Acting and voice acting are two different animals really. Besides, I bet most big name actors view voice acting in games as a quick paycheck and just phone in their performance. Didn't help that Dad was terribly written in F3.
The best defense is a good offense amirite?I mean christ, at least ask him some actual fucking questions about his life and career, not some autistic bullshit about how he'd survive in [insert dangerous situation here]. What, do people think that guys like Walter Cronkite began every interview asking shit like "So what would you do in a zombie outbreak?"?
No kidding. Has David Warner ever played a video game? Or Patrick Stewart? Who gives a single solitary fuck? I can't stand people who cannot draw a line between fantasy and reality. Get a life, you goddamn neckbeards.
The best defense is a good offense amirite?I mean christ, at least ask him some actual fucking questions about his life and career, not some autistic bullshit about how he'd survive in [insert dangerous situation here]. What, do people think that guys like Walter Cronkite began every interview asking shit like "So what would you do in a zombie outbreak?"?
No kidding. Has David Warner ever played a video game? Or Patrick Stewart? Who gives a single solitary fuck? I can't stand people who cannot draw a line between fantasy and reality. Get a life, you goddamn neckbeards.
But seriously, I think getting offended by a one off quip by Perlman is idiotic, however it's equally idiotic to act like the guy seriously asked a bad question, an AMA isn't an interview by any stretch, and asking a VA what they thought about the game they were in is not a big deal. He got asked the same questions relating to his films and even a shitty cartoon. All things considered, asking about Fallout is a lot more interesting than asking about the same fucking films he's done a billion interviews and special features for.
What I don't get is why waste money on these so called super stars in the first place vs actual voice actors?
You think Arcanum would have benefited from having a big name actor in it's cast? Fuck no.
It benefited from having very competent voice actors and a good script. Instead of wasting money on big names, they should hire good scriptwriters and competent voice actors.
Idk, maybe they forgot that they were dealing with a man in his 60s. Anyway I don't think people really blew up over it, there were a small few that shared quips back at him, and if you look at the screencap it has over 1000+ thumbs up, and was one of the higher rated answers despite not really saying anything interesting.Sure. But equally bothersome are some basement dwellers getting all hurt-mah-feels! over someone busting their tiny nuts. I thought it was a joke, I don't understand why people got so pissy.
Idk, maybe they forgot that they were dealing with a man in his 60s. Anyway I don't think people really blew up over it, there were a small few that shared quips back at him, and if you look at the screencap it has over 1000+ thumbs up, and was one of the higher rated answers despite not really saying anything interesting.Sure. But equally bothersome are some basement dwellers getting all hurt-mah-feels! over someone busting their tiny nuts. I thought it was a joke, I don't understand why people got so pissy.
If you want to see butthurt redditors than look at the Woody Harrelson AMA.
You think Arcanum would have benefited from having a big name actor in it's cast? Fuck no.
Sure. But equally bothersome are some basement dwellers getting all hurt-mah-feels! over someone busting their tiny nuts. I thought it was a joke, I don't understand why people got so pissy.
Sure. But equally bothersome are some basement dwellers getting all hurt-mah-feels! over someone busting their tiny nuts. I thought it was a joke, I don't understand why people got so pissy.
Well, there's this kid who is gushing over the opportunity to have ten seconds of his time via the internet, and he goes LOL WHAT A DWEEB on him.
Good. The sooner people are disabused of their deification of celebrities, the better. Ron Pearlman puts his pants on and shits in them like everyone else. Making celebrities out of people is profoundly unhealthy behavior. It is probably the most annoying and pathological problem with western popular culture, and maybe even civilization.
AND shits in his pants?likes nic cage, would lose in a fight with Trejo, hasn't played Fallout, believes in manbearpig
Idk, maybe they forgot that they were dealing with a man in his 60s. Anyway I don't think people really blew up over it, there were a small few that shared quips back at him, and if you look at the screencap it has over 1000+ thumbs up, and was one of the higher rated answers despite not really saying anything interesting.Sure. But equally bothersome are some basement dwellers getting all hurt-mah-feels! over someone busting their tiny nuts. I thought it was a joke, I don't understand why people got so pissy.
If you want to see butthurt redditors than look at the Woody Harrelson AMA.
Please share the cause of butthurt with Woody?
our continued investment in the Fallout franchise has payed off with New Vegas.
Weren't you aware? New Vegas is the worst thing ever.
Because <Insert shitty easily contradicted reason here>.
Fallout 3 was the fucking worst abomination of Fallout, to the point it wasn't even a Fallout game at all, other than in name.
Obsidian, took the gigantic pile of fucking shit that was the shitty Fallout 3 engine and tried to best place the game Van Buren was and succeed in a away presenting it to us after all this time. It is however horribly horribly scarred because of the fucking shit fallout 3 engine by Bethesda.
So no. Fallout 3 was not worth it. As much as I liked New Vegas, the horrible scars of the shit Bethesda engine remain, like an open festering wound that shall never heal. It WOULD however be worth it as I have stated before IF New Vegas was properly ported to the Fallout 2 engine or even FIFE.
Until that day comes, I vote NO.