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Game News Expeditions: Rome Dev Diary #3 - Story

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
Why does it feel like there's something personal for Dr Schultz in proving that black people were all over the roman empire?

If I had to bet I would say because you are American; hence you can't coincive the idea that someone who lives in the other side of the Atlantic can talk about black people without endorsing this or that political agenda.
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Oct 28, 2020
Why does it feel like there's something personal for Dr Schultz in proving that black people were all over the roman empire?

If I had to bet I would say because you are American; hence you can't coincive the idea that someone who lives in the other side of the Atlantic can talk about black people without endorsing this of that political agenda.
Well your agenda is portraying Americans as race obsessed ideologues. At least Americans lived with blacks for hundreds of years, but in the case of Europe they only started immigrating after world war 2 and became especially visible in the last 30 years or so. So why would Europeans be less inclined to see a political agenda when they see black people portrayed in ancient Europe?

As for the topic.. When you talked about the Berbers you failed to mention that different Berber tribes have different skin tones. So the Tuareg who lived in Sahara and parts of Mali and Niger are pretty black. But the other tribes who lived in northern Africa are very light skinned.


Apr 1, 2015
Dr Schultz sounds like graduate from Lacrymas School of Ahistorical Studies. I'm just waiting for essay about Yakub and how evil whitey stole all inventions from black people because some italian hack said so. :lol:


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Also like those progs who flipped out when Vavra refused to put black people into Kingdom Come (I imagine most of these people were American btw). That he also truly believes in the kangz meme is also typical.

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
Why does it feel like there's something personal for Dr Schultz in proving that black people were all over the roman empire?

If I had to bet I would say because you are American; hence you can't coincive the idea that someone who lives in the other side of the Atlantic can talk about black people without endorsing this of that political agenda.
Well your agenda is portraying Americans as race obsessed ideologues. At least Americans lived with blacks for hundreds of years, but in the case of Europe they only started immigrating after world war 2 and became especially visible in the last 30 years or so. So why would Europeans be less inclined to see a political agenda when they see black people portrayed in ancient Europe?

Believe me, is WAY more accurate to say that your subconscious agenda is to look precisely that: A bunch of race obsessed ideologists. And you started very early with this trend. Did you know that, a few decades before the Civil Wars, a fierce debate about the supposed negritude of the Egyptians raged in America between slavers and abolizionists? More than 150 years later few things have changed, judging by this topic.

As for the topic.. When you talked about the Berbers you failed to mention that different Berber tribes have different skin tones. So the Tuareg who lived in Sahara and parts of Mali and Niger are pretty black. But the other tribes who lived in northern Africa are very light skinned.

Did I? I distinctly remember that I wrote precisely that in my second or third post and that I've also posted a bunch of pictures taken from Google in order to prove this point.
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Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
Also like those progs who flipped out when Vavra refused to put black people into Kingdom Come (I imagine most of these people were American btw). That he also truly believes in the kangz meme is also typical.

The point, Roguey, is that Vavra was totally right in the case of Kingdom Come. While you, kids, are totally wrong in the case of Expedition Rome.

History, in short, is a little above your silly ideological battles.


Oct 28, 2020
Why does it feel like there's something personal for Dr Schultz in proving that black people were all over the roman empire?

If I had to bet I would say because you are American; hence you can't coincive the idea that someone who lives in the other side of the Atlantic can talk about black people without endorsing this of that political agenda.
Well your agenda is portraying Americans as race obsessed ideologues. At least Americans lived with blacks for hundreds of years, but in the case of Europe they only started immigrating after world war 2 and became especially visible in the last 30 years or so. So why would Europeans be less inclined to see a political agenda when they see black people portrayed in ancient Europe?

Believe me, is WAY more accurate to say that your subconscious agenda is to look precisely that: A bunch of race obsessed ideologists. And you started very early with this trend. Did you know that, a few decades before the Civil Wars, a fierce debate about the supposed negritude of the Egyptians raged in America between slavers and abolizionists? More than 150 years later few things have changed, judging by this topic.
Dude, I'm not American. And that same debate raged in Europe before the USA even existed.

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
Why does it feel like there's something personal for Dr Schultz in proving that black people were all over the roman empire?

If I had to bet I would say because you are American; hence you can't coincive the idea that someone who lives in the other side of the Atlantic can talk about black people without endorsing this of that political agenda.
Well your agenda is portraying Americans as race obsessed ideologues. At least Americans lived with blacks for hundreds of years, but in the case of Europe they only started immigrating after world war 2 and became especially visible in the last 30 years or so. So why would Europeans be less inclined to see a political agenda when they see black people portrayed in ancient Europe?

Believe me, is WAY more accurate to say that your subconscious agenda is to look precisely that: A bunch of race obsessed ideologists. And you started very early with this trend. Did you know that, a few decades before the Civil Wars, a fierce debate about the supposed negritude of the Egyptians raged in America between slavers and abolizionists? More than 150 years later few things have changed, judging by this topic.
Dude, I'm not American. And that same debate raged in Europe before the USA even existed.

Improbable, considering that the very (of course wrong) notion of "race" applied to the human species is less recent than the United States.

Having said that, I didn't intend to deny that Europeans were racist like anybody else in the XIX century. My point was different: Nowadays Europeans on average know THEIR history and don't waste their time with this kind of idiotic debates. Americans, nowadays, on average know very little about the rest of the world history and keep wasting everybody's time with the same idiotic debates of 2 centuries ago. And believe me, from my standpoint, cancel culture paladins and neo ku klux klan members are equally annoying and equally ignorant.
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Glory to Ukraine
May 9, 2018
Also like those progs who flipped out when Vavra refused to put black people into Kingdom Come (I imagine most of these people were American btw). That he also truly believes in the kangz meme is also typical.

The point, Roguey, is that Vavra was totally right in the case of Kingdom Come. While you, kids, are totally wrong in the case of Expedition Rome.

History, in short, is a little above your silly ideological battles.
In their dumb brains, 15 century Bohemia should look like present day America. Imagine whites and asians complaining that Black Panther has too many black characters. :)
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Apr 1, 2015
Logic Artists: We totally care about history and we creating deeply historical rpg with female legates and badass amazons from powerful civilization of Scythia.
Cool story. At least be honest but apparently retards lap it up.


May 31, 2018
More often than not, speaking to Americans, I'm under the impression that you guys believe that the Sahara desert was kind of a boarder between black people and brown people.

It's a thousand miles of desert from north to south and the people of the south were too stupid to invent/use the wheel. The number of people who could make that trip was small enough to be a rounding error.

It's a thousand miles of desert crossed by trade routes centuries before Romans came into Africa.

Believe me, Roguey, I'm really having a blast with this thread.

Basically I'm looking to a bunch of ignorant kids that try to apply their made up racial categories to places, people and histories that they know nothing about.
And the funniest part is their adamant conviction that the rest of the world gives the slightest fuck about their silly battle pro or against black people.

They can't even concieve that the rest of world don't care and would simply love to not read a stinking pile of bullshit about its history any time Afroamericans are involved. Too hard to immagine for their limited minds, I guess :)

PS: in case you haven't noticed, in crossing a desert, wheels and carriages are the last thing you want to use.

Except you're still wrong.

Berbers aren't black. They mix, sure. Some tribes might be what we consider black, especially in the South by the Sahel, but there are many tribes - the majority - that are - what we would call Semitic, they're not Sub-Saharan Africans. This isn't because I hate black people or whatever, but the Sahara WAS an efficient barrier to mass population exchange, and the people who moved north of the drying sahara (even if they came, from say, the east) were different from the people who moved south of the drying sahara, and there were thousands of years between the drying and aridification and even Carthaginian, Roman, Greek, Egyptian civilization.

You just sound like a Afrocentric who wants to revise history, frankly. Do we have to go over the phenotype, genetics, and maybe reconstruct every Carthaginian, Numidian, Egyptian, Roman, and Moorish grave of the period from 700bc to 400 AD? It will present a far different - and olive - picture than the black one in your head, I'm sure.
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Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
More often than not, speaking to Americans, I'm under the impression that you guys believe that the Sahara desert was kind of a boarder between black people and brown people.

It's a thousand miles of desert from north to south and the people of the south were too stupid to invent/use the wheel. The number of people who could make that trip was small enough to be a rounding error.

It's a thousand miles of desert crossed by trade routes centuries before Romans came into Africa.

Believe me, Roguey, I'm really having a blast with this thread.

Basically I'm looking to a bunch of ignorant kids that try to apply their made up racial categories to places, people and histories that they know nothing about.
And the funniest part is their adamant conviction that the rest of the world gives the slightest fuck about their silly battle pro or against black people.

They can't even concieve that the rest of world don't care and would simply love to not read a stinking pile of bullshit about its history any time Afroamericans are involved. Too hard to immagine for their limited minds, I guess :)

PS: in case you haven't noticed, in crossing a desert, wheels and carriages are the last thing you want to use.

Except you're still wrong.

Berbers aren't black. They mix, sure. Some tribes might be what we consider black, especially in the South by the Sahel, but there are many tribes - the majority - that are - what we would call Semitic, they're not Sub-Saharan Africans. This isn't because I hate black people or whatever, but the Sahara WAS an efficient barrier to mass population exchange, and the people who moved north of the drying sahara (even if they came, from say, the east) were different from the people who moved south of the drying sahara, and there were thousands of years between the drying and aridification and even Carthaginian, Roman, Greek, Egyptian civilization.

You just sound like a Afrocentric who wants to revise history, frankly.

Nah, I just sound like an Italian that knows his history and has been in Northern Africa in person, more than once.

I never said that Berbers are sub-saharians. I said that a significant part of the Berbers are black today and used to be black at the time of the Romans. Just google Berbers, Maroccans, Algerians, Tunisinians or Mauritanians if you don't believe me. Or go on YouTube and watch the first video you find about the famous Numidian cavalry. If you think that you can recognize a Berber by his/her skin color you are totally off track.

The same goes for Egypt. It was ruled for almost a century by a Nubian dynasty before Romans came to Africa and today Nubians are still an important minority there. Again, been in the country, seen with my own eyes.

In short, the very ideas that black people lived only south of the Sahara before coming to America is quite moronic and would make everybody laugh in Northern Africa.

So, unless you are nitpicking and you don't consider black, let's say, Barack Obama, you are wrong. Black people were quite common in Northern Africa at the time of the Romans like they are today.

And, at risk of being redundant, I don't give the slightest fuck about America's silly ideological battles. I don't take parts and I'm not remotely interested in the topic. And, honestly, I don't even understand why on earth a contemporary black person should consider an "honor" having a distant precursor subject to Rome. So, watching you guys fighting over this topic like it is something of great importance, simply amuses me.

I've just pointed out the obvious: That among the subjects of Rome there were numerous black people. And, of course, given the average level of the users here, this started the IX crusade, also known as the crusade of rednecks :)
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Mar 30, 2016
America is not race obsessed. Media and leftist nuts make it seem so with stuff being pushed like black owned business. If that were the case thousands of businesses would of been losing business yearly due to being owned by chinamen and other groups.

Black tunisians are 10-15 percent of the population and mostly came to being in 1800s. You pulling some major cards saying they WUZ a majority during roman era.

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
America is not race obsessed. Media and leftist nuts make it seem so with stuff being pushed like black owned business. If that were the case thousands of businesses would of been losing business yearly due to being owned by chinamen and other groups.

Black tunisians are 10-15 percent of the population and mostly came to being in 1800s. You pulling some major cards saying they WUZ a majority during roman era.
Never used the world majority. Black people are minorities in today's Northern Africa like they were minorities during the Roman dominion of Northern Africa. But they were everywhere, from Egypt to Numidia. So the black guy in this freakin game is not an anachronism nor a propaganda pupet. Which was my whole point from the get go and, of course, the point unacceptable for the redneck crusaders.

So, in light of the above, I find quite hard to belive that Americans aren't obsessed with race while Americans media are. Unless you don't consider RPGCodex part of the mainstream media circus.
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Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013
I just sound like an Italian that knows his history

No, you don't.

Shouldn't you be happy and supportive of the claim that your ancestors were part of the Roman Empire?

Since my ancestors come from Portugal and Spain, and a little of Italy, I'm not a big fan of this retard saying subsaharans were part of the Roman Empire.

Again. Never said that the Rome expanded its reach to the Sub-Saharan Africa. I've just said that Northern African people at the time ranged from black to brown, which is something so crystal clear to anyone who knows a little bit of history or has put a foot in Northern Africa that only amongs Americans could have generete a debate.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
:deadhorse: You guys are boring. RPG party compositions are not weighted to the national census. Sigil was not full of floating skulls and walking suits of armor.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936

Never quote me again, retard.

Look, pathetic excuse of a sub human: I know you are lucky enough to live in a time where you can disrespect people and keep your teeth in place, but - belive me - in any other moment of human history I would already make you the first moron capable of walking with his his head stuffed up his ass ;)


Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013

Never quote me again, retard.

Look, pathetic excuse of a sub human: I know you are lucky enough to live in a time where you can disrespect people and keep your teeth in place, but - belive me - in any other moment of human history I would already make you the first moron capable of walking with his his head stuffed up his ass ;)

AHAHAHA. This is gold XDXD. I AM the internet tough guy. Why not XD?

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