Black Angel
Eh, I can't remember if they ever had big guns on them, but I certainly remember the ones I encountered mostly had Desert Eagle. I take a look at them with Awareness, and it says they were equiped with DE, yet no visible weapons on their sprites, and it kind of fuck them up when it's their turn, to the point where when it's their turn, they would just turn to the direction of their supposed target.I think this has been added to bug-tracker already, seems that proper weapon skill of some raiders carrying big guns is lacking. Darn shitty raiders!
Daemon is a busy bee, so check out on Resurrection homepage occasionally for upcoming patch with polished translation/other little things fixed, guys.
On side note, I heard
you could persuade Leonard so you won't have to hack his terminal, but I can't seem to follow the dialogue tree to do so. Anyone can clarify it?