under. I no longer have the file on my HD :(

Last guy I shared the files with was Ross_R . Maybe he still has it, though it is a long shot. His post asking for it in this thread was in 2017 and his only post i in the forums.

Perhaps some kind soul here or elsewhere has the file and wouldn't mind sharing it. Or perhaps someone formerly at Logic Artists. The company no longer exists and even those who backed early kickstarter can't get the file anymore after all these years... makes no sense to withhold it.


Sep 4, 2016
You know. Those two "key" files are actually only JPEG images, you can verify it yourself by dragging them into MSPaint.

I decompiled Conquistador's unity dll files a few years back and as far as I can recall the game only actually checks for the existence of two key files matching those filenames, I am fairly sure it never actually loads the files into memory. At least, I was able to get Esteban into my team (and have him stay in it) despite not being a backer just by making two empty files with those names (which I discovered from the decompiled source code). I did not do a full playthrough or anything, but everything seemed to be working fine based on a brief test I did a few years back. Never shared the info as I think Jonas / others for LA were still posting on the Codex at the time and didn't know if they'd appreciate it.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, the files i got from Barbarian seem to be working for me so i'll just leave it at that.

I think i'm gonna restart just to make sure. Didn't get far at all so i might as well.

I'm still wondering if it's actually possible to do a mix of conquering and diplomacy, basically roleplay as Cortes. I guess it all depends on how subtle the quests are. I could be setting myself up for failure by trying to mix up both approaches in the same playthrough, especially since it's my first.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Alright, so today i decided to redo it to make sure the backer bonus stuff sticks.

I decided to take out the l1brul nurse and get the racist one instead:

I also decided to take out a soldier and pick a second scout instead. The tutorial gave me an extra soldier and i felt 5 was a bit much (also the Esteban dude is a soldier and i guess given i went to the trouble of enabling him i might as well recruit him later on). Plus with all those racist followers i'm not sure i can actually recruit natives to fill out a second scouting spot so maybe i should play it safe.

Unfortunatly, the other two male scouts are cucks so i was forced to pick a wombyn. I'm going to pretend she is the mate of Quintero:

All set for a second try!


Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Motherfucker. First time my shit was stolen from cargo, so this time around i left Ruiz to guard my stuff and he did a fine job, hopefully by chopping some hands, so his narcisitic ass gets the first promotion.

I recruited the half-blood soldier wombyn but looking at her character sheet i don't think she is gonna last long. Peaceful, cautious, openminded? All the wrong traits i'm afraid.

Writing so far is pretty good btw. I mean it's still childish (all the Isabela dialog lines were kinda of embarassing) like video games usually are but at least the prose is not dumped down to shit. Still unclear if all the dialog choices i had so far affect anything. Like i clearly saw some "racist" options (tell the governor i'd have loved to squash the savages, which i didn't take, and the one where you tell him you couldn't care less about some pagan superstition, which i did take), but if there's feedback to those choices the game doesn't let you know right away, which is a good thing. Allows me to roleplay as i desire and whatever the consequences.
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Jun 7, 2015
Reminds me I have to replay this. It must be 4 or 5 years and there is much I don't remember.

I remember greatly enjoying the game throughout but then getting a bummer ending.

If you don't want to play psycho and betray the injuns that allied with you, you need a great amount of gold to get the "good" moral ending where the spanish crown approves of you and gives titles - or something of the sort

BTW, i gotta know, are there war dogs in this game?

Nope. There is a portable canon though. Really turns the tides lategame when you are fighting bigger waves of enemies.

Make sure to play Vikings and Rome after this. Rome was a major disappointment and Vikings has inferior tactical combat, but they both have their own charm, specially Vikings.


Jun 7, 2015
I'm still wondering if it's actually possible to do a mix of conquering and diplomacy, basically roleplay as Cortes. I guess it all depends on how subtle the quests are. I could be setting myself up for failure by trying to mix up both approaches in the same playthrough, especially since it's my first.

Without spoiling much, yes you can. The game pushes you into being treacherous and backstabbing after using your allies, but you can choose to be righteous and keep your word to them.

I like that the Aztecs are portrayed as imperialistic slavers - much like they actually were, and that you use old grudges to convince other tribes to ally with you(again as it happened historically).

There is a lot of semifantastical and ahistorical stuff though

Such as the "amazon" warrior wymmin you can recruit and romance - she was somewhat of a secret companion if I remember correctly, though if you are in the habit of clearing the maps you will probably find her


Feb 27, 2024
Hi guys,
sorry if it's necrposting.

Anyway, I'm playing this game and I'm really liking it. Pizarro's difficulty (hard) with sudden death.

But I'm also really struggling to make my group survive, in general.

Either I'm strategically null (and I do not say it is impossible) or there is some advice I'm missing, because I usually lose shamefully against anyone (I've just won in the Arena against Noriega, two times, and maybe once against 4/5 rebels because it was impossibile to lose).

I've played all the Shadowrun series, in the domain of strategic RPGs, I don't think Underrail can be listed among them, but, anyway, I have a little bit of experiencee.

But this... this is turning out impossible for me.

Do you have any advice about battles (most of all, the rest is "quite" manageable)?
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Nov 9, 2023
Early game is quite tough, don't be ashamed to savescum just to make it through the Hispaniola campaign. It gets much easier later on when you get to mexico.

I think sudden death is probably not a great option for a first playthrough.

Scouts were the best units, in my experience, anyway. I gave them the most equipment in weapons. Have a couple of heavily armoured soldiers to tank, too. Scholars are pretty useless on the battlefield.


Feb 27, 2024
Early game is quite tough, don't be ashamed to savescum just to make it through the Hispaniola campaign. It gets much easier later on when you get to mexico.

I think sudden death is probably not a great option for a first playthrough.

Scouts were the best units, in my experience, anyway. I gave them the most equipment in weapons. Have a couple of heavily armoured soldiers to tank, too. Scholars are pretty useless on the battlefield.
Thank you for your answer.

Sudden death, at the moment, hasn't affected none of my soldiers. It's the last of my problems :lol:

I think I will specialize more my team, I had too many jacks-of-all-trades

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