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Fallout Fallout 3 isn’t as bad as you think...


Apr 18, 2016
Fallout 3 was forgettable. To say it's bad is pushing it, but it's one post apocalyptic survival game next to others, not standing out on its own.


Sep 6, 2022


Sep 11, 2022
Instead of seeing Bethesda's bug-filled engine, incompotent 3D models / textures and potato gameplay; I would replay Fallout : Brotherhood of Steel. At least it had some hot chicks in it.

Laz Sundays

Jan 12, 2020
Fuck it, I'm bored enough to recall my experience with F3.

Since it was obvious that they made Oblivion w/ guns, I waited entire year b4 playing it. The goal being to wait for mods that would fix mutants being orcs and power armor being heavy armor. Huge fail, but I had to play almost to the end to see the Fail in it's full glory. Bunch of npcs in power armor dealing 0 dmg to eachother because I tried to make armor great again. Ugh.
Meanwhile, everything I saw was nothing more than weak easter eggs, bland omages to 1 and 2, and Oblivion. Even Enclave encounters are Oblivion gates.
Megaton? A retarded spin on Fallout Tactics mission with ghoul Bishop where ghouls worship a nuke. Made sense there, looked retarded here.
Brotherhood? Hahah. HAHAHAH. Wow.
Enclave? Disgusting. Watered down mash of ideas that F2 did better, resolved by simple speech check. Sad.

A world full of nonsense that no modding can fix. That is what F3 is. A gta meant only to be played in one way - go around and shoot things until you get bored.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I hold no ill will against it for being not much like the original fallouts in gameplay or writing, I enjoy seeing other people's work based on the same premise and hold a deep dislike of IP laws(in regards to ownership of an idea, which is unfortunately shackled to creators profiting from selling their products, but that's another discussion.) e.g., most of the good Star Wars material is in the (now killed off) Extended Universe.
FO3, however, is just a bad game. That does not mean 'it has bad game mechanics', although it does. It has very few features worth mentioning whatsoever. Bad world design, bad locations, bad quests, bad characters. Which is a shame, because Bethesda has shown previously they are capable of doing these well to some degree. I even enjoyed Oblivion's story -- there are very few RPGs where you are the sidekick so it was interesting -- but didn't finish the game because I didn't like the mechanics and repetitive content. Fallout 3, however, was just a faceplant.

I can't understand people who say it's not bad or even good. I found nothing about the game enjoyable.


Sep 11, 2022
I hold no ill will against it for being not much like the original fallouts in gameplay or writing, I enjoy seeing other people's work based on the same premise and hold a deep dislike of IP laws(in regards to ownership of an idea, which is unfortunately shackled to creators profiting from selling their products, but that's another discussion.) e.g., most of the good Star Wars material is in the (now killed off) Extended Universe.
FO3, however, is just a bad game. That does not mean 'it has bad game mechanics', although it does. It has very few features worth mentioning whatsoever. Bad world design, bad locations, bad quests, bad characters. Which is a shame, because Bethesda has shown previously they are capable of doing these well to some degree. I even enjoyed Oblivion's story -- there are very few RPGs where you are the sidekick so it was interesting -- but didn't finish the game because I didn't like the mechanics and repetitive content. Fallout 3, however, was just a faceplant.

I can't understand people who say it's not bad or even good. I found nothing about the game enjoyable.
I agree and I would brofist every sentence you wrote one by one.


Sep 11, 2022

Mega Black

Sep 16, 2022
The game misses the opportunity to give the player a proper ending if he does not want to get involved with the main campaign any further. Not sure if Obsidian had any plans for something like that, but maybe that's what the DLC's are for. Though their implementation is kinda lackluster. Lonesome Road for example could have started right after the Courier declined to help the Big Players to get the Chip, and could have acted as a "White Ending", where the Courier would find out about his past, and cut ties with the Mojave once and for all.
I can't seem to track it down but I could have sworn that one of the devs, Sawyer or Avellone, someone fairly high up, said that they had plans for a 'walk away' ending where you just leave the factions to their own devices and walk down the lonesome road to other adventures, with the game reacting accordingly. I can't remember why they decided to cut it, like all things missing from New Vegas it probably goes back to time, or maybe a sentiment that having an ending that effectively invalidates the main quest isn't a good justification of resources.

I guess if I can say anything good about Fallout 3 it's that I appreciate the tone going back to something a little less retarded than what the devs were pushing towards with 2 and would have gone completely off the rails with in Van Buren. I prefer Fallout when it has more somber atmosphere, a lingering sadness and loss, contrasted with brutality and a faint sprinkling of dark humor on top. As controversial as it might be I think Bethesda was right to lean into the darker aspects of the post-nuclear apocalypse, they just made every other decision to do that as retarded as possible.
The Pit was a nice mix of linear and open.
The Pit was way too short and your choice has virtually no impact as seen in the world, I replayed through the DLCs fairly recently with Tale of Two Wastelands and was surprised how little I came away liking it. I remember enjoying The Pit way more and wishing that its concept was just the main questline, but it was over in like an hour and despite freeing the slaves they went right back to doing labor and barking generic voicelines. Shit was lazy.


Jul 24, 2020
Exactly, it wasn't too long. And it was linear but kind of loose, unlike Dead Money you could kill people but the game would go on.


Jul 24, 2020
And there was an impact on the main game, i didn't use it but you could make ammo from the steel mill? And it looked good too.

Mega Black

Sep 16, 2022
And there was an impact on the main game, i didn't use it but you could make ammo from the steel mill? And it looked good too.
It did look good, I guess I just wish it was just bigger and more fleshed out since it was honestly more compelling than much of the main game.


Glory to Ukraine
Feb 19, 2020
anima Bȳzantiī
One of the hardest things (for me) about going back to games from this era is just how damn drab the whole world looks. With the exception of Red Dead Redemption, I really struggle with these worlds that are almost exclusively cast in shades of brown.

Anyone know anything that would improve it in that regard? Best I could find was this weather mod.


Aug 30, 2020


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Playing Fo3 and NV again with TTW (yep it's that time again) and, though the writing is almost uniformly bad in Fo3, some of the dialogue options the player character gets are actually fucking great.

Idiot Dad sacrifices himself for no fucking reason in the purifier, and after your "thrilling" escape, you wind up in the BoS compound. Star Paladin Cross comes over and starts gushing about what a hero Dad was and how keenly she feels his loss and how she hopes you'll honour him by folllowing in his footsteps. Your reply:
"He died as he lived - a selfish asshole."
Laughed out loud for real. Choosing to say this even has consequences - it pisses Cross off so much that she'll never join you no matter what after that.

I really do appreciate how you can piss and moan every step of the way in this game. Even in New Vegas, you're sort of unnaturally forced into the position of caring about the fate of the Mojave, and all your dialogue options suggest a willingness to become part of the wider political world. Fo3's one of the few games I can think of where you can roleplay as someone who hates everything that's happening, doesn't want to go on the main quest, resents being made to do anything, and is disgusted with everyone they meet along the way.

NPCs do actually respond to it as well, another funny one right afterwards is when the Head Scribe guy is explaining the plan to enter Vault 87 and you can keep complaining that it's hopeless, that you don't want to go, that you shouldn't be expected to do all this and that he should be doing it instead. Turns the conversation into a comedy tour de force where he has to keep stopping his explanations to tell you to get a grip.

After playing through the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series over the course of this past year and constantly bristling at being railroaded into saying stupid shit and forced into certain dialogue responses, it's a refreshing change of pace.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Fallout 3, stand as its own, is as bad, exactly, as you think it is. Graphic is dated, no longer fit to be on the screen of modern day. Gameplay is sorely lacking for anyone ever play FNV. Even the huge mod scene wont save it much, because even if you use HD graphic mod to upgrade, it still not fit.

The key to F3 is to play it with FNV engine. Aka you install the total conversion mod Tale of Two Wasteland. Not only it upgrade F3 graphic to FNV level, it also upgrade gameplay to FNV level, aka modern standard~

Thus nowaday we say playing F3 meaning playing TTW mod in Fallout New Vegas, not actually play F3 vanilla. Playing F3 is only for the really, really curious, and really bored players.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Like with Elder Scrolls I was shocked at how half assed they are and shocked again that they keep getting away with it.


Nov 17, 2020
Fallout New Vegas is pretty cool because of the huge mod support, i've sank many hours playing new vegas mods and not giving too much attention to the original storyline, roleplaying as a crazy drug fiend in NV is really fun


May 5, 2012
All Bethesda games looked terrible at the time in the post 2D era.

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