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Expeditions: Conquistador Discussion Thread


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
Nay, it was done because the lack of boobs among your crew would be boring for some players.
But nothing stops you from making a male-only racist/misogynist crew, afair there are even some achievements for that.


Jun 7, 2015
Boobs 'a plenty could have been added by using the natives. That would have been historical. The Portuguese and the Spaniards had lots of fun. Specially being that a good bunch of the early explorers were criminals and outcasts.

But anyway, two questions:

- Are there any mods for this? If the answer is no, why not? Somebody must have worked something out of that event editor that was released.

- Anyway to get Esteban into your party? Cheating/modding or otherwise?


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Are there any mods for this?
You can mod your own companions into it, I managed to add one or two at the start of the game. Didn't need the editor for that.

Mind providing instructions? Can you set up custom portraits also?
Memory's a bit fuzzy about this, though I think you'll find instructions for it online. If I can, I'll just upload my modded text file, so you can just edit the character data file and get by. No idea how to add portraits though.


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity
This game makes my computer take off for some reason, I'm worried it could implode it at times. Doesn't seem that demanding graphically and yet...


Jun 7, 2015
I have to comment on this: On my second playthrough of the game I got Esteban as a companion through modding. Anyway, aside from being the most interesting character I didn't notice any new content for having him as a companion in Mexico, until I found El Dorado and had a cool little surprise:

After fighting the inhabitants and looting a good part of El Dorado you meet the talking giant statue of "Xipe Toltec" the Aztec god of goldsmiths, who demands that you provide sacrifice in the form of the loot you are taking or the life of one of your companions. You then had the option of giving up all your loot, sacrificing someone or giving him the golden spear. If you didn't accept it and challenged him one of your followers would suddenly die in a fit of dyspnea while the Golden god laughed hysterically.

That's if you didn't have Esteban in your party though. On my second run of the event the giant actually jumped up, screamed "BACK TO HELL DEMON!" and toppled the giant statue, with a message explaining that after the statue is fallen to the ground and shattered you hear the sound of hurried footsteps behind it(meaning there were priests behind the whole farce and the death of your follower would be caused by poison gas or something of the sort, not divine power).

I thought it was a cool little touch. Too bad most people would never get this outcome for this event since Esteban was a kickstarter exclusive

Anyway, it has been a while since I finished a game twice back to back and it is a testament to how good of a game I thought this was. Look forward to Vikings.


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
Oh thank you, but couldn't the devs address the problem with an update or something? Like putting a v-sync option inside the game, there have been people who have fried their computers playing Expeditions because of this issue.
No computer should fry under 100% load, don't blame the game if your cooling is broken.


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity
Is this game hard to mod? Or just nobody cared enough to develop some? There are virtually no mods available, shame because some combat mods could've taken the game to that next level.


Sep 20, 2010
I've heard others mention mods, but never seen any, other than an ongoing French translation. It's not very mod friendly outside of changing the text/adding new events. We added some objects that could be enabled in the game world to be used for events, but I don't think anyone ever did anything with those.


Jun 10, 2015
I have to comment on this: On my second playthrough of the game I got Esteban as a companion through modding. Anyway, aside from being the most interesting character I didn't notice any new content for having him as a companion in Mexico, until I found El Dorado and had a cool little surprise:

After fighting the inhabitants and looting a good part of El Dorado you meet the talking giant statue of "Xipe Toltec" the Aztec god of goldsmiths, who demands that you provide sacrifice in the form of the loot you are taking or the life of one of your companions. You then had the option of giving up all your loot, sacrificing someone or giving him the golden spear. If you didn't accept it and challenged him one of your followers would suddenly die in a fit of dyspnea while the Golden god laughed hysterically.

That's if you didn't have Esteban in your party though. On my second run of the event the giant actually jumped up, screamed "BACK TO HELL DEMON!" and toppled the giant statue, with a message explaining that after the statue is fallen to the ground and shattered you hear the sound of hurried footsteps behind it(meaning there were priests behind the whole farce and the death of your follower would be caused by poison gas or something of the sort, not divine power).

I thought it was a cool little touch. Too bad most people would never get this outcome for this event since Esteban was a kickstarter exclusive

Anyway, it has been a while since I finished a game twice back to back and it is a testament to how good of a game I thought this was. Look forward to Vikings.

Shoutout to Barbarian, since I still can't start conversations. I've modded this game as well, but Esteban kept disappearing after every camping night. I just kept adding him via command line every single day. Have you also had this issue? Because even though I've finished this game, I still look forward for the way to unlock Esteban and maybe write a short FAQ about how to do it for everyone.


Nov 22, 2012
How do the sidequests affect your relations with different factions ? Will I be able to do most for each faction before I pick their final one like Gothic, or will helping farmers and rebels too much prevent me from some Tenochtitlan missions?

I just kidnapped some dude's daughter and killed 10 of his elite guard, and he just scolded me a little bit and then it was business as usual.


Jun 7, 2015
It's been years since I played this, but I remember doing most of the faction quests until a breaking point where I had to choose sides. Aztec quests are evil as fuck but most give you an option to solve it without pissing off the totonacs too much.

Basically I sided with the totonacs, beat the aztecs, and then double-crossed the totonacs to win Mexico for the Spanish crown. Some faction related party members will leave you depending on who you side with, btw.

Deuce Traveler

2012 Newfag
May 11, 2012
Okinawa, Japan
Grab the Codex by the pussy Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Rise from your grave...

Yeah, I know this game's been out for years but I finally got around to playing it.

- An historical CRPG instead of one in high fantasy!
- Some good turn-based combat using hexagons for movement. You move your party and take your actions, and then the enemy does the same.
- Several different character classes with different skill sets. I appreciate that they were quite a few to choose from, even if I mostly depended on melee specialists, ranged specialists, and a healer to back them up.
- The game does allow you to play a character who is moral, culturally inclusive, racist, or a backstabbing bastard. You have plenty of opportunities to be at least two of these at any given time.
- I really did like the troop character trait system. I actively sought to create a party composition that would get well enough along. I did piss off several of my followers with my choices, but got lucky and was able to get moral back up with some boar feasts.
- The one time I decided to go light on one of my characters I was penalized for not acting like a commander of an outfit.
- The first campaign is about the right length. It was wrapping up by the time I was getting tired of exploring the island.
- The storyline is pretty good for an indie game. I understood everyone's motivations, and I didn't think anyone made decisions just to move a plot along.
- I do like how you could construct your own traps, nets, and so on and use them on the battlefield.

- The enemies lack variety. You get to fight native tribesmen or rogue Spaniards. Sometimes you get to fight a mixture. The fighting is only spiced up with different terrain and levelled up variants. The limitation here is due to the game's realism.
- The Mexico campaign felt like the first campaign, but with levelled up opponents. I think there should have been campaigns set in different locales. Your Spaniards could have fought Moors in North Africa or Dutch rebels in the Netherlands for instance.
- At first I thought the AI was pretty sharp, but then I noticed a few tricks that allowed me to exploit it. For instance, if I can bottleneck the enemy, it will cause the enemy's reinforcements to turn around and look for another avenue of attack, even if that avenue takes them out of the front lines for awhile. Taking advantage of this allowed me to avoid being overwhelmed when I was overmatched.

Not too many cons. I'd recommend the game, or at least playing through the initial campaign. I got bored by the time I got to Mexico.

Bruma Hobo

Dec 29, 2011
- The Mexico campaign felt like the first campaign, but with levelled up opponents. I think there should have been campaigns set in different locales. Your Spaniards could have fought Moors in North Africa or Dutch rebels in the Netherlands for instance.
I believe Mexico felt boring because it lacked the "clash of civilizations" aspect of La Hispaniola (European presence there was pretty much absent, and our party felt like a non-entity most of the campaign), and because the Mexican culture felt poorly portrayed. Tenochtitlan for example was supposed to be a huge city with millions of inhabitants and a very interesting culture, but in this game it felt like a slightly bigger town with only the basic services, and deserted, because of the game engine. My point is that the setting had lots of potential and that it wasn't necessary to move the game away from the Americas, but unfortunately Logic Artists dropped the towel after completing the excellent first campaign.

Besides, Mexico felt way easier than La Hispaniola, perhaps because I was supposed to start from scratch with new recruits instead of the same party that completed the previous campaign, I dunno.

Still, one of the best games from the Kickstarter era, with great writing and one of my favorite soundtracks.


Oct 26, 2012
New North Korea
Codex 2014 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Rise from your grave...

Yeah, I know this game's been out for years but I finally got around to playing it.

I found the pacing in Viking to be a bit better. The first 'campaign' isn't as good as La Hispaniola IMO but I found Northumbria/Pictavia better than Mexico and first game I've finished since Shadowrun Returns!

overly excitable young man

Camp Management was just too annoying for me.
And that's like half of the game.

Also the combat is very shitty without initiative.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
An historical

Whenever I see people write "an historical" it confuses me because that's extremely hard to pronounce compared to "a historical", and you only use an when the word begins with a vowel.
Do you not pronounce the h in historical??
Well its better than ahistorical.

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